Date seems to work guys have 3-4 from other RWG couple from RWi and one from geek so far. In the past some guys just showed up and others who called in did not. So going by past % of turnout we are looking good.
These are tough my friend I go to all the boards RWI, other RWG and Rep Geek put up threads (as I am doing now) usually get 8 at the most. That being said we have a great time.
Well the rep factories have the case, movement, dial for thr most part and hands , no? so just make a black insert . Yes Daniel that would be a good one 5 0r 10 of a single production watch!,-74.029481,3a,75y,1h,90t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1s-lavh0omh9J0X5zERHWeGw!2e0!,-74.029481!7i13312!8i6656!4m2!3m1!1s0x0:0x845d73f013f0d343!6m1!1e1
Here for the new guys!
Guys thinking of having one at our usual spot in Hoboken, sound off if interested will try and nail down a date on a Sat. or Sunday in July.
Will put on other boards as usual but wanted to gauge interest here.