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Everything posted by Stephane

  1. That is really bad M. Wish you all the best and hope to catch up in the next one
  2. Indeed ! Well, I hope I will be able to cross the bridge one day, it looks awesome ! Shit, oops sorry! I have a solution though. Postpone the move F!
  3. Watch out though: Morrissey is vegetarian Anyway, cool to hear so I guess you're in ?
  4. Yiiiiipeeeeeeeeee !!! My flights are booked, as is my hotel, since yesterday. I will land in Copenhagen on friday, take the mini trip train to central Malmö and stay there untill sunday noon. The 5th shall be a good one, I can feel that! Last year we made a mistake by asking "where & when should it happen". The 3 first editions were "impossed" and they were a real success. So, Malmö it is, with a great host and a bloody easy and cheap way to get there. None of you guys should miss it! Flying to Copenhagen is easy from almost everywhere in the world. Plus, you go to the bagage claim, then to the onsite railway station of the airport and every 20 minutes there is a train taking you in 20-25 minutes to Malmö central. At that point, every hotel is nearby (walking distance)! I checked some of the international brands hotel and they charge 100€ breakfast, wifi, ...included on the base of advanced purchase. I guess it's safe to say that we might try to get a group price but if you want to book right away, Modelizer told me that Renaissance and Radisson were both close to everything, including the gathering and curiosities. Ok, to the pictures now! This is how it looks The official EU GTGs and some more... 2010 EU GTG 2009 EU GTG 2008 EU GTG Plus some other GTG that the EU staff organised Köln/cologne 2008, june for a great time as we were so happy with the previous one! Arhnem, same same...a last minute gathering Bratislava, also a last minute one Karlovivary (The James Bond GTH) And some unexpected one, in New York City summer of 2008 initiated by me but organised by a super local host! So, you know what is going to happen now: lots of watches, but most important, the opportunity to meet in the flesh And that is what I personaly love with these GTGs ! Book your flight NOW All the best, Stephane
  5. uh? What happened? Have we even been down ? Congrats T!
  6. Wow, that is a serious price! Looks like they do high end stuff including customised Rolex http://www.bamfordwa...t.com/index.cfm I'm not sure I would pay 11.000 £ for a customised Rolex with my name in yellow on the dial
  7. I had some spare time tonight so I browsed my usual sale sites for genuine Rolex. I discovered that mine raised to 4.200€ these days. I am the proud owner of a A serie, Swiss and Flat S dial, that increased their value by 35% since 2008. This is the only time I'm not loosing money on watches
  8. Congrats S! Nice piece indeed. I have to say I do prefer your bezel than the fluted though. A keeper...but you can always contact me if you sell again I will tell you NO NO NO! Keep IT
  9. That is a real MUST and I do understand that you wanted it! I've been lucky to receive one from a Rwg friend who pasted it to another RWg friend and landed on my Great White. Before After And now the watch is at another Rwg friend to get better hands ! It never ends Congrats!
  10. Hmmm, 1980 you say? I was already a professional DJ for 2 years and started the pirate radio era in my country and break the monopoly of the state radio. I am still a legend 32 years later for that and the state radio has much less lsiteners than we, the private radios. Now that is arrogant right
  11. +1 Hmmm, I mean zee-row, zero, 0 You beat me on this! Don't worry, one day you will find the light at the end of the tunnel A legendary one I suppose D. You still have it? Ah ah, well indeed!
  12. Not only the work is great but after all these years I still wonder how you shoot those pics. It's been a long time since we have a new "how to shot macro pictures"... Maybe you could tell us how you do this I used to be proud of some pictures of mine ...but each time I see yours I feel like a dummy ! Thanks for sharing one more interresting restore work Zig
  13. Nanuq, that photo is ....greaaat !
  14. Edge, I have a simple question for you: Though you are not the most active member on this board usualy, why is it that you spend so much time documenting on Sql_Pl suddenly ? For the last 48 hours you must have done only that. What is the real reason behind the hunt? Cheers Stephane
  15. Robert, I don't know you and therefore will NEVER judge you or make myself an opinion about the veracity of what you say. Unless it becomes obvious that you lie, I read what you write with a positive eye. Besides that, as you can imagine, I trust Warren 100%. I think that among all the posts I've seen here, and in the admin section, Freddy's attitude is the most "neutral" and I am wanting to follow he's way of running this case. All I am saying is that we, all of us, must remember that selling fakes and pass them as gen is a "community crime". But, all of us, should bear in mind that such threads are also commented by drama queens. And I know what a drama queen looks like...I used to be one once. I have no hard feeling at all, for nobody. If a scammer is among us, then he should be "punished". But before he is...he has the right to defend himself. Cheers Stephane
  16. I won't beat you. A scammer is pretty much what you describe. I don't have the feeling Maciek is wanting to run at all. I hate general judgments. Some people can fail to deliver ONCE or even TWICE. It does not make them scammers for ever.
  17. +100 here Red. I love your comment too Gran. There should never, ever, be a judgment without strong evidences! Oh, and the fact that a member buys a strap from another, then says it never landed and follow up saying that it was fake (thus arrived) is the real weird point here so far
  18. Hard to say from the photos indeed what type of rep that is. But there are many wrong stuff here, the dial to start with (indices!!!) and hands, magnification indeed. I would love to see clear pics of this one.
  19. Hey S, Un très joyeux anniversaire! Have a great one, All the best Stephane
  20. Yes, it was really sexy to see Bazz pics in those days. I feel fortunate having some watches from good old senior members. By the way, here is a pic of it from Bazz
  21. Still having one of the best Ingy out there! Got it from Bazz and wearing it from time to time. (Old photos, sorry ) Sure it is a shame that it misses a crystal Wow, that is a great shot!
  22. 2.000 posts is a lot and certainly when they are on topic and informative, nice, ... As for amazing friendships, you are totaly correct: it's the best part ! Thanks for being here, as TT said, it makes RWG what it is All the best Stephane PS: forgot to mention the great pic of the IWC
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