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Everything posted by Rxus

  1. Ssshhhhh...it's the unspoken treaty between gen factories and rep factories in order to keep them both afloat.. to never release a true 1:1/ 100%/SUPER/Ultimate replica of anything...instead a 99% close to gen spec copy All jokes aside, think about it, such a simple watch to replciate really...how hard is it to do some decent CG's...if a Gen was really purchased to make this..then whom ever was opeerating the CAD machine should be fired.
  2. Ahh miracle mile...that restaurant has been there for a while now. But i've never had the pleasure of dining there. One of these weekands i swear i will go in. Edit: Forgot to add my pic..and well I can't the camera went M.I.A at the beach 2 weekands ago So use your imaginations 111h on tan bob
  3. Brushed gets my two thumbs up!! Question though, there is no gen equivalent on the Evo lineup correct? Regardless if i were to get an BCE I would brush it just like this one. great pics btw
  4. Hmm it's been discussed before but, is it soo hard to imagine? A replica of a popular movement, but executed to a level that would confuse most untrained watch collectors. Ohh and great shots btw! By comparison there is no way these movements are both ETA
  5. Well this will be interesting. Moslty concerned with the pricing as some of you have mentioned, we have been seeing more adn more new ETA powered reps bordering the 300 mark and were talking about 7750's. with complications. If we are getting asian movements (wich i have no problems with considering they are reliable) then we should not be charged the premium simply because of a stamp and a golden color movement. But unless we all arm ourselves with watch tools i fear were goig to see many screwed buyers in the next few months.
  6. here in miami that stuff is way cheaper.. Buddy of mine got married last year I bought him a bottle of Don P for like 120 or 140 and the cristal was like low low 200's And yeah it's mostly hype, but if youve never done it why not.
  7. Of course this should be onvious, specially with our recently aquired ability to have running seconds at 3 in a relatively reliable manner. The roadster chrono is soo sweet on a leather strap.
  8. I thought Tif was the one who topped out the Veyron? BTW: I'd love a replica of that car if any of our collectors are keeping track of such things 1:1 of course. I use Dishnetwork here in the states i get two british channels and DVR TopGear in an almost religiuos manner.
  9. i agree 250 - 400 USD at the most shipped. (must be chrono at that price) Anything over that and your fueling the fire that makes us all upset at this little hobby sometimes, The often unnecasary price hikes.
  10. Yeah this is a ncie review, i also had the chance to try one on at a local AD, felt very good on the wrist. And the rep price is terrific for such quality details like the ones mentioned on your review. Not a bad quartz if I may say so myself.
  11. I wish there would be reps of the U boat lines, their black case models (pvd maybe?) look great. I'd take one over a pam
  12. Just lok at all the pretty "moon pictures" most have orientation cross hairs behind objects.... Not to mention multiple sources of light....No crater under lunar landing module that has a very obvious rocket under it to reduce it's speed when apreaching lunar surface. Oh yeah how every picture of the landing module or the austronauts seem to always be well lit to show off the america flag. And if you want to get scientific, the radiation levels when travelling soo far away from earth will kill a man even with todays technology. But it is a nice watch
  13. Well I think they look great, even the first one that V posted.. They look big heavy and odd. And that makes them better more attractive and tastefull. The world needs more oddball watches, soo many different personalities and yet everyone is soo brand-specific How many watches don't look like subs? or any Rolex's for that matter. It's why i applaud the Super Avenger the fiddy, the new Admiral's Cup the large B&R's (i don't agree on the Jacob 60mm ghetto fabulous watches)
  14. All points made are valid. But one person mentioned how Asian movements can be just as reliable or reliable enough for a rep. If factories were to use these cheaper and more readily available movements it would drive the cost down. But that doesn't seem to be the goal. The SFSO could have been released ETA double AR for 4300+ and then the Asian Double AR for $200 Sure ive read rumors about this possibly happening in Nov. but this could be implemted heavily among other reps that don't really need a non chrono movement. Like those Noobmariners and their lack of ETA movements.. How much is the "super""duper" SD? near 300? why not slap an asian movement, and sell it for 200? I realize this is one big game of luck, but i'm certain the dealers can understand the concept of "you scratch my back and i'll scratch yours"
  15. thank you piratedzeus, Yeah of course makes great bussiness sense. But with ETA version prices going down as low as 225 I bet this Asian AR's from the Fantastic 4, will be a hair under the swiss price. And Hyster you could have a point there, but I get a feeling it's been done before just no one wants to share their little dark secret..lol
  16. Yes some say it's mineral others don't know or care. But has anybody had their asian SFSO's sent out for double sided AR? If so, how were the results? any pics? can it even be done? Thank you in advance RXUS
  17. That is one very nice watch that isn't mentioned too much as of late. probablydue due to the 3717
  18. It;s true what V says jFreeman, you have to look the part. Surely no one should be judged by looks to determine what social class level they belong to, but this is the world we live in. So if you step out of just an ordinary car like a _______ and not something with more class, more often than not you won't be fooling anyone, aside from those who may think it's a stolen gen. The only thing that can work to your favor when not "looking the part" is ingorance, and how common it is to find yourself surrounded by poeple who only associate the brand Rolex as an expensive watch and have little if any idea what brand/price watch is on your wrist (assuming it is gen or rep)
  19. That was fantastic...I would be a tad bit worried having all those watches on a table at any restaurant here in south Florida. But you guys seemed to not be worried. I would defintely show up to any local gathering we could assemble here in the 305, I must have missed the details on this meeting you speak of that no one showed up. Great pics by the way.
  20. On wednesday i had the gen in my hand and I could barely notice any AR and it was the same excat model as this one (nice watch by the way) I beleive the lday behind the counter said $3100 USD i'm almost certain of it.. But Since I was wearing my SFSO, the B&M felt very light none the less it's a very nice original design watch. And while on thatr section I spootted some other non-chrono B&M that should be rept, they looked a lot like the Portugese from IWC. But lately every new watch that is released is chrono. They must be saving the ETA's for the next price hike..lol
  21. I'm going to put down my own Noob comment specially comming from a Rolex noob like myself. I don't understand why this manual movement is better with a frozen 6 subdial.. I understand why it is "better" on the 7750 models due to it's reliablity issues or better yet the lack of.. Again i'm not expert, but is it that this manual movement does not have running seconds at six? Becasue if it did, then this mod would be pointless -or- maybe the vintage Daytonas had some other function for the 6 subdial that i might not be aware of. In any case, a nice to the point explenation would be much appreciated
  22. i was out watch shopping with a buddy of mine here in MIA...and the first store he parades in is...of course the Movado store in Dadeland Mall. I only followed him in becasue he was more then half way to the back of the store.. Sure their are just a small few movados that catch my attention, but overall I'd like to raise the Gay flag for that brand. I know my buddy isn't gay (as much as we teased him for being one as teenagers) but hes happily married now and wants a second Movado watch.. Luckily a pulled him out before he took out his wallet on some 600 dollar museum collection...what an ugly watch, black dial, no prints just some glass round thing marking 12...it was Quartz for crying out loud!!!!!!!! I was close to revealing my dirty secret of owning reps, and having the connection of this board...But maybe another day/year/century i'll let him know.
  23. Wow V it just turned friday on us South Florida people and you already have your weekand watch selection laid out...Impressive. I'll post mine when my actual weekand starts...wich is when I wake up in around 7 hours you see it's 12:11 AM right now
  24. I also used some WD40 carefully on the threads... Then scew/unscrew and apply more wd40, you will see just how dirty it is inside once the oil begins to drip. I recommend using something that isn't spray though like in a bottle with a fine tip. If you have no choice just be carefull as to not get any inside the case.
  25. It was a good read.. Indeed all your thoughts and concerns are shared by most of us here, I really like how this Gen collector who inspired you to write your own spin on his topic has soo much in common with the typical threads we get here and on any other replica watch forum. It's the same frustrations and complaints with just a minor twist.
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