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Everything posted by Stephane

  1. Agreed! Fantastic add on to the team and the membership Bravo!
  2. I was wondering if I should come here as I am a team member. After Zig's reply, I'm coming because what Zig writes is summarising what this is all about. So +1 About Andy, who I do know personnaly, it's even pointless to remember his background and honesty. If I had to be in deep shit somewhere in the jungle or desert on this planet, I would love to have him on my side as I know he would carry me on his back and walk hundreds kilometers to find a hospital. This is who is Andy. Mr Brian, you're nothing else but a nasty little boy who wants something but can't get it. So you come here to find it and ask Dad to get one. Dad finds one for you but the colour doesn't match your dream...and you start stomping your feet on the ground! As others said: you just made a fool out of yourself. 100% of the posts in this thread are pointing a fact: you don't know what you're talking about. You do not deserve so much attention and certainly don't deserve to be part of this forum. Stephane, the member, not the moderator.
  3. I too know what you mean BT. Allthough I'm fresher in the hobby, I am not exited anymore buying new watches. I think that the prices are what stop us all from following the pattern: buy a new model, test it for a while, feel if it's a keeper or not, sell it or not and go for the next one. The last one I bought was from a member, out of the box. I love it, so I keep it as it was a good priced one. But buying from dealers? No way! Too much money involved and on top of that too risky these days. I remember when I found RWG I ordered watches almost once a week, and most of them landed on my wrist. Since a couple of years ago, none passed the customs, except one who was ordered/send in september 2010 and arrived in july 2011 after a replacement was finally sent by the dealer !!! Project wise? I'm still having the 1680 and 1665 projects to improve with Tribal. But we do that very slowly and certainly not spending the budget I used to spend in some of my former MM watches. In the end, allthough it can be exciting to build a perfect, all genuine but the middle case watch, why would one reasonable person spend 4.000$ in what will forever remain a fake anyways? This place will survive of course because it's also about relationship, not only about watches. And, as a conclusion, I sincerely think that RWG will remain the most exiting place for watch lovers because there are many interresting persons here with a huge knowledge and because it's fun to trade/buy/sell watches among us. To sumarise, Messieurs les dealers: lower your prices dramaticly and be more concerned in finding ways to ship from other countries than China to make the arrival more secured. My 2 cents
  4. That is a very nice story for a very nice watch Nanuq. What did you do on this one ? Can you tell us? Is it a "new" dial or restaured one? Cheers Stephane
  5. Ah ah, my 1665 Great White is back from Tribal guys More about it later ...but let say that there is a new dial in there...looks "rail" to me. Quick and dirty shots from yesterday Prince's concert in Ghent My beloved's Reverso and the 1665 Yeah, Prince and the Reverso
  6. Yup, mine to at a reasonable price. Probably the "cheapest" of my past, present and future collection Jesus, I can't believe I've missed this one after having 2 around me years ago. Genuine on the left (tit) and fantasy on the right. The new dial of these Avengers with the new hour markers are making a huuuuuge difference in my opinion. The old version was a little boaring. Much better today.
  7. Good point Capice! From now on, the pictures of the EU GTGs will be shared privately... This way YOU WILL BE OBLIGED to come
  8. I trully can't stop wearing this one !
  9. Wow, thanks for sharing this Pete. It's so obvious that I didn't realised it before neither.
  10. I will soon start to be a faithfull client of public transportations! Brussels is the most traffic jamed city in Europe! Luckily I work from home and travel abroad...almost never take my car. So, now is the time to think about getting myself an Alfa Romeo Giullia from the 70ies and start to drive on sundays only like old people http://www.lesoir.be/regions/bruxelles/2011-06-15/bruxelles-ville-la-plus-bouchee-d-europe-845700.php According to these stats, Brussels is even worse than Warsaw (where I go twice a month)...only Dublin is cool
  11. Pics? What is that ? I have hundreds of Belin but only one with a watch Guys, thanks for the great time. I vote for Shangaï next time even if I know I won't come...
  12. Hello Everybody, A quick and dirty shot (my kids lost my tripod adaptor ). This one arrived today from a great member of our community and sits on my wrist since I opened the pack So far, so good...I like it very much. Could even not wear my 16610 for a while And it will travel to Berlin this week-end See you soon, Stephane
  13. Yup, nicotine last very few weeks. According to my doctor, for who the topic is their battle, patches for 21 days are the way to go to get rid of the addiction to the poison. So that can be handled easily. But the mental case, unless you wanna suffer for months, should be dealt with BEFORE stopping. At least when there are no physical reasons. So, in my case, I want to believe in Carr's story and method prior to stop again. My only other try was a nightmare: 5 weeks though...so, not a nicotine shit case, just a mental case which probably was "I don't really want to stop"... Of course!
  14. All good point gents. I feel proud to know drug addicts like you who stopped... I understand very well the risks you faced, wheter yourself or a beloved. But so far, at 50 and 1/2, appart from coughing like a 90 years old guy, showering minimum 2 times a day and brushing my teeth at least 4 times a day, I have no bad signs And, Dave, you're so right. Carr says it: fear is all what stops us to stop How the hell will life look like after so many years with a poison in my brain and whole body... So, for all of us, present and past smokers, I make a promise: I'll finish the book edit to say: back in a minute...smoking one outside the house now
  15. Thanks Cats. I know what you mean about strenght but, at the stage I am in the book, I'm convinced strenght isn't what is needed. The concept of being hill and addicted to the worst drug (nicotine) seems to be the truth to me. I need to convince myself that I'm hill and that what I do is more than stupid as I do not like to smoke at all. No smoker can trully believ he likes it. Sure, many of us are saying it, but if one takes a break and listen to his instinct, nope, we don't like that. What can we possibly like in cigarettes? The awfull odor and the taste of the smoke, to cough like a dying man, to almost vomit each morning when brusshing teeths? In fact, what Carr says, is true: each time your light up a cigarette you do it because you feel "empty". The problem is that when you light cigarette A, you are not trully filling the current gap but prepare yourself to fill the next one and thus to light cigarette B.
  16. Hi Guys, After 38 years of smoking I decided to start to read that book. I'm in the middle of it. I was wondering if anybody did read it and stopped. I would be delighted to hear your experiences. All the best, Stephane
  17. Why did I sell mine Going for a week of vacation in Crete and taking these ones with me and of course, mon amoureuse will wear her ...Reverso
  18. I would even go to "very nice"! Makes me think of Omega and JLC. You have a great one here Sir Congrats.
  19. Guys Sorry to sound so noob but is anyone knowing where to source the "right" version of the Santos 100 38x38 mm right now? I've been offered one from one of our dealers for 320€ which sounds much too much money to me for an out of the box rep. I would be very gratefull to hear from recent buyers of this version. All the best, Stephane
  20. Very nice looking watch, congrats. It's been a while since I look at this one... I mean, not the XL, the regular Santos 100. I remember discussions about the dial of the regular one Is there a good accurate one out there now that wouldn't be an XL? Cheers Stephane
  21. Downloading S1 & 2 ! Thanks for advices guys...
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