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Everything posted by By-Tor

  1. This is something I found from the gen watch forums a while back. It's not Crosswind, it's Chronomat. Dunno what's the main difference between the two??? I guess the gen costs a ton so we need a quality rep. And fast. How can you NOT love this watch? And I usually don't even like gold.
  2. I remember when we discussed about Breitling last summer in the old RWG. Didn't really like them a lot but since then they have grown on me tremendously and I'm a happy owner of a Navitimer 7750. My favourite Breitling is now the Crosswind two-tone with Roman numerals. I sincerely hope they'll rep this beauty eventually:
  3. Read this for some pointers: http://www.rwg.cc/members/index.php?showtopic=426 PT arranged Bricky very nice black SMP. There should be a link in the guide.
  4. This is going to be another busy weekend for me. Going to do some repair work at our summer cottage. My natural choice for a tool watch: SMP. Have a great weekend guys!
  5. How did I guess... factory pics of genuine watches, etc. Laughable scam site. Stay away!
  6. By-Tor


    That's a genuine watch for sure.
  7. Yep, it's almost indistinguishable from the genuine. Proves how good bases the vintage MBWs are. I echo Repaustria's comment about the pearl. Get a genuine insert or do as I did, lose the pearl.
  8. I'd go for a vintage. Audi Sport Quattro. Car with great history and traditions. And the performance is amazing, even by today's standards.
  9. True. That's why there's no definite answer, either. I guess there would be a demand for a guide like that. I'm not really crazy about the idea of building one as modern Rolex Sub doesn't interest me. And the models are constantly improving and it would be a tough job to keep such guide updated. I could do it for the community but right now I don't have the time. But if someone wants to do such guide I could help with editing the pictures and make comparison shots out of dealers' pictures. Year ago the best version was the old CN Sub that Joe and Palp used as the base watch for mods. I used to own one. Nowadays those are just laughable and unacceptable as $89 Subs out of box are way more accurate... but even the best ones still won't fool any Rolex experts. It's a simple watch which still seems to be extremely hard to make right.
  10. Happy birthday Kris. Hmm, it would be STRESSFUL to be 18 again... Hmm... maybe just once.
  11. They do it on purpose... just piss us off. Just like the HE valve in all SMP's and Sub crown guards. Oh by the way: check the HE valve in PO chronograph. It's much lower. I'm sure the rep factories finally place it above the 10'o'clock marker when the first reps come out.
  12. Luckyy and Maria supply certain type of watches that people call "MBW watches". You don't really have to ask as this thread is pinned in the Rolex photo gallery section. http://www.rwg.cc/members/index.php?showtopic=927 Just for the record: It wasn't Crystalcranium who pissed me off. His PM was polite and we already shaked hands privately. I got two other PMs that had almost arrogant tone in them... like my responsibility was to find watches for them.
  13. Beautiful watch, great work done on it too!!! Congrats!!!
  14. The difference is: you get paid to answer those questions. We aren't working here. I and other members have written all kinds of guides that answer absolutely EVERY SINGLE QUESTION about the most popular reps... for zero financial benefit. They're directed at people who want to get into this rep hobby. It's both fun and rewarding... and so is helping new members FOR FREE... who have first done their basic homework. There are also dozends of threads that discuss about the "best Sub" subject. Had it been another day I would have politely replied you and the other guys. But yesterday I was in a shitty mood and ignored the PMs. I didn't mention any names, either. Nothing personal against you and others but like I said: sometimes it gets tiresome. I get a feeling that people who pop up just want to get their quick fix and leave... i.e buy a fake Rolex Sub to impress their buddies at work and aren't really interested in watches in general. There are literally THOUSANDS of hours put into the research and reviews/pictorials of reps by the members. Submariner is the most popular replica watch so finding information of it shouldn't be too demanding. Why do people need to be annoying and break the first and foremost rule of every message board: Hang around a while, learn the basics before you make your first post?
  15. Asking about the best Sub is like going to a public library and asking "where I can find a book?"... or walk into the middle of a sex shop, look dumbfounded... and ask "How do I make love?" Everything, absolutely everything about Rolex Submariner replicas is available here. Does it really make any sense to answer the same fuc*ing question twice a day? Especially when there's no simple answer. It gets tiresome after a year you know... why can't you just go to the Rolex section and read the threads that are publicly available? The learning curve is part of this hobby, and it's fun. This is forum is not a watch shop.
  16. Looks like a gen quartz model in AWFUL condition. Clasp has been polished to mirror finish, etc. You can tell it's a quartz from the large "box" beside the datewheel. The "box" is small on the Professional model. I only wonder about the seconds hand tip which should be bright red. Maybe it's just the picture?
  17. True. Navitimer, Chrono Avenger and SeaWolf are all excellent and underrated reps.
  18. I once got a Rolex comment when I was wearing my extremely accurate rep of Pepsi GMT Master. "Nice Seiko!" Once in a nightclub a beautiful young lady commented my Bond Seamaster. She said "Now, that's a watch I like!" Turned out she was wearing a ladies' model of the SMP. Too bad I already had female company. What a shame, it was once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to first talk about watches and then get laid.
  19. I'd be even more cynical than that. I suspect she pretended to be a "woman" to get better and faster service. It's so easy to pretend to be ANYTHING on the Internet. During my last 7 years in powerlifting boards I have never met a person who can't bench press at least 400 pounds. Single ladies (they used to call them "old maids" in the old days) always say that in dating boards all guys are tall, handsome and intelligent... but when they meet them in person they're all nerdy, fat bastards. That's probably why they're looking for chicks from a dating board, eh? Whenever someone brags about ANYTHING on the message boards I'll take it with grain of salt. Except Jetmid... I believe his Boeing and Patek were genuine. You know, I already got into better mood when I was able to release some steam. Maybe I'll reply to all of them, being my nice self again. But what do I reply? My info is outdated, who has currently the best Stainless Steel Rolex Submariner replica?
  20. That Overseas is a beauty Robert. Excellent choice!!! I need to get that watch.
  21. That's only because your screen name is too difficult to spell.
  22. @ltz: lol, you know what I mean. I wonder if these same people mass-PM members? Isn't it enough when you post the idiotic question to the public forum? I never flame these people publicly because there's always some kind soul who wants to help. Nothing wrong with that, really. But just stay out of people's PM boxes, is it too much to ask for? Maybe Thomas should add a "spam report" option?
  23. Typical day. Logged into RWG after 12 hours and during this time I have got 3 private messages. Nice, let's hope some of them are from the friends. But no, they're all from different noobs. It was also very "surprising" to see that this time they all want to know the same thing: Who has the absolutely bestest Rolex Submariner replica available? During the last month alone I've gotten about 15-20 of these. I also get continuously asked the EXACT SAME THINGS about watches that I have excessively reviewed. Like "Who has the best SMP?" "Do you think I should buy from Paul or Paula?" "Is Joshuas Broad Arrow the same as Pauls?"... etc. Lots of members here have spent hours and hours to make all kinds of guides for noobs so they don't have to piss of the regulars and always ask these same questions. It has finally dawned on me that they don't even read them. They just quickly look at the pictures and decide to send idiotic PMs... and ask the same questions which have been explained in greatest detail by different members many, many times. I would be glad to help all new people as much as I can... but can't they even ONCE ask about something else? It would be really refreshing. Like "who has the best Breguet Transatlantic or Hublot Big Bang...?" or "Should I end the suspense and finally take the sex change operation?" But noooooo... they all want to impress and fool their buddies with the most replicated watch in the world... Mother of all Fakes: R0L3X 5UBM4RiN3R. How original and clever! Now where is it already, my budget is just $150? The board is FULL of different Sub threads, pinned and not pinned... dozens of "who has the best Sub" threads... but apparently when you have an IQ of a frozen vegetable it's simply impossible to click on these threads, spend about 60 minutes to compare the different models and make your OWN educated decision. That's what this board is here for. From now on I'll tell these people to stick their Sub where the sun doesn't shine. :I mean... enough is enough. Flooding PM boxes with shite isn't nice. Okay, sorry about the rant. Rough day at work. PS: This doesn't mean I don't want to help people privately, au contrary. But is it too much to ask to make even simple, BASIC homework before sending out those PM's?
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