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Everything posted by phaedo

  1. Depends how long we look at that avatar of yours....
  2. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zUzxdulMGN4 Already posted this before, but not sure many watched it. The youtube function is not working for me right now, may have to go and read about how to embed...
  3. What you are saying in effect is it is really you, Pugwash, single-handedly, causing the price rises. Now we know who to blame...
  4. At least we can still be 'paying' the same relatively speaking with the weak US dollar... Not that this helps, and it is why my last purchase was in the $100 range; I would love to get the new Bentley 6.75 but at that sort of money, not at the moment. I've got bills to pay...
  5. On the plus side it is so small I can't even see the scratch. And that wrist shot has made me realize I have to get a metal bracelet for my Pams. Looks fantastic.
  6. Very shocking, what is the world coming to?
  7. I guess you could say that for a lot of people in what they do. For example, I love money. But handling it all day at work it just doesn't have the same allure as if you don't, but if you are not working with it all the time it has meaning. I am finding similar with watches these days like you mentioned, they don't have the 'wow' factor they used to just because I have got so used to them. Not that I am a dealer or ex porn industry, so just one regular guys opinion
  8. Cost will depend on whether they do a proper service, tearing the whole movement down or just dropping it in oil for 10 minutes and putting it back in the watch...
  9. And now the thread over there about By-Tor being MIA, with Pugwash changing his pictures, lots of fun! Good to see you guys are the good guys here at home though
  10. Except Watties is not a British company....
  11. Just to add oil to the fire, why should the forum be 'work safe' anyway? Not saying it is appropriate to have these sort of avitars (not that I am complaining) but shouldn't people be working while at work rather than browsing the web all day? I do 14 hour days some days with barely 30 minutes for lunch, and no internet access at work.
  12. Man, and I have been driving around all day looking for these gals in my area because it says they are from here!
  13. Happened to me a couple of times, so I went and bookmarked the view new posts page. Works fine doing that.
  14. Would those be genuine flashlights or reps? For me, it isn't an issue, my family is in a different country and I am single, so nobody there to judge... And hey, it isn't like I am female, with 100 pair of shoes in the closet saying I have none to wear, just 100 watches with none to wear...(well, not that many yet)
  15. You can buy mine off me for that sort of money if you like
  16. It is a modified 21J.
  17. Lets see, the current collection includes: BCE, yachtmaster, Pams 111h, 113h, 090. Possible watches I would like to add would be a VC retrograding calendar, FM crazy hours, Breitling Bentley 6.75, plus a GMT somewhere. Not crazy about smaller watches these days though. The list changes on a regular basis though, and without getting any very often, I may end up with a whole different set of watches to what I have listed currently...
  18. Odd to see how the '1' is not uniform for all of the datewheel - it is printed 1 for both 1 and 11, yet l for all the others
  19. Sorry, everybody! (In a Dr. Nick accent)
  20. I'm sorry, are you saying one of them is NOT genuine??
  21. The pam 666 seems to be missing from the pic, I hope that is just an oversight... when you are ready to sell, let us know
  22. I don't know, bling like that would probably buy many lap dances in the right places....(or the wrong ones...)
  23. Fair dinkum, there's a few of us from Oz around here, over Manly way myself. Although originally a Kiwi!
  24. With the big watches from Panerai and Breitling these days, the only type of rollie I would consider would be something in 44mm... the others just seem too small now. Not that I was ever a big fan of them to start with. On the topic at hand, although not exactly a good look for the YM 2, it is such a good 'functional' watch for its purpose.
  25. I will probably get flamed for this, but would the rep makers maybe look at doing this in a quartz version to actually give us the functions that it has?
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