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Everything posted by TeeJay

  1. Yup No longer what can be considered 'an informative blog' anymore... Some good reference material for Japanese tattoo designs, but other than that, it's really gone off course
  2. The watch I'm wearing... ...and my favorite vintage piece (of ass)
  3. It's not a word used enough in daily conversation Cheers, wouldn't be here if it hadn't Had bronchitis every winter till I was 13, and still have a tendency to bronchitis rather than having 'just a cold', but Swine Flu didn't kill me, so not such a bad result Part of the planning for my bodysuit is so that the scar will form one of the negative spaces in a cloud spiral
  4. I've only been the once (so far) but am determined to go back again. That's cool that you were able to participate in the event, rather than it being a 'locals only' gig, I've heard of some onsen turning away gaijin and those with tattoos Next time I go, I'll be taking a more appropriate wardrobe, as jeans in May really weren't my smartest choice
  5. Technically speaking, it should be a circa 1978 Rolex 1665, but, in 1981, I underwent major heart surgery, which I consider as a re-birthday, so I consider the 16800 as my birthyear watch rather than the 1665
  6. The case lugs and grownguards look a bit thick, but other than that, nice watch, and more than upto the job required
  7. Ages ago, wifey had a cheap quartz Chanel rep, which she wore to destruction. Seeing this on eBay a few weeks ago for £5, I ordered it and it arrived today. This is what happens when the pusher is pressed: As for myself, this is what I'm wearing...
  8. TeeJay

    My Dad

    Safe travels, I hope your dad's as comfortable as possible
  9. No worries, glad you managed to get it sorted
  10. Off-white suit, open pale blue or white shirt, brown belt and shoes
  11. TeeJay

    My Dad

    It's been months since I scrolled below the Rolex section, and this was the first time I saw this post, and just wanted to say how truly sorry I am to hear of this situation I've never been particularly close to my parents, especially my father. Not that there's ever been any bad blood between us, we're simply two very different people with nothing whatsoever in common, so we never wasted each other's time pretending otherwise, so you're indeed fortunate to have had a father who made such a strong impression on you, and as others have said above, I know you will be able to do what's right and make the time he has fantastic Loss is a funny thing, and although my parents are both still alive, I was always raised with the knowledge that I should have had an elder sister. There's not a day that's gone by since I was first told, that I have not grieved for all those life experiences which fate denied me: The camping trips, the arguments, the confidante, the woman who all girlfriends would have had to live up to, the nieces and nephews I would have had, but in my dreams and my heart, she is always with me, just as when the time comes, your dad will always be with you and your family Our past disagreements? I was raised watching American TV and reading American books, but in England and with over-protective English parents, and thus never 'got' that real life 'busting chops' element of American humor/interactions which you once described. It's only since watching recent shows, that my 'American Humor Firmware' has been upgraded, and I finally 'get it'. Burying the hatchet? There is no hatchet, brother, the fault was mine
  12. :tu: I've been a big fan of Tom's work since before he was mainstream
  13. Sounds like a plan, bro, look forward to hearing from you
  14. :o :o 'Stunning', doesn't even come close... Absolutely flawless work and execution. Red hands are certainly enigmatic in their status, but that really is the icing on the cake of that build, and it fits perfectly
  15. Only this place... Plenty of enabling, and no Twelve Step program I bet that billboard looks stunning I know it's not the right piece for my collection (although some of the vintage Milgauss models would be a different matter ) but I can't deny it's place as one of the best reps of recent years, and unlike the DSSD, which has countless versions, they pretty much just hit it out of the park on the first try with that one, so it definitely deserves a place in the spotlight I meant to ask, is your daughter still pursuing a career in tattooing? If so, I hope it's going well for her
  16. Photos really do not do this variant justice in capturing just how magic/retro-tastic/Big-Pimpin/on the DownLow this watch is, bro,it's a marvel in contradictions in that it's eye-catching yet subtle at the same time The red of the bezel perfectly accents the red of the GMT hand, and somehow, just makes it really pop. The one I bought a few years ago was intended as a stag night auction for my friend's wedding, but the best man vetoed the idea so people wouldn't blow their beer budgets, so I kept the watch myself, and I have to admit, from the first time I opened the packaging, it totally grabbed me by the balls, and it has an intrisic quality which photos just never capture, so I can't stress strongly enough just what a 'must have piece' this one is for any collection
  17. 100% The modern Milgauss isn't one which appeals to me personally (I'm not keen on the second hand, the mixed lume colors or the amount of mirror polishing for my own personal wear), but, I do think it is an incredibly well replicated watch, and equally, a very nice piece, infact, I'd go so far as to list it as one of the best of recent replications Given the past pieces you've had in your collection, where you live, and the work you do, I think it's a piece which would totally fit in to all those criteria, and is definitely the piece for you
  18. Very tasty, that's faded really nicely Wish I could spare the shipping at the moment
  19. Looking good As a former PAMophile myself, I know how the sickness takes hold, and sadly with Rolex, it is just, as bad, if not worse, as there's more model variants, and then sub-variants within the range of models. For example, we're both wearing GMT Masters, but they're both still apples and oranges in terms of comparing the two... As mentioned, it's just a case of which era/variations take your fancy at any given time :tu:
  20. Be warned, Rolex is a sickness... It creeps up on you, but once it has you, there's no escape... Just a matter of what variations take your fancy at any given time, as these are likely to change over time and exposure...
  21. I've had several chronos, none of which flooded under the tests I mentioned above
  22. I was going through some stuff today I'd been keeping in storage since before I got married, and came across the box set which came with my first EuroFakes Submariner, so I thought I'd set things up for a photo Not the best photo I've ever taken, but just a little bit of fun Have a great weekend, amigos
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