@Barore >
I'm glad to hear you Barore (Salvatore). By nick intuits clearly. I have family members who live in Switzerland.
For its accuracy Lugano. Beautiful city and beautiful watches in Via Nassa.
@Tonyyammine >
Thanks mate. Here a pics of beach of Olbia (my Town)
@vlydog > It 's a great pleasure to meet you.
@sirore > Bensentito per la prima volta....è un gran piacere sentire qui gli italiani. Lo spirito pattriottico non ci abbandona.
@jackflash > Thanks man ... I love my country.
@marsupilami > Thanks mate. If you come in Sardinia, I'm glad to meet you. I often go to Baia Sardinia for work.
Here Baia Sardinia.
Thank you all for having responded.