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Diamond Member
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Everything posted by Stephane

  1. Great to see you here again Pho Nice to hear your new life is starting !!! All the best, Stephane
  2. Andy, If you want to call, get a Nokia 6310i If you want to text...tell your friends to call (voice is 256 times faster than text) If you want your mails...get a andy.com domain connected on Google and you will never miss a mail. I mean a cell phone...is supposed to be a ...phone Cheers Stephane PS: I have an iPhone 3G (not s) and I'm happy with it but realised I was only using their features to text my better half So my next device will be an easy to use telephone.
  3. Yes, we are. KB has his arm burned, but nothin serious
  4. Up and downs TJ! That is life...for all of us, let's keep that in mind. Have a great one
  5. Happy New Year to you all. I sincerely wish all people of this planet will have a great 2011. May this new year bring everything each of us desire Stephane (Brussels GMT +1)
  6. Don't be disappointed Andy...We'll make it before midnight GMT Not everybody can do it right now, but some of us can and will! We are familly, I've got all my sisters brothers with me (Sister Sledge/Chic) Thanks to all who can and to all who would like to but just can't
  7. Casual New Year's eve...same suspect as usual
  8. Hey Andy mate that is a good idea! I'm in too Used the front page link and it was updated immediately! Congrats Admin, that is working very well. So, now 65$ left
  9. All great watches guys! Thanks for sharing. Here are the ones I wear/will wear during the season holidays! Merry Christmas !!! and this one, but on my better half's wrist Before she receives this one for her 50th birthday....in a couple of weeks
  10. It's been my birthday recently so I got: John Lennon's remastered box set Paul Mc Cartney's remastered Band On the run CD and Vinyl. (Hey Paul! How do you sleep?) Playing those ones in loop Oh, and got a Bose QC15 heaphone too. Not that it is to compare to hi-fi, but it's trully amazingly good to use these to listen to the iPhone.
  11. @ Freddy: rule #1 ...moderator may NOT post Beatles rare vinyl records photos! I choose my JLC tonight. I still love it and have few occasions to wear it proudly!
  12. Let's shout it loud: every member is welcome, every photo is welcome, every watch too. The very first goal of the wrist check is ...to check what is on everyone's wrist The fact it is a right out of the box rep or a very high end franken or gen makes no difference at all in my humble opinion. So, come on all of you, post them! As a side note, I would not suggest the contest route...that is intimidating for sure.
  13. It's not going to be a surprise that I still wait for a watch to replace the 16610 on my wrist ! I wear mine almost 90% of the time. I bought the rep of the 116610 and wear it from time to time but it feels ...fake Seriously, the new sub was needed for commercial purposes but the result will not replace the 16610/1680 ones. Never. There is something authentic in both the 1680 and 16610, a spirit. A bit like in a good old Alfa Romeo (sorry Porshe isn't talking to me, probably because I can't afford ). The 116610 is flashy, bling bling, m'as tu vu, new money, ... It will never be wearable with a suit in example, where a 16610 fits almost all dresses. Only my two cents of course. edit to say: I'm 50
  14. Hey there sunny Madrid! I share your opinion that it would be very cool to see more diveristy in the wrist threads. We had a cycle of three per week: monday, midweek and friday. The particpation was the same as lately. About the few participation, I think that most of us are lazy About diversity in watches...well, if only the same guys are posting, it's normal that we see the same watches all the time as they are their prefered ones. About new members not posting, it's probably because they do not take so many photos yet. They might even be "shy" to post their photos because some of the usual poster's photos are simply perfect! What to do? Well, what you did here is a good starting point Ask everyone to post more often in the wrist check threads Cheers from freezing Brussels Stephane
  15. I'm not saying it IS small. Just saying it FEELS and looks small. Oh and I agree that the glossy dial and insert makes it look cheap too. Same with the ceramic sub by the way. I can't get used to it.
  16. That is a beauty indeed! I still wonder if I shouldn't get myself another one! Wear it well.
  17. ...being an "original member" ? Sure you are And as said, your posts are read !!! Yeah, I wonder if you will be as prolific as Pug or the "3 letter girl/boy/alien whatever/whoever that was"
  18. No words for such a painfull anniversary.
  19. I build a reasonable 1680 White. (No gen mov, no gen dial). Then sold it and got myself a beautifull and genuine 1978 1680. I sold the gen as I needed to fund a car and now I'm building a franken 1680 with gen dial but no gen mvt. I would leave your 1680 as it is and enjoy it while you save funds for a gen. Once my financial health will be better again, I'll buy a gen 1680 again for sure
  20. Sorry for not taking pictures But, as you know, it's not easy to say "hey, wait I want photos!". No, honestly, that watch is way too small. I mean, a Sub is what it is but it feels much better than the liquid. And I am not a fan of the Fiddy... The Liquid feels like "hmmm, great size and weight for my lady". More like a DateJust, even if the Liquid is taller.
  21. Hi all, Recently I was in NYC and paid a visit to the Omega store. I was curious about that Liquid Metal Super Limited Edition Planet Ocean I passed my Sub to the guy and he passed that Liquid metal to me... My impression was that it was a very small watch and not impressive at all Anybody else tried it? What you think? Worth the price? Would you buy/wear it? Cheers Stephane
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