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Posts posted by fraggle42

  1. Nuclear Reactors.




    Do you think they are just misunderstood and actually are a viable energy source that we're going to have to use if we don't want to go back to the dark ages.


    Or are we stockpiling an unsolvable and dangerous problem for our children to try to solve?



    Coal and oil are getting more and more expensive to aquire, whether the cost is directly related to extraction, or indirectly related to problems with poisoning water tables, ruining natural beauty areas, or wrecking innocent peoples lives who live near the extraction locations. The never ending rise in fuel prices shows us that. Fracking may be a stopgap of a few decades, but it's finite.


    Nuclear is a viable alternative. Safety records are good, but the risks of a huge disaster stemming from what would otherwise be a small accident are there. Some reports gather the figures for deaths and mutations from disaster areas that may possibly be related, some reports deal with hard figures and simply refuse to include deaths from cancer that may have been caused by the radiation, it's impossible to prove it one way or the other.


    Some EU countries have now completely stopped nuclear development programmes, some have shut down their nuclear reactors. Supposedly the net effect of all of that has set back the "green" energy generation agenda by decades, and none of the green alternatives seem to be making a significant difference.


    Is this all just a knee jerk reaction to what some see as a minor incident (compared to the total number of deaths caused by the tsunami), with relatively few deaths?


    We can fire a satellite into space that provides us with 100s of channels of TV and send robots to Mars, I'm sure we can fire a few rockets full of nuclear waste into the sun where it'll be swallowed without a trace.



    What do you think?


  2. They are damn good.


    I find that I am technically good, but artistically poor at recognising what "makes" a good photo and seeing photo opportunities.


    I've got friends that are the opposite, but knowledge and technical skill can be learned, the natural talent to spot good photos can't be learned.


    And then there are the people who are both, and your daufghter seems to be in that category.


    Give her access to a whole variety of cameras, filters, lenses (tilt slide lenses are really cool to work with) and let her go play - which is what you're doing anyway!

  3. I didn't get mine until a few weeks after MOAB had raffled his off.


    Decided to send TC an email (polite of course) and he shipped it a week later IIRC. Actually since he ships them to someone in the UK and then onwards, I think my email crossed paths with my package coming the other way :)


    Maybe send him an email to ask how the build is going?

  4. I can definitely recommend the Aerospace, I love mine! Got to send it off to Breitling for the full makeover, fantastic value for £300.


    That Aviator Pro chrono is lovely, 42mm and just enough interesting features on the dial to go well with the PVD. Needs a nice dark brown Pam style strap to go with it though.


    And yes, considering used watches for the upto £2k price brings in a lot of nice stuff.


    Keep your dream-but-affordable watch ideas coming guys!

  5. It's standard. Well, when the package comes into your own country it's standard, I haven't heard it happening half way along before, but that may be usual for Aus?


    Loads and loads of people have seen this "Received by xxx Customs",


    I think a random sample of packages are picked off the conveyor belt and sent to customs.

    Most just have their import paperwork examined and customs duties worked out depending on the value on the paperwork.

    A tiny fraction are opened and the contents checked.


    It seems that most packages can spend from a couple of days to a few weeks in customs, there's no telling.


    All you can do is wait and hope! Or what most of us do, forget about it, and when it does come it's a nice suprise :)

  6. The first thing I would do is use this lovely resource you're reading right now.


    Choose one of the models you are thinking of modding and try to search for that.


    For example you could choose the B01, searching for "B01 franken" gives... hmm, 7 results. Not much.


    What about the others?


    skyland franken : 65 results

    avenger franken : 180 results

    steel fish franken : 3 results

    black steel franken : 65 results


    Looks like the Avengers the one to go for! :)


    Don't ever forget that this forum (and the other ones) are a brilliant resource for all this kind of information, and also for the guides to doing the work too.

  7. If you think about the skill involved in each way of doing it, with a cheap A 7750 movement the assembler just has to put the movement, dial, hands together, put it in the case, put crown and pushers on, etc. it's a (relatively) simple skill level.

    To fix a Swiss 7750 you would need a trained watch smith, someone who can dismantle the movement, fix the problem and put it together. That person would need to be paid a much higher salary, plus there are only so many old 7750s out there, so if you want to produce 5000 chrono watches it'll be 4750 Asian movements and 250 Swiss movements, just makes sense from a cost point of view.

    And you're still going to have a problem in that the watch smith who got the job is the one happy to be paid the lowest salary of all the other watch smiths who applied for the job, so isn't going to be the best, so the fixed and reassembled watch, well, I won't buy one, put it that way!

    If you really want the chrono movement to work at its best for a long time to come, buy the watch you've decided on with an A7750 movement and then get it serviced straight away. The service will make sure there's no dirt or grime in there, and there is the correct oil where it should be (and there is not oil anywhere else, which is a bad thing in watches)

  8. It was at the 2012 Basel show Andy, so you'd think it would be for sale somewhere by now? Ah well, if I ever see one in the flesh in 6 months time, it ill be a good test to see if I still love it or not.

    I had a look at pictures of that Sinn and personally found it very plain? Nothing wrong with plain, but why that one? I'm curious :) And that other watch is very, err, green! Certainly very, very different and I like it. I'm just nt sure if I like it just because its different, or if I like it because of its design if you see what I mean.

  9. haha, well at least (s)he didn't leave you a present ;)


    He's 19 and at that age where "presents" can accidentally happen, so that thought did cross my mind!


    Tent now turned over to the open side is on the top. What's the bet he'll try to jump ontop of it in the middle of the night and I'll find him stuck in there tomorrow morning? :D

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