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RWG Crew
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Everything posted by Sogeha

  1. Hey Indy, I don't want to pick a fight because I don't have a horse in this race not being American, also we have enough of a mess with Brexit without arguing about US politics at the moment. However you twice make the statement that being a billionaire means you are not dumb. Well I'm not saying he is or isn't dumb, but one way to be a billionaire without being smart is to inherit it. It has been pointed out many times that he inherited from his father in '74 an amount that if put in an S&P 500 tracker would have left him a little richer than he claims to be. Given that his father also provided loan security and that he was extremely heavily leveraged one would expect him to have significantly out performed the market. An S&P 500 doesn't expose one to that amount of risk. I'm not criticising your point of view, but in a debate facts should ideally be more solid than this one is. Elections tend to be divisive and this one certainly has been. However the Democrats can point out all they want that they received more votes, under the rules as they stand they did not win the Presidency. On a separate point, I'm am delighted to hear we have "gentlemen of colour" in our community. It makes not a tupenny damn's worth of difference to my opinion of you. I thought your were a solid member and a brother before I learned this and I still do, but it pleases me rather a lot that we have members of all different ethnicities, politics and beliefs.
  2. I'm in rural Ireland where internet speed is third world. Subjectively it seems faster now
  3. Hola y beinvenido, Which is about as far as my Spanish goes. We have members from Spain and South America. However this is an English language forum and the expectation is that public posts are made in English. Private messages are a different matter.
  4. I believe from previous reading on the subject that they were simply pressed into the lugs and then the lugs polished. On many photographs it is possible to make out a circle where the end of the bar and the surrounding lug meet. Welding would not leave such a mark.
  5. They can invade my coastline anytime. I'm all for equal opportunity pillage.
  6. Thanks for the heads up and for your work on our behalf.
  7. Did you join just to ask this question? If you have any real interest in us, drop by the introductions section and tell us about it. In the meantime:- http://www.timezonewatchschool.com/WatchSchool/
  8. I would wait until,your watch arrives before starting buying parts to upgrade it Dennis. If you are wanting a genuine bezel, then you could try Cousins UK https://www.cousinsuk.com/ Do your homework first and read about PO mods. You may need the help of a watchmaker to get the parts to fit together.
  9. Well being a European, a geek and all the rest, I didn't even know it was Super Bowl time. I usually manage to miss the Soccer World Cup and Six Nations as well. Strangely I avidly follow the Hurlingham Association
  10. Hey doesn't matter. Share anyway.
  11. Thread crapping is more a thing with sales and seriously disrespectful comments. This is just us guys chilling. Anyway I already started the thread crap :-) I don't think admiration for someone's watch is a bad thing and if it is, you can blame it all on me.
  12. Hello and welcome. A couple of really great Panerai guys have started hanging around here, so hopefully you will soon get to know your way around and show us your builds.
  13. Key West does in my book brother. That is a very fine watch indeed
  14. I didn't hear any rumours, I just thought they only accepted WIS illuminati with impeccable references. I did hear there is a secret forum on the dark net that knows who makes the best Sub ;-)
  15. You are unlikely to get a sensible answer, because unfortunately there isn't really a definitive answer. There are some decent reps of six digit Rolex models and the TC sub and Yachtmaster for the older models. The BP 166600 is very reasonable. In the end so much is subjective and depends on the individuals taste and budget. Head over to the Rolex forum and do some reading. You are spending your money, so the only important opinion is your own.
  16. ^^^Tell us more brother. I have a bit of a microbrand fetish, but somehow that one passed me by.^^^
  17. Seconded. More from UBi would be a very good thing. It's been a while since I last saw his granite worktop.
  18. There is a bit of a partisan attitude sometimes, but the forums are closely connected. The mods from one forum can be found as members on the others, I know they work closely on security and scam prevention. Anyway the way I see it, we are all just guys with the same hobby, so yeah we are all family.
  19. I'll say it again, welcome. I would personally love to see you sharing your work here and I also think you are very much the type of guy we like.
  20. Great to see you here and welcome or welcome back. We have a lot of Panerai fans here who would like to see your work as well as several guys you will know well from HF. I know you said you are busy with work, but please when you have a moment, post a thread or two here. And thanks @wobby82
  21. Last couple of days I've twice got a momentary site down page flash up. I assumed somebody was doing some quick work. I mention it just in case that was not the case.
  22. Can't wait to see you get into building proper watches instead of just half heartedly throwing something together like your last few watches brother. Can't imagine how good they will be. LMAO
  23. Good to know, I really like this and I just discovered he is a member here, maybe see if you can get him to post more with us?
  24. OP's first post, fifth picture Rick, blow it up as big as it will go and you can see it's solid midlink. Not saying I could spot it, but once I'm told.......
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