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Everything posted by panerai153

  1. You can't compare the two. They are as different as chalk and cheese as the Brits say. One, has from all the research done over many years almost zero physical addiction, the other in some forms is physically addictiing from the very first "hit". why do you think the dealers give kids the first couple of crack "rocks" for free? they know if they smoke it one time, they WILL be back!!
  2. There you go Zeleni. GMTlover has the answer. i know you have the tools to replace it, and it will be a lot less than 450 dollars.
  3. I'm in the health care profession, and frankly, I believe that it would be better to legalize it tax it and use the revenue to provide better health care to those who need it. Folks from nmy perspective, the obesity problem in the USA is causing far,far worse problems than weed smoking will ever cause. We are beginning to see the effects of morbid obesity which has been growing at epidemic rates for the past 25-30 years. For the first time in decades, the life expectancy numbers are taking a downturn. It's pretty simple if you weigh 450 pounds and you are 5'3", you aren't going to live as long as you would if you were 125-150 pounds. The numbers of young to middle age people with diabetes, hypertension and all types of bone/joint problems is growing at exponential rates. Our big problem in this country, we tend to spend and inordinate amount of time and effort discussing, studying and legislating "hot button" topics like "legalizing" Marijauna, , rather than geting past them and spending more time and effort taking care of real problems like obesity, teen pregnancy, etc. AFA the "Drug problem"? A heck of a lot more problems are caused every day from the indescriminate dispensing of powerful narcotics and sedatives, than all the Pot smoked in the USA. Until the USA develops a countrywide computer system that will give pharmacists , State boards of Pharmacy and the DEA instant access to every prescription for schedule drugs, we will continue to have a terrible problem of people driving all over creation to find Physicians who will write them a pain script. Our local and State police recently broke up a family group that was traveling all over Arkansas,Mississippi, Alabama. Tennessee and Louisiana, visiting doctors who wrote them scripts. They had about 6-8 family members,and they had so many stops, they hit each Dr about once a month to get their script refilled. They were making thousands a week selling , Oxycontin, Percocets, etc on the street. So folks from my perspective, we have a lot of really pressing health issuesa in this country, and "Mary Jane" ain't one of them!
  4. That's pretty crazy. over here the screen repalcement is probably not over 150.00 USD. Next time you get one, get a good case. I use the Otterbox.It's not water resistant but it will protect it from falls like that. There is a water resistant case out there, but it's not very handy for charging, using earbuds, etc.
  5. I really like it. I sort of looked at one a while back, but i have a genuine MKII Stingray that's so similar that It would be pretty redundant. It's a great watch, and i believe the one he builds is probably the closest to the genuine out there. Just as and aside. Bill Yao the owner of MKII bought the entire kit and kaboodle from Tornak-Rayville a few years back. He got the name, patent rights, etc.. He actually built 15 very limited edition T-R's a couple of years ago and plans to build more, but who knows when? Here's my MKII
  6. What this proves to me, just like the photos and TV shows of the auctions at the Pebble Beach Concours de Elegance, is there is, despite the recession, economic turndown, downsizing, Euro Crisis,etc. there are still a whole lot of very, very wealthy people in this world. The problem is in most cases, and there are exceptions, most of these folks are so encapsulated in the rarified air of their social strata that they don't realize, and frankly don't care if there are people freezing to death or starving. As long as the great unwashed masses stay out of South Beach, Monaco, St. Moritz and other haunts of the "beautiful people" they don't exist in their minds. These are the folks that own the Bentleys, Rolls Royces, Lambourginis and Ferraris that were parked in that parking lot. More than likely, most of these folks came to the show for the antiques, or to see and be seen, perhaps picking up a watch for their husband/ boyfriend Wife /girlfriend, or something new and different to add to their collection. When you look at the photos of the guys and gals who collect these vintage Rolexes, they don't strike me as being, for the most part, members of the very wealthy society scene. I would suspect that a lot of these guys, especially the older ones, got interested in watches years ago, when they were considerably cheaper. They bought and sold, making a profit in most cases, but always buying with the idea of upgrading and upsizing their collection. One thing that is important to be sucessful at this game, you have to "like them, but not love them". If you can turn a tidy profit on a sale, these guys will sell. But they then take the profits and plow them back into buying something similar but better, or more of what they know is popular. The really good dealers are also very good at spotting trends, both up and down. If they see that something is waning in popularity, they very well may sell out of that particular model, and turn around and load up on what they think is gonig to be the next think that collectors "gotta have" . While most of these folks have a lot of money in watches, they may not necressarily have a lot of money, per se. Their funds are tied up in inventory or collections. They are probably driving the Chevys, Fords and Hondas that are parked off in the background.
  7. there you go, you're on your way. Get the 2840, find a case, dial and hands and let MD2020 install it for you. Read, Grasshopper, search Tudor Sub, lots of threads on Tudor builds. if you want a non date, search 5513, good start for a non date Tudor. There is lots and lots of info out there, you just need to spend a little time digging it out. What all this is in a nutshell, you aren't going to find a nice "ready made" off the rackTudor sub, you're going to have to make one.
  8. Just another crotchety, arrogant old a**shole, who prejudged the owner. I would bet that the good Dr. came into the Rolex Shop in jeans and a T-shirt, or possibly a Polo. The watch repairer (Can't call someone like that a Watchmaker) took one look at the owner, probably said to himself, this guy can't afford a new Daytona, must be fake. The big problem with this is when you judge folks on what they wear or what they drive, you are very likely to make a big mistake. I know guys around here that never get out of their jeans and cowboy boots, except for weddings, funerals and church on Sunday.They drive dusty pickups that are usually filled to the brim with parts, tools, etc. If they walk in a nice store, outside our little town, the personnel probably wouldn't give them the time of day, but when those ole boys walk into the bank or their brokers office, they get treated like royalty, because the guys that handle their money know that despite apperances, they could probably buy the bank if they wanted to!
  9. Or if you can't see the photos here, go over to the Vintage Rolex Forum about a third of the way down the first page. I ujst looked at those a little while ago, that is an awsome gathering. That prototype blue Daytona is amazing, but what about all the gold Daytonas, where did all those come from? What is amazing to me is the values of some of hose collections. i know most of them are dealers, but still some of those cases had in excess of a milion dollars worth of Rolex watches in just one case!! And there were rows and rows of full cases.Miami Beach was loaded with heavy hitters last week, just look at the cars parked outside. Jags and Porsches are parked around back, they don't even make the cut!!
  10. Well, first you start with a ....... The really nice tudors around here are all frankens. Start with a good vintage 1680 case, find a nice dial and hands throw in a slow beat like a ETA 2783 and you are well on your way to a nice Tudor.
  11. All I can tell you is 1) Ebay is a minefield, it's the wild west with scammers and con artists everywhere. Couple that with folks who are buying stuff at garage sales and junk outlets then cleaning the junk up a little and listing it on Ebay with inaccurate and pumped up descriptions. Case in point, read the guys description of the Milgauss. He talks like the band has one little problem. unfortunately, it looks like there are other bad links, and the photos are so poor, you really can't tell much about anything. this is a common scammer trick, slightly out of focus photos, bad angles that don't let you see the flaws. If you aren't sure about what you're looking at, don't bid!!!! 2) There are lots of very, very knowledgable watch experts on this forum. If you find something that you really think is what you want, by all means provide a link or photos, some of the folks here will let you know pretty darn quick if it's being sold as something it's not. 3) Read, research and make yourself if not and expert, at least knowledgable about the watches you're interested in. you might miss some of the little subtle points, but you will be much less likely to get taken in by some con artist.
  12. Obviously the pleas of the reporters have fallen on deaf ears, It's at 4150.00 USD with over 2 days to go. this guy is a scammer. There isn't much on that one that's real Milgauss. Some poor sap is going to be in for a real surprise when he shows this one off to his watch buddies, better yet takes it into an AD to see about getting the bracelet repaired!! Gonna be a heap ah weeping, wailing and gnashing of the teeth, right before that Paypal dispute gets filed!!!
  13. great story and a beautiful watch. i'm just about as anal as you are about water resistance. It makes no sense to me to have a watch that says it's rated for 200 meters and you're afraid to wash your hands with it on. I don't expect my reps to undergo the types of pressures that their genuine counterparts are rated for, but 5-6 atmos isn't a ridiculous fantasy, I expect them to achieve that.
  14. Watch companies changed the terminology from waterproof to water resistant years ago. It was a liability thing, I suppose after a few companies got sued because their "Waterproof" watches really weren't!! AFA the "waterproofing" services, maybe so, maybe not. the only way to tell for sure if your watch is water resistant is to have someone do a pressure test on it. I never spent any extra money on their extra services. Checking to make sure the gaskets/O-rings are actually present and greased and the caseback is screwed on tight will go a long way to making one water resistant, at least for swimming. One big problem with some of the reps is the non gen like construction of the case which doesn't allow a good crystal seal.
  15. I didn't do it myself, Matt did the work, he was the one who told me about it. I asked him how he opened the dial seat up. I thought he might have put it on a lathe or used a milling machine, but he said he uses a Dremel. Heck, If I tried that, i would probably cut the darn case in half, or have grooves all over the outside from letting the tool get away from me,LOL When it comes to watch work, I always remember my grandfathers admonition to me,"Remember son, a fool with a tool is still a fool " I can handle bigger stuff OK, but not the precision work.
  16. There are going to be a lot of folks going into panic mode when the news finally sinks in!! It's definitely true, unfortunately. I got and email from him around the first of January with the announcement that he was closing up shop at the end of 2012, no new orders after June, and the focus will be on servicing movements and lume, "projects" evaluated on and individual basis. MD, you need to get going on the lume, I know you got the watchmaking part down pat. There are going to be a lot of folks looking for a place to send watches in the next few months.
  17. No, unfortunately, the UN GMT's were never repped. maybe a good thing, because I believe it would be nigh on impossible to replicate thart movemenrt with any degree of accuracy or function/
  18. Hate to be a bearer of bad tidings, but you probably went to his profile page and found no contact info, plus he's been offline since mid September. Ziggy is planning to retire from watchmaking at the end of the year. He is from what I understand not going to take any new orders after June. I can assure you that he will be flooded by old members who have used his services for many years, so my guess, and it's only a guess, he won't take on any business from new members. My advice to you would be to check around this and the other forums and try to establish a relationship with someone else. there are several very good modders working herein the USA. The biggest problem is all the ones that I have been in contact with cannot offer the range of services that Ziggy did. He was the best, bar none at re lumes. he could do case wortk, and he is a master watchmaker, so no worries about him cobbling up a movement overhaul. Good luck, and keep everyone here posted about you experiences with other modders. Believe me, there are going to be a bunch of us in your position come the end of this year.
  19. Love your UN!! This has to be a gen correct? i had this ones little brother the San Marco +- GMT. Sold it several years ago, and outside of all the vintage gen Subs,SD's Daytonas and Day/Dates I sold and traded years and years ago (When they weren't vintage, and no one had a clue a PN Daytona would go from 500 USD to 100K!!) I probably regret getting rid of that one the most. Here is my TGIF watch
  20. Now i know why he's retiring, he's going to be the full time Dos Equis man!! Seriously, I'm going to miss him. I get nice email from Jennifer a few times a year, We sort of compare the extremes of weather in the Canadian maritimes and the tropical south. Ziggy has probably done more to keep me interested in reps than anyone else. He has done some wonderful work, and his lume jobs are better than the factory lumes!! Another thing that I like about Ziggy is he will tell you if something isn't going to work. I sent him a GMTIIC several years ago, along with a new 2893-2 movement. I really wanted that movement in that watch. Well long story short, he emailed me that it just wasn't going to work. too many compromises, too much chance of problems down the road. Now some folks would have cobbled it together and sent it home. Probably working fine, and might work for a long time, but it might start having problems when you wind it the first time. Just not his style. The only thing I'm not going to miss is Canadian Customs!! It takes packages longer to get to Nova Scotia than it takes to get to Eastern Europe. Never lost anything, and never really had any problems, but you darn sure better fill out the customs declaration correctly or Ziggy would end up either having to pay duty or refuse the package. I wish him well in his future travels along life's highways. He is a genuinely good guy, and he is going to be really,really hard to replace.
  21. you don't need to shave the rehaut, you just need to deepen (Expand) the groove a tiny amount. I guarantee if you take your dial off and look at the case, the groove under the rehaut that the dial sits in is not the same all the way around. Probably when they were milling the groove the jig was not set up dead on, so the groove got milled out a little more on one side. Probably did a bunch like that before they realized the mistake, only solution was to scrap the cases, or ream out the dial hole a tad so the movement would fit. Guess what they did???
  22. May be speaking out of school, but I believe he is still going to work on genuine watches, so if yours is all genuine may work. Another thing, there are a few really good folks around now that have a lot of experience and are doing some very nice work. the only thing I'm looking for is some of these guys developing really good luming skills.
  23. I have used the Ebay proxy system, and as was said it works great, but what it does is puts you in a bidding war with others all during the auction. Lets say I proxy bid 500 USD for that Rolex bracelet.Bidding starts at 100 Dollars.So I'm high at 100 dollars, Bidder X bids 125, which automatically makes my proxy bid 130 (Lets say the bid increments are 5 dollars. Now it's off to the races, X bids 140, I top him at 145. this can go on in 5-10 dollar increments until he gets discouraged, or he finally tops my max proxy bid. If there are lots of bidders, the proxy system probably works as well or better than the snipe tool, but if there are only a couple of bidders and it's some obscure item, or its closing at 3 AM CST, I may set my snipe bid at 500, the other bidder who is high at say 225 is sitting on his bid right up to the end, thinking he has the winiing bid, but 3 seconds before the auction ends, my snipe program sends in my bid for 230 dollars and by the time he gets and outbid notice, the auction is over, so instead of paying 500 for the item, I got it for 230. dollars. What I want to do in my bidding is to lull the other guy into thinking he has it won, and decrease the number of bumps or bids during the auction. Now the problem with the snipe tool is the Ebay proxy will win no matter how close to the end your snipe bid is placed, so if the other bidder sitting at 225 is using the Ebay proxy bidding system, and his max is 501. he will win but he had to pay 501 to get it. The main thing, no matter whether or not you use the snipe programs or Ebays Proxy bidding, you need to decide the most you are willing to pay for something, and then make that your maximum bid. If you win, great, but if you lose, hey, someone wanted it a little more than you did.
  24. Hi krusty, Read this http://www.rwgforum.net/topic/155124-upgrade-your-membership-only-1-payment-option-available/ RWG has been shut off by PayPal, and the admin's have been working on this for a while. nobody can upgrade. It's not your browser, the problem goes much deeper
  25. Same with me. I gave my wife a SS/Gold Datejust with a Diamond bezel and MOP dial. She wore it off and on for a while, but never really a lot, like your wife she much prefered a Maurice LaCroix Quartz. Never have to worry about winding, only set the date when you have a 28 or 30 day month. Most women aren't watch fanatics like us, they want a grab and go watch.
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