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Everything posted by panerai153

  1. Sorry, Thought you were talking about the strap for your 5508. The one from Mrs king looks pretty nice.
  2. I think someone answered this a while back, but i can't find the thread. Changing out a 2836-2 for a slow beat movement. Which will fit with the least amount of problems, 2846-2, or a 2873? Just got in a little 6538, and I want to transplant a slow beat movement for the fast beat. Thanks
  3. When I contacted Yuki several months ago, they told me the watch was not available. Don't know about now, would still love to have one, bi=ut haven't checked back with them in a while. Send them and email and see what the status is.
  4. The same folks who are selling the 8mm Brevet on Ebay have a "Make and offer" on the sales ad, or at least they did a few weeks ago. Several folks here, including myself have made offers for 95.00 USD and were accepted. Tha brings it in at under your 100.00 USD price. I like the watch, nice looking, and certainly a platform for a nice "Bond" homage. It looks like the hands are really fat, sort of the same as the newer ceramic subs, SD, etc. If it were me, I would get a set of conventional size Clark hands and re lume hands and dial to match.
  5. Probably will, but I wouldn't trust anything that guy (wholesaleoutlets) tells you!! They don't call him "Mr slimeball" around here for nothing.
  6. Pretty good as 1675 reps go, but the two glaring "tells" are the dial. "Date" didn't appear until the 16750's. also the correct crown should be a tiny 5.3mm crown. problem is when you put the correct crown in, the space betwween the crown and crown guards is way too big, and really sticks out. As alligoat said, age it some. maybe get a nice genuine faded bezel insert. (Hardly ever see a 1675 with ah "new looking bezel insert) , tone down the yellow hands and dial plots to a nice creamy color, and you are all set.
  7. How about this one? I bought it for my MKII Kingston (Which hopefully will be delivered in my lifetime!!) Now it's on my wrist holding my newly acquired 6538. no photos yet. the watch in the photos by the way is a Doxa pre-sub 300. possibly the only one around, and if not one of only a handful in the world. It has been documented authentic by Doxa, is featured in a Doxa ad from the early 1960's, and is in Dr Peter Millar's book "A history of the Doxa Dive Watch"
  8. Just keep your eye out on the rep sales boards. As Tom said, they do come up from time to time. i would expect that there are quite a few out there, and with most of us being inveterate "flippers" they will appear. Looks like the price is gonig up on those, as well as all the WM9 subs. A v3 with a few nice mods sold yesterday for around 1k. I don't think you are going to steal one, but if you want one, and are patient, you will eventually find what you are looking for.
  9. Personally I wouldn't touch this guy with a bargepole. This website looks like it did when George ran for the hills with all our money. There is and old adage that I live by (lessons learned many times the hard way!!) "Screw me once ,shame on you, screw me twice ,shame on me". George got 375.00 USD of my hard earned money, that's all they are getting! If I get and email from George with a ship date for my SD, and then get the watch in hand, maybe i'll change my mind. Most likely i would have a better chance of winning the Lottery than that happening. Just my 2 cents
  10. Overall the watch looks OK. Only real standout irs the short CG's. I'm afraid that even with a genuine crown, they are going to look really short. possibly when you take some metal off the sides and thin them down, they will appear to be longer. You know" slim women look taller, fat women look shorter" Got to lose that big ugly crown though. Where in the world did those guys come up with that monster? From the website propoganda they are supposed to be a undissected 1:1 replication of a genuine 1680. the replicator must have missed the crown!
  11. Is the movement a 2836-2 ? V2's used the ladies movement and V3's use a 2824-2. Pretty hard to tell anything from the photos. Can you get a clearer photo of the dial, straight on?
  12. Works great if you're timing your dive in hours instead of minutes. WOW! Look at those surrounds, almost looks like a nipple dial. And the dial print on the bottom is so low it almost runs into the dial markers. What this one and others of the same genre really show is how far the reps have come in the past 10-15 years. I would imagine back then, most of the genuine WIS and the watch manufacturers were just laughing their butts off. Reps were so bad, they could be spotted from across a room. Now, they are singing a different tune. Just the other day, a very respected member of the VRF had a thread about a GMT dial, that he felt was fake, but it had fooled 4 other guys who were also pretty darn knowledgable about Rolex vintage. basically, what he said were the replicas were getting better and better, and if you weren't knowledgable about what you were buying, it was getting easier to get taken. Fortunately, for us, the accuracy increase is a good thing, as we are not trying to sell a replica as a genuine. The closer to genuine, the better, as it makes them that much easier to mod.
  13. looks like this thread slipped through the cracks, So here goes!! If you aren't sitting possibly you should before reading further. The DRSD caseback sold for a whopping............ 3200.00 USD :Jumpy: So, all of us were wrong,most of us by a bunch. This only reinforces the insanity of vintage Rolex collectors And it wasn't just one or two bidders, this baby got a bunch of bids. I'm sure whomever purchased the caseback has a nice 1665 DRSD that needed a pristine caseback to increase it's value exponentially. Oh well, so much for us modders picking up a genuine caseback on the cheap!!
  14. I've never seen helicoils that small, but I suppose they make them. if you can find one, it would be a lot better than the epoxy.
  15. Sly, Hate to be the bearer of bad news, but I bought a 1570 non date (from a 1016) by mistake. i sent it up to Ziggy to transplant into my 1665. He told me that it was a no date, and it was practically impossible to convert a no date to a date model. I sold mine to a fellow member who was building a 1016, and bought a proper date model 1570 for my 1665. From what Ziggy said, it takes far more than just a datewheel to convert as the non date 1570's were built with none of the date mechanismm and weren't built to be converted. Possibly other members have been able to do it, and I'm sure it can be done, but I would bet that you will spend far more trying to convert this one that you would spend on a date model. I would try to sell this one and find a 1570 date with a datewheel.
  16. I think that before you spend a lot of money on a dial, i would make certain beyond a shadow of a doubt that the dial will fit the case. I was told by someone who has actually tried it that the NDT dial is too small to fit the Cartel or MBK cases. IF as it has been said the yuki complete watch is the same as the cartel/MBK watch, your only alternative would be to buy the case set from yuki,J&W or NDT and go from there. Of course what you are looking at is a price difference of several thousand dollars to build a complete watch.If in fact the cartel/MBK/Yuki cases are larger, genuine dials, crystals, bezels/inserts. etc will not work, so the amount of modding you could accomplish with those watches would be limited. Pretty much depends on how much you want to spend.
  17. Diz, I would shoot mjmj a PM about his experiences with the 6538. He has had a couple and he can probably tell you more about whether or not dials and crystals will fit.I do know he has one from MBK that he was goinbg to sell to me, but there were issues with the dial. he got a replacement dial, but it was too small! Just from my conversations with him, I don't think any of the ones around i.e. yuki, cartel, MBK are going to be what you are looking for , but better to get the correct info from mjmj.
  18. Thanks a lot folks for the info. This gives me several options. To answer alligoats question, I was planning to transplant either a 2846-2 or a 2873, whichever would be the easier fit. i have both of those in NOS donor watches. Does anyone know if these are all coming from the same source? Obviouslty the Yuki version isn't in the same catigory as his other watches, cases. etc. I believe narikaa's are MBK, how about Perfect Clones? Also would be interested as to how many genuine parts would fit, although this is a moot point, because 6538 parts are up in the stratosphere!! Probably about the cheapest part would be the 1030 movement.
  19. What's up Guys? Doesn't anyone have a 6538 they want to get rid of, or know where I can find a new one? Thanks
  20. Great watch, great shot, great guy!!
  21. Well , after anticipating the delivery of the MBK 6538 from a fellow forum member, and even goingto the point of buying a Yuki 8mm crown/tube, the deal fell through. The watch has some problems that can't be solved quickly. the seller was very honest and upfront , refunded my money, before he told me what the problem was.. He is trying to get the watch fixed, but said that it could be a fairly long process, as it requires a replacement dial. He got one from the seller, but the dial wich looks identical to the origional is smaller! So long story short, I'm looking for a 6538. I would appreciate any info as to where i might source one, either new or used. I was planning a movement swap as well as crown /tube, so the condition of the movement isn't really important. Any help greatly appreciated.
  22. That pretty well sums it up!! :thumbsupsmileyanim: . Only a complete idiot, of which obviously there are plenty, or Ebay and Craigslist scams like this wouldn't exist, would fall for a deal like this. Grampa must have bougt this one "hot" , because in 1980, these were selling for over 4k, not 1200 USD, or maybe that was pesos!!
  23. If you are using that datewheel (which looks OK,but not totally accurate), it doesn't line up perfectly in some of the 1680 builds. In my MBW based 1680, i have a silver datewheel, not sure if it's from andy, but it is a little smaller than the MBW datewheel. looks OK when the date is single digits, but when two digits, the numbers aren't centered, and straight on, the inner number is really close to the edge of the date window. It's something i can live with, but it is there, and i know it's there, and it makes the watch a little less"perfect" to me. The only solution to this problem, and one that a couple of members have done, is to open up the date window on the dial just a little, on the inside, making the rectangle longer. Can't take off too much, because that would make it really look odd, but a little really helps.
  24. I can't say about the newer MBW cases, but the older MBW cases both the "original Polex Design" 5513 case which was the standard case for the old 1680's as well as the old MBW 1665 cases would accept a genuine movement. It might require some milling, but obviously it isn't an insurmountable problem. Quite a few are around among forum members. I have one in the build process right now using an old MBW 1665 case and a genuine 1570 movement.Maestro Ziggy is building mine. It would be a whole lot cheaper to find and old MBW case over any of the above mentioned aftermarket cases. I know that Phong cases are really nice, and you can get serial numbers that you want engraved, but as you said 1k for a 1680 case, WOW. At todays prices for movement, dial, hands crown/tube bezel and insert w/ a nice tritium pearl,93150 bracelet and 580 end links, you would be way better off finding a nice 1680 white on the VRF market. I'm seeing them in the 4-5k range over there almost on a daily basis. Occasionally you can find a beater for less than that. If you get tired of it or want to upgrade, it's pretty easy to get your money back. Try that with a franken. Ask a few of the folks here that have tried selling "almost genuine" watches on the sales forum. probably would have to part it out to get anywhere close to what you had invested in the watch.Sales avenues are very limited, and the market here for a 3.5k watch is infinitesimally small. In looking over sales postings, and my recent experience selling a WM9/BK v3 16610 submariner, once the price gets up around 1k and over, the number of potential buyers shrinks tremendously. Not trying to discourage your idea, just some food for thought.
  25. Ah, buddy nanug, Maybe this rare box sleeve come with rat chew, no extra charge.Rolex say Cow hoof glue correct, horse hoof glue make all the PETA people go crazy. they no like you cut off poor horse feet to make glue This set only come from the Daytona with odd experimental seagull movement, like one sold by Antiquorium last week for 675,000 USD, maybe only one in existance. maybe buyer needs box sleeve to complete set.Many members on venerable Vintage Rolex Forum say watch don't exist, but box sleeve proves the watch is real!! Maybe only produce for Hong kong market. All you say box sleeve not real, want to make buddy p153 look stupid, but i buy one we see who has last laugh when box sleeve sell next year for 289 USD!! HAHA I have last laugh then Ah,buddy freddy, buddy p153,think you spend too much time on that Ebay site, maybe you one of those evil "watch out " boys on Rolex forum? Make life very hard for honest merchant trying to feed wife, two babies selling Genuine Authentic counterfeit Rolex watches and box stuff. Maybe you not know Rolex open factory in China, now Rolex CA. Now one province in China has new name, renamed Switzerland, make all Swiss watch, authentic Swiss made.No joke, Swiss made in Switzerland CA.
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