What facts are we talking about? The 10 gens that are almost all of more recent production dates, that the guys have counted the teeth on? That doesn't make it true that the 48t crowns are the only gen ones just as some pictures that show clearly that the crowns have different amounts of teeth on them aren't enough to convince. But to say 'as long as no one holds a pam with 48+ teeth in his hands that I know, they are fake to me' is imo nonsense..
And no, I don't try to convince myself that the 52t crowns are gen because I haven't bought one. If there should be another production run from T they should of course have 48 teeth, since the majority probably has 48. That doesn't have anything to do with it, that crowns with 52 teeth are or are not gen. They might be. What I don't understand is not that T wants to be sure.. what I don't understand is how you are judging about wether or not something is gen because you haven't had it in your hand..