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Everything posted by TeeJay

  1. As I said in anoter topic earlier, I have always been happy to view the stock photo and get what I am sent If there has ever been an issue, I discussed it with the dealer in question and resolved it. While QC pics are nice, I don't think they should ever be expected of a dealer. Afterall, when ordering anything else off the net, shoes, a jacket, a DVD player, etc, requests for a photo of the exact item to be received would be ignored by the company As long as the dealer is prepared to resolve any issues which might occur, I don't see any real need for QC pics
  2. As Maxman said (and I had forgotten) Planet Ocean reps are notorious for the crown/tubes stripping, and had the same thing happen to one of the three I owned in the past... Might not be an issue with 100% of watches, but it's certainly something to be mindful of
  3. Sorry to hear of your experiences... As to your question, are they checked, that really does vary from dealer to dealer. If you're seeing QC pics, you would hope that the watch has been checked for issues like you've reported. Many dealers, on the other hand, are just pure drop-shippers and never actually see the watch you are sent. Personally, I feel that folks are getting mollycoddled these days with QC pics, and while it is a nice service for a dealer to provide, I don't see why some folks expect them. For me, a stock pic on the website has always been enough for me (assuming you do get sent the right thing... Only ever been sent an incorrect watch once in several years of collecting) If you send the dealer an email, I'm sure you'll be able to come to a reasonable conclusion. You may well have to pay return shipping, but in compensation, they may then offer you a discount on future purchasses Best of luck
  4. TeeJay


    Not sure about other countries, but in the UK it's on BBC2. If you go online to BBC iPlayer, you'll be able to watch the episodes to date
  5. TeeJay


    The last time I saw my friend who is a pilot, he was wearing a Breitling of some description (possibly a SeaWolf, but I'm no expert with that brand) Also, as an aside, when I went to Japan and wore the GMT, with the bezel and 4th hand tracking the UK time, I actually found myself unable to adapt to local time, and slept terribly throughout the vacation Admitedly, we were only there about 5 days, so it could simply be that I wasn't there long enough for my bodyclock to reset to local time, or it might have been the awareness of what the time 'really was' back home which did it...
  6. TeeJay


    That's certainly reason enough to love the company I have a friend who is a pilot for BA, and has been since his late twenties, but I definitely understand where you're coming from that at that time, pilots would have been older I wonder which dealer they went to for their watches Definitely sounds like a 'turn on/tune out' show, but I certainly found it pleasant viewing
  7. TeeJay


    I have to admit, I don't know enough about the time period to spot the historical inaccuracies, but found it believable for the period, and certainly very watchable I don't think I ever asked what sparked your passion for the Pan-Am company
  8. TeeJay


    :tu: Who else saw it?
  9. Ahh, that's a bit further than it looks in the photo, but I have done distances like that before (in a heated pool ) Very interesting about the two islands though
  10. Joking aside, what is the distance at that point? I expect being in that water would mean death in minutes, but the distance itself certainly doesn't look a challenge It's fascinating how Humanity has spread and migrated across the globe With regards your window issue, had you considered a clear safety film which would hold the entire pane together should it break?I've seem it used in hotels here in the UK, and figure it wouldn't be too costly I know what you mean about wind too, kind of... Although it's nothing like what you have in Alaska, where I live now, the wind comes straight off the North Sea, not having hit land since the North Pole, so a day that would be T-Shirt material anywhere else, still needs jackets because of the wind
  11. They'll get their comeuppance in time
  12. To be honest, having to leave a job like teaching, they'd be lucky to wind up with a McJob, many companies wouldn't touch them with a 10 foot barge pole... I guess there may be some nudie booths looking for new jizz-moppers, but that really is about the best they could hope for... There was a series on UK TV recently called Educating Essex, which was focussing on kids with some serious 'behavioural difficulties', and one pupil made an accusation against the teacher, that when they checked the CCTV proved unfounded, so there will always be the two sides of the story, but given that this was a special needs school, those yahoos should never have been employed to begin with... Vaseline is for those we love
  13. I haven't seen him posting in a while, I hope it's nothing major :-\
  14. That's just fucked up... I hope they enjoy saying "Do you want fries with that?" for the rest of their working lives...
  15. Just to add a flip to the discussion, Omega is the one brand I can see and never automatically think rep
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