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Everything posted by peepshow

  1. LOL! Now *THAT* is a trump card being played right there!
  2. OK, V. Add a PAM002D for me and a PAM048H for my wife. Woot!
  3. The best music video on YouTube is obviously Eleven Saints Enjoy:
  4. 001B wouldn't have AR. There have been some issues with Angus' more recent "Ultimate" 111E/001Bs. vaccum has a thread about it on RWI. The case is designed to use a very thin dial (just like the 036 rep that had the same thick crown). However, the more recent versions have a thicker dial and this caused clearance/tolerance issues with the winding gear and the back of the dial. I've got a sausage dial 111 on the way from Silix that should make a really nice 001B. I have an Angus 001B with vaclume and a DSN crystal with no AR.
  5. You know, Fred, as I was looking at the pics, I was asking myself the same thing. I can't decide if it's a trick of more light reflecting on the rep hands making them look wider or if they are actually wider. I'll have to check when my wife gets home, she's wearing the gen to work today. P4 -- the rep is already spoken for, sorry.
  6. It's flat on the rep (and on my gen 002D).
  7. Sorry for the cut and paste from my thread on RWI. I would have just posted a link to that thread, but I didn't know if that was OK, or not. At any rate, I thought the fine folks here might find this interesting as well... Alright, here is a quick comparison of my wife's rep PAM048 sourced from Ruby and her 2nd-hand gen H series that we just got over the weekend. The gen is the one with the dark brown DON calf strap, the rep is sporting a Micah/Vintager "Gobi" strap. So, here you can clearly see the difference in the date font and date magnification between the gen and the rep. The crown/CG of the rep are actually quite accurate, except that her gen is an H series so it has the newer style CG with the curved top (shown in a picture below). The CG lever on the rep is also a little thinner and stick out from the case *just* a bit more than the gen. The font on the rep is a bit too big and the indices are thicker on the rep than on the gen. The cross bars on the "A"s are a tad lower on the rep, but not as bad as some of the hand winding PAM reps. Other than the date issues, you'd be hard pressed to spot these differences if they weren't side by side, though. You can see the difference in the CG shapes here. Keep in mind that the 048 rep is a C series, so the shapes *should* be different. Also notice the small differences in the size and shape of the lugs as well as the difference in the location of the lug screw holes. Not much else to talk about here -- the rep bezel appears to be a bit taller than the gen bezel. Again, these are different series, and knowing Panerai, it's entirely possible that genuine C series watches had taller bezels than gen H series, but I don't know that for certain. Regardless the difference is minimal. Sorry for the blurry pic here. But notice that the gen caseback engraving is a slightly different size and closer to the edge of the flat part of the case back. As expected, the engraving on the back of the gen is deeper/better/cleaner than the rep case back. So, in summary, the 048 rep is a VERY close representation of the gen. The AR is lacking on the rep and the date wheel and date mag needs to be modified, as well as a relume. If you do those things, you would have a rep that is VERY, VERY difficult to distinguish from the genuine. The A7750 isn't even much louder than the gen! Although the gen winds much smoother, as expected. :wink:
  8. WOW!!!! That is quite a collection, UJ! Hey, I see an older DSN 201A rep in there in addition to your gen 201A, cool! Is that 203 a gen?!?!?! Shadow case 040, a 172, a T dial 009.... That's heaven! Amazing collection of timepieces, Jay. Simply amazing... [Joker from the 1st Batman movie] Where DOES he get those wonderful toys? [/Joker from the 1st Batman movie]
  9. Lordy, Jay! Your box of goodies knows no bounds, does it? Cracking dial, my friend. Absolutely fantastic!
  10. I have talked to DSN about this on a couple of different occasions, he assures me that he has no intention of discontinuing his Ti cased offerings...
  11. For the purposes of comparison, here is a pic of Davidsen's 210A watch. I think this helps to illustrate the difference between DSN's PVD and rolli's PVD...
  12. Thanks, everyone! I owe it all to babola, he's the one who brought the FS ad to my attention. Thanks, babola!
  13. Dear God, Jay! The 195, the EoD, is there a grail watch that you DON'T have???
  14. This bad-boy just showed up yesterday. It hasn't left my wrist since! I'm in love... Happy Easter to everyone!
  15. Looks great, rolli! This and the SLOB are frickin' crown jewels, my friend! UJ, that's aftermarket PVD done by rolli's source. Looks good, doesn't it? rolli, I'm definitely going to be contacting you about having a case PVD'd.
  16. Well, I don't know how he came across the Marlins watch, but I know how he came across the 195 -- by invitation from OP. GREAT pics, UJ! Thanks for sharing them! I've heard talk about the Marlins watches, but I've never actually seen a picture of one of them before. Way cool!
  17. Agreed 1000%, Jay. That Bond Sub is B-E-A-U-T-I-F-U-L.
  18. You're selling yourself far too short, Jay. You've already contributed here and at RWI in your short time 'roung these parts. Yes, you should franken that dial if you keep it! That is, unless you've got a spare movement and Luminor case sitting in a box somewhere, too.
  19. Wanna get rid of that dial? After all, it *was* just sitting around in a box....
  20. Holy crap, J! That is simply TOO cool for school! Very nice! How on earth did you ever "forget" you had that bad-boy around? You ever gonna wear it? I'm trying to match that up with a watch..... It would look great on a 003/113 or a 010/114.
  21. Scorpio here, but on the last day.
  22. Funny, all my orders from Angus in the past have been paid with PP... Strange indeed. But then, I'm not in the UK, either.
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