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Everything posted by Nanuq

  1. Say, Ken ... did you mention "TRL"??
  2. Yeah these little terrors are comparable to polar bears in many ways. But the damage a polar bear can do, in a short amount of time, is pretty unreal. A friend sent me photos of a polar bear attack as it happened. I don't recommend looking at this if you've eaten recently, but it shows the raw, visceral power of the apex predators. Think twice before scrolling down...........
  3. "Little pooch"? These are fire breathing bone crunching Alaskan mountain dogs!
  4. We had bears in the yard today, the dogs leaped into action and BARKBARKBARKBARKBARK scared the Bruins away. Good dog!
  5. Almost midnight and it's still light out. This makes the Long Dark worth it.
  6. Brother let me help you with that. Let's start with you sending me the Navitimer. We'll see if that's enough to calm your OCD. Anything for a friend!
  7. I always put a couple bends in the flat spring to make it look castellated, and put it on the retaining ring. Then I snap the insert into the bezel, then I snap the bezel onto the retaining ring, trapping the castellated flat spring in between.
  8. Pffffft speak for yourself!
  9. That's good advice Ken. Tyrant you need something to take your mind off how bad you think your life is. You're living inside your own head and you need to turn your eyes outward. I'm lucky, I live in the mountains. I go every day, regardless the weather, and I make tracks somewhere. Every day. I pay attention while I'm out there because it's beautiful and because animals want to eat me. It's nice to enjoy the mountains, and when I get back I realize I wasn't thinking about myself or my troubles at all. That brings perspective. That helps me remember my troubles are small, in the grand scheme of things.
  10. Daaaaaaaang..... that's gorgeous
  11. Man I dig the shape of this Pam Welded Lugs.
  12. Legend! I'd hang around and chat you up too, but I have the NHL playoffs running and ummmmmm, well, errrrrrrrr So how about it Fluffy? You here?
  13. I've found that people who never have enough, are the ones that treasure more what they do have. That can be as simple as a true friend and an honest mate. I've starved for days on end, and a simple loaf of bread was a treasure. I've yearned for just a little bigger paycheck, and found it made no difference at the end of the month. We are guaranteed today, and that's all. The most precious thing we have is time. Spend it carefully.
  14. You had a dream? Utter luxury! I lived a life of grinding labor interspersed with beatings from strangers who purchased Beat The Bear tickets at the corner shop. Ironically, the cardboard box I call home was the shipping container for the tickets.
  15. If it was Name Day then he'd have to be Bjorn, Gunnar or Robert.... they're all on the Approved list.
  16. Dang, QueTip ... that ROCKS. That's exactly why RWG is here, for detailed information like that. Wow, nicely done.
  17. Alright formal warning time for Bart and Eunomians! You guys need to post a disclaimer before you put up pictures of your watches! One page back, there I was innocently looking at watch pictures, click ... click ... yawn ... click ... and then suddenly, unexpectedly, out of nowhere.... BOOM!!!!!!!!! the Daytona and Patek leaped out and grabbed my retinas. I was struck dumb. Catatonic. I spilled my coffee, ruined another good keyboard, sitting drooling like Pavlov's dog. Motionless, unable to move, think or breathe... or respond when my boss snuck up behind me. Now I live in a cardboard box and my only possession is a candle, so I can lie staring at the photos of those two gorgeous watches. But I'll be okay. I always bounce back.
  18. Best Freind EEnumions! You probably remember this............... https://rwg.cc/topic/57992-crisis-panic-emergency/
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