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Posts posted by Ephry73

  1. I am no expert either but based in the incorrect 10 spacing on the insert, I would say rep.

    Umm, think I will steer clear unless it goes cheap as chips.

    Also, is that a movement holder for an ETA? I cant imagine the gen has one?

    Maybe gen ETA movement? Lol. That is definitely not a gen setup

  2. I just got my yuki 5513 case. Took about a month to get here. Case is actually exceptionally good. Would need to be scrutinised to find the flaws. Also got a custom serial to match the dial year. For the price I am extremely happy. Gen movement dropped in with not an issue and the crown hight is spot on. Also put an NOS gen bezel assembly on with no issues.

    Glad to hear it. Pictures?

  3. The 'Tiger' case is the same one that Rafflestime carries. I bought my first from 'onlinestore' using Ebay's 'best offer', offered $50 for the case, bezel and caseback, and told him to keep the straps and the rest. He countered at $55 and I bought it. Comparing it to a phong's case at what, less than 10% of the cost, is interesting.

    It is NOT gen construction, the crystal is glued in. The case needs a bit of 'massaging' but looks nice enough when done. The 'Tiger' case takes a larger 29.2mm dial. The bezel needs to be beveled top and bottom, but looks ver nice when done.

    I tried to make it into a 6542, but the bezel is not deep enough for the plastic insert and not enough clearance to make it so. post-16926-0-84152200-1363110633_thumb.jpost-16926-0-57066500-1363110651_thumb.j

    So I made a 6538 'Bond' out of it. post-16926-0-16850900-1363110736_thumb.j

    That's what I thought. I was hoping there was a revision 2 available with gen like bezel construction. :(

  4. Cool. That's one of the most tricky parts. To be able to bevel the outer hole just so. The ST case definitely does not come beveled, but if you polish it enough, it gets that natural edge to it. 


    Been busy but as promised, I will have a nice comparison of cases and dials. 




    @TX, I'm an a$$hole. I didn't say anything about the grandkid, although I read posts about it. I just logged on the computer and saw the pictures. Cograts on little baby Jade man!

  5. I just used a bigger drill bit by hand. Works like a charm and there's little risk of overdoing it!

    I have to warn, if the modder doesn't have steady hands and the right bit, it can get nasty. I have received cases with bits in them and gauges around the holes.

  6. The 93150 I'm using is I believe an older version of the cartel one. Has the flat 3 and a nice rounded link construction. With gen end links and a nice gen clasp, there is no need for a complete gen bracelet, unless your OCD just can't handle it anymore. 

    For the SEL, TCs bracelets are very, very good, although the V3 is better overall IMHO


    I think it was Freddy who wrote it here, "Pick a year, and go with it for inspiration" I could be wrong though :)

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