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Posts posted by slay

  1. What exactly makes this watch so special that $475 is a "fantastic deal"?

    I'm not saying it isn't, but please educate me.

    To me, $475 is still hell of a lot money for a rep... especially with potentially bad movement (modification secs at '12).

    you are - of course - right. their point was simply that the same watch is 100$ cheaper than elsewere. they were not commenting about the price itself, rather about the proportion of it being cheaper ;)

  2. What I don't understand is the number of people in this threat who are doing flips and twists trying to explain away or justify Andrews actions. I mean, the man can't be bothered doing it HIMSELF. Why all the anguish and word gymnastics trying to defend someone who doesn't respect forum members enough to give a serious reply?

    If people still think he's worth dealing with then go and enjoy. He's open for business as usual. If he's a hard-nosed, cunning, typical businessman as some say he is, then he'll survive this glitch. Clearly he doesn't think that his reputation on these boards will hit him too badly.

    Why try to convert those of us who don't like the idea of being cheated?

    Its because they are all like little kids. When you tell a Kid that his PS3 sucks, he will also start insulting you an tell you that his PS3 is uberc00l and that Xbox Sucks and so on. He will make it his OWN WAR to show you different! No matter what

  3. Out of this entire thread, the one thing that really bothered me, was this comment. If long-time members continue to lambast and deride new members for offering their opinion, then how do you expect to grow your membership. These are not the "hit and run" type of forum members. These are the one's that actually care enough to sit down and compose a response. Not everyone with a post count under 50 is a total imbecile with no insight. Just as it is, that a post count of 3000 doesn't make a you a genius.

    With all the problems we are having with paying the bills here, I think that this "Shut-up and sit in the corner. Adults are talking" attitude is not warranted.

    The funny thing is, that they only open their mouth when it comes to problems with their little baby-dealers josh and andrew. when it comes to helping out others with parts, when it comes to writing reviews for other members, when it comes to donating to the forum, when it comes to writing tutorials, THEY do not say *ANYTHING*.

    They only open their big mouthes when they see that someone had a problem with josh or andrew. Then they start defending them like little kids that have a war of Playstation vs. Xbox on the internet.

    Its just childish behaviour and in the end, their behaviour HURTS us all.

  4. I don't think those posts on the other forum can be considered any "evidence" at all. First of all, Joshua and Andrew already have good business already no matter what, so why would they do anything like that? And anyways, how and why exactly a factory not supply other dealers? The factory would be losing business that way, but if it did, it probably woldn't be based on what one dealer told the factory. On rwi I read that there are three dealers that named Andrew. Well, without really any evidence but just rumor, these dealers might have planned something like this just to take the most profitable dealers down. I'm not saying any of this for sure, but just speculation and my 2 cents

    *maybe* because andrew and josh sell more replicas because of guys like YOU that dont listen and close their eyes?

    *maybe* hont doesnt buy in such a large volume

    *maybe* the maker won't sell to hont anymore because he would lose business with cartel dealers if he did?

    in the end, ALL IS YOUR fault. All those that defend and defend and defend, no matter what he did.

  5. Hmmm......I am of 2 minds on this. On the 1 hand, the sometimes questionable business practices employed by the Josh/Andrew have been well known to many members for a long time. Some have simply stopped dealing with this vendor altogether & with good reason. Price-fixing & strong-arm tactics have no place on a site that provides collectors with a gene pool consisting of 13,000+ always-hungry buyers.

    On the other hand, I have fond the Josh/Andrew to be 1 of the best collectors in terms of prompt responses & equally prompt shipments. The 1 time I had a defective watch, an exchange was handled quickly, efficiently & the replacement arrived in very short order. I would also credit the Josh/Andrew with providing members (at least those who have been around for awhile) with reasonable buying advice. More than once, I have been urged not to buy a particular rep from this collector because the collector felt I would not be happy with it, even though it would cause him to lose a sale.

    It is too bad that the Josh/Andrew's silence left the RWI staff no other choice than to do what they did. Hopefully, the Josh/Andrew will be able to address their concerns in a timely & mutually agreeable manner. I think it would be a shame to lose this collector.

    Dude, WHAT THE HELL MAN? They PRESSURED other dealers and THREATENED them to raise prices. What more do you want?? If Andrew starts molesting children are you ALSO gonna say "well, he has always been this nice guy and he was always nice to me and he helped me building my shed, so I hope this issue will be adressed and resolved. He's a nice guy!!1111!!!"

    Its people like YOU who just WANT to get fcuked over!

  6. Slay, those very first PAM straps really did suck! :lol:

    I think I still have one of them.... somewhere.... you want to buy? only 100$ ;);)B):D:p

    Slay, those very first PAM straps really did suck! :lol:

    I think I still have one of them.... somewhere.... you want to buy? only 100$ ;);)B):D:p

  7. Of course Rolex cases are built with CNC technonolgy, or do you think that there is still a Swish watchmaker creating the shape and form with his magic enchanted hand files? :) Yo uare right that in early days the cases were hand finished, but not today. Sadly... the price should still allow that. :)

    They are NOT CNC'ed. Watch this video and see how they are made:

    They are punched.

  8. No I haven't....good one!

    EDIT: Couldn't find the internships section on the site but eventually did on Google. Filling in the one for Summer 2009 now.

    Thanks again.

    No Problem! Boston Consulting is also top. But they are very very hard, prepare to work at least 10-12h per day.It's also not easy to get in!


  9. :g: well I think it's more about getting toghether than buying watches ...at least to me :yeah:

    Sure, Sure, but a trip to canal street is never wrong :) when i was in nyc we had dinner with ed and then we went to canal street right before we went back home or to the hotel (me) B) Noone had the intention of buying something, but FWATCH fell for a breitling (I still hope he posts some pictures of it some day) :rolleyes:

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