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Everything posted by andreww

  1. Nice watches! The BCE looks much better on the croc IMO.
  2. Make sure you push the 2:00 pusher very firmly, they are fairly stiff.
  3. That looks so sweet. Almost makes me want to gain 100 lbs so I could wear one
  4. Senior Graphic designer and mac systems administrator for a large Canadian mutual fund company.
  5. The high price was expected after the forced low prices on the V1 & V2 SS versions. This is their opportunity to re-coup their losses
  6. I agree with Lani on this one. When I was a young lad, probably about 5 or 6 there was a poor family that lived in a run down house close by. The daughter, who was overweight for her age was the constant target for ridicule and taunting. Years later, when I had matured enough to think about such things, I began to think about what we had done to that poor little girl. Why had we made here young life such a living hell for things that were simply beyond her control? The guilt of this troubles me to this day, but I have learned from it and have never ridiculed anybody about their physical shortcomings to this day. Picking on somebody's mental or physical defects is simply and easy "go to" style of insult for some people. I don't like it when professional comedians use this tactic, and I certainly don't like it when friends or acquaintances use it either. It simply shows a lack of thought, intelligence, and wit in my opinion.
  7. I'd have to agree with Chief. My guess is that he ran up a tab with the AR company that he couldn't cover and possibly they have kept his crystals until payment is made. That would explain why we are only seeing untouched stuff returned. Just a theory though, and I hope everyone gets their stuff back.
  8. Not really true. His IP had already been matched to the fake identities and posted, so it was only a matter of time until he was figured out.
  9. Firstly, whenever someone steals an identity, it causes grief for that person. John not only stole those identities but was actively impersonating those people, putting words in their mouths, and in some cases using those identities to insult other members. Whether people were seriously hurt by this or not is not the issue. The issue is one of identity theft and impersonation, and there is no denying his guilt in those offenses. Although I have zero sympathy for Phil, he was the one that was hurt the most in this incident. Not only with friendships broken, but with the sabotage of his site.
  10. John, while I admire your courage to come forward and admit the truth, your actions were a clear and willful attempt to cause other members grief. You clearly saw the frustrations of the other members in the three forums, yet you continued with your little prank. You even stepped it up a notch. If you want to do the proper thing, offer your resignation from all three boards, because in my opinion what you have done merits nothing less than a lifetime ban. Sorry for the harshness of this post, I don't really know you and for all I know you might be a nice enough fellow, but what you have done is beyond the realms of what can be tolerated from the membership.
  11. Hmm, I appear to have been banned without ever posting one word Great place he's running over there!
  12. No surprises. When I was banned at RWI it all stemmed from Klink starting arguments with me, then going back and editing my posts to make me look ridiculous. He would create fake accounts as well and have his aliases join in to harass me as well. That guy is a very twisted and sick [censored], and now that he has nowhere to go, we are all best to just ignore his antics. As far as I can tell the only person actually posting over there is Klink and his "fakey" friends.
  13. Congrats Toad! One of the finest rep watch authors and reviewers right here folks!
  14. Actually not so stupid. Phil may act retarded but there is usually method behind his madness. He has created more discussion about his silly site than any anonymous post would have ever generated.
  15. BTW, I make it a practice to register at all new sites just to protect my username. So if someone could PM me the address of this site, I'd appreciate it.
  16. Pugwash has intellectual properties?
  17. I'm not seeing any evidence of any AR at all
  18. Hey D4M, those are some really sick photos mate! You've really picked up your game
  19. I just don't understand why he doesn't just post and explain his intentions? Doesn't he realize the stress that he is causing people? What an inconsiderate POS he is.
  20. Looks really nice, I'd just like to see the keepers a little smaller.
  21. I don't think anybody is justifying anything. I really don't think Jakub will be back here, and certainly will never be trusted by the membership. We are however, happy that he has decided to return peoples property. Whether he's done this because it is the right thing to do, or because he is starting to feel some heat, is still up for debate
  22. Having used macs from the very beginning (I'm a graphic designer) I used to promote macs and would often get into this sort of PC/Mac argument. As macs have gained popularity over the past half decade I have stopped actively trying to convert people, as I really liked being one of the few people who really understood the brilliance of Apple's products. I remember being the only person on the train with an iPod, and I felt special. I really believe that these day people are buying their first macs because it is the "trendy" thing to do. But, they will also buy their second mac because it is the smart thing to do.
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