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Everything posted by andreww

  1. 100% genuine. As mentioned before, the true "tell" is the lume dots. Not just the placement or presence of a "half dot", but the way they are applied. The rep has blobby, orb like dots while the gen's are flatter.
  2. @bvc If you are truly going to enjoy this hobby you have to learn two things. The first and most important is patience. Heck, the first watch I ever ordered took about a month to arrive! We are dealing with suppliers of illegal products here, and trying to pass them through multiple customs checks, so using expedited transport like Fedex just doesn't work. When returning a watch, registered mail is the only option, but unfortunately it can take upwards of a month to arrive. Secondly, you need to accept the risk factor. When you send your hard earned dollars away, you must be prepared for that small chance that you may never see anything in return. This doesn't happen often, but if you can't afford to lose the money don't send it.
  3. The way I see it, we are a watch forum. Sure, the focus is on Reps, but in order for us to move even closer to the perfect rep, we need to understand and know the gen first. I think that all our gen collectors are a huge resource for us. Forget the [censored] and keep doing what you've been doing V.
  4. I agree. For the most part Jakub's service was non-rep specific as most of the losses simply involve crystal, money and the odd gen. Internet theft however is not something that most police departments want to get involved with.
  5. Looking forward to seeing you back when time permits!
  6. That is one of the problem with this and other forums. People think of these dealers as their best buds and will defend them to the hilt. It happens every time when a dealer goes down, try and post about the negativity and you will be berated. Ask Pugwash about that . People need to be more vigilant and read everything recent about a dealer before sending anything.
  7. The case and dial are the same on the Swiss and Asian. Only difference is that the asian has a non AR'd mineral crystal and a plastic movement holder. Relax and enjoy your watch mate. For what you paid you've got a hell of a watch.
  8. Finding him is one thing, should be easy enough. But what then? I doubt that he will admit to anything, and probably deny that he is the person in question. Somebody is going to have to go through the proper channels (police) if anything is to be resolved here. Sadly, I do not see this happening for obvious reasons, and I fear this [censored] is going to walk away scot free. Now for my I told you so. I thought this guy was shady going back a few months ago when I suspected that he was sending free work in exchange for good reviews. When I brought it up in a thread I was chastised by nearly everybody for having the gall to question his ethics. Behind the scenes however, I received PMs from several "in the know" members that all but confirmed my suspicions. Over the following months I began to see threads here and there complaining about lack of communication, but unless, like me, you spend an inordinate amount of time here, you probably wouldn't have noticed. From that point on I never would have sent this guy anything, and certainly steered members toward Chieftang as I thought he was far more trustable and business like.
  9. The Navi case isn't bad at all. The caseback is off however, but nobody sees that. Unfortunately, the fighters edition is the only 6-9-12 version available in all SS, and the caseback would be wrong if you were going to mod it to a Navi II. The TT version is probably a better starting point. Grab a gen dial, proper datewheel, and have the crystal AR'd and you'd be set.
  10. In America Reps will always see their candidate winning and Dems will always see their side as victorious. As a Canadian with no affiliations, it was blatantly obvious who one. I won't even debate that fact! If you honestly think that Palin won that debate, then we have nothing to talk about.
  11. I thinks thats why she was scripted last night. I don't think they will let her open her mouth without a script again. Lets see her on Bill O'rielly of Larry King.
  12. She skated more than Wayne Gretzky last night. She ignored the moderators questions, strayed from topics, and resorted to her "folksy" voice whenever she got in trouble, which was quite often.
  13. Am I the only person on the planet that thinks Sarah Palin is in way over her head? Watching the debate from beginning to end last night I was left with the clear impression that this woman did not have a clear understanding of any of the key issues. It seemed to me that she was reading most of her answers from a TelePrompTer, and when asked for rebuttals to Joe Biden's answers, she simpley changed the topic to something she was comfortable talking about (energy). I you Americans feel comfortable being referred to as "Joe six-packs" by your future leaders, then I am dumbfounded. I thought Palin was totally outmatched in this debate. However, I was shocked to see the reactions of the so called "experts" on the post debate shows. It seems the consensus was that there was "no clear winner", and the debate will have "no profound effect" on the election outcome. Was I was watching the same debate as everybody else?
  14. Chieftang is the only option as the moment as our other AR guy has gone awol.
  15. I get what you are saying Rooster, but whatever the motivation is behind his disappearance, the end result is still the same. He is a scammer. Its like stealing a loaf of bread to feed your family, it may be justified, but you are still a thief. At some point jakub decided to bolt. It really doesn't matter why.
  16. I really think there is no recourse for you. I remember when pics of this movement were posted here several months back. I and another member questioned the authenticity, and Joshua even showed up to reiterate his claim that it was a gen ETA, and that the markings had been removed when the movement was decorated. Nobody seemed to care then, and now you are the victim. Josh's response... Thats the biggest problem with letting dealers get away with selling crap like this. It ends up getting resold, and causing grief to the unknowing buyer/seller. The thread can be seen here... http://www.rwg.cc/members/index.php?showto...74335&st=40
  17. I think both reps look best in white, although I've heard that the GMT white is not all that accurate. On both it hides the lack of AR, and on the GT it helps to hide the oversized slide rule insert. If it were my decision I'd go withe the Navi, as the bentley is a little too blingy to wear daily.
  18. Not very good, but I thought this one was worse...
  19. Yeah, on close inspection this seems to be a SFSO with a SO dial. Notice the brushed case and different crown as well
  20. Am I the only one that noticed that the font on the bezel are completely wrong? No open 4 on this model and no serif on the 1. Gen Rep
  21. You should have let me know you were at the Eaton centre, I work across the street. Which catalogue is it? I think the last one I have has a white cover.
  22. Thanks Toad, I'd seen the 3-6-9 version but never seen or heard anything about the standard black SMP Chrono. These must be brand new as I haven't even seen them at my AD yet.
  23. andreww

    Omega PO

    I disagree, looks nice on the B/W and captures the spirit of the brand. How comfortable are those straps? BTW, nice pics mate!
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