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Everything posted by its_urabus

  1. I like. get some holes drilled, as you said, and you are all set.
  2. INGE, my daily beater until the UPO returns
  3. @fxrandy, are you jealous of BT's huge subdial? sub-dial envy... its a terrible thing...
  4. @fxrandy, I love BT's Ebel as well. funny how neither BT nor myself are strap guys, yet this model seems right on a strap...
  5. @vlydog, if you ever want to part with that piece of pure sexiness, give me a shout... wearing my expII today...
  6. there is a mark XV here in my town for $2500usd is anyone is looking...
  7. just a lazy saturday, flying the kite with the boy...
  8. Maybe it is too easy. They want a challange. Someone else should make a homage version.
  9. archimede is a good brand, not a fan of the pvd, but their ss versions are nice...
  10. everyone of my crowns is upside down, on all my watches, so maybe that is correct, and you are worried about nothing
  11. I visited my local preowned dealer a few days ago, and he just had modified 2 submariners to have diamond bezels. One fixed one still rotated. Aweful waste of a great watch if you ask me. Il try to get a pic. Oh and the wife loves those shows. They make me ill. But they do make me appreciate how great my better half is
  12. new day, new pic, same watch... INGE, my precious...
  13. all my bes to you sir. glad to have you back.
  14. Sharp edges? Really? I was amazed at how perfectly smooth my upo bracelet was. Well, my favorite tool to smooth rolex sharp edges are foam backed nail files. Good ones though. Any grit you can think of can be had, and most are able to do wet sanding too. Good luck.
  15. I tried to do a wristie, but the wife was looking at me like I was nuts. I do have another card up my sleeve, stay tuned
  16. not wristies, but big guns I got up close and personal with last summer. was wearing my SSD that day... 3"/50 cal The Mark 10 projector (known as the Hedgehog, launches 24 - 7.2 inch missiles with contact fuzes.)
  17. glad you are safe sir... those pics scare me. its like dantes peak for real...
  18. http://www.avo.alaska.edu/volcanoes/volcac...;eruptionid=610 some crazy pics of the aftermath. I hope all is well with Nanuq...
  19. that is sexy BT. wear her well... and you know, with that larger sub dial at 9, the spacing looks better than say a moon watch with equal dials.
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