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Everything posted by Shundi

  1. Sorry but the mod's will probably move it to the "Member Trade/Sal" section and will probably remove it all together since you technically need to have "Supporter" status to post sales on the board.
  2. I like it...it's a sleeper in the rep world and quite an elegant piece!
  3. 7 Days.... (Insert comments about The Ring here)
  4. Now that I think about it...Ken's probably right... you'll have enough headaches as a dealer, let alone a modder! Look at what's happened to some of the highest-volume modders on the boards in the past few weeks!
  5. I like it! If you can successfully mold the modding with the inspection, you'll have a good thing going and corner an important niche market!
  6. While not having the PAM name on a watch might seem ok, certain other feature (such as the crownguard on PAMs and I'm assume the Triplock mechanism in Rolex crowns) may be subject to trademarks and therefore, even if your watch doesn't say "OP," if it has the same crownguard, its still in violation of an existing trademark.
  7. Wow... I completely agree with carlsbadrolex... housing anything short of pure platinum bars would be an insult to that box!
  8. Going through almost the same thing Anton...it's amazing how a distaste of reps turns into an appreciation for (to steal a line from Lexus) "the passionate pursuit of perfection" and a distaste for scammers, not their craft
  9. Shundi


    Lol no problem...I just got rid of my 251 and brought a 253 (actually, I might have another one on the way...) Too bad the timing didn't work out...I would have sold you the 251 for a steal!! Good Luck!!
  10. Wow! Great review and congrats on "Taking the plunge!" I wish I could say that taking the plunge is the most impressive part but, in all honesty, STOPPING is the most impressive part Thanks for the review and I look forward to seeing your collection as it expands (and it will haha...trust me / )
  11. Maybe Vac. would do them? I think he's in PR...
  12. Shundi


    PAM253 Regatta Flyback wouldn't need a datewheel...assuming that's what you're talking about...maybe PAM 251?
  13. Murder of crows. Homer Simpson: Murder Marge...a flock of crows is called a Murder.
  14. Yeah if I go in through rwg.cc it looks like I'm logged in until I go to do anything. I then get a board message stating that I have to log in to do anything.
  15. Well... This is actually my first time POSTING a watch in the wristcheck on RWG I think it'd be fitting to post one of POTR's pieces included with the gen Glashutte I purchased from him a month ago... This one is a gen Waltham Watch handwound 23 jewel piece with a pie pan dial, stainless steel case and old school "accordion" band. I opened it up today and the movement is in fantastic condition (I regulated it due to its being about 20 seconds slow per day) beating at a (by today's standards) slowww beat 18,000 VPH movement. It came with the original box and watch case (a beauty in its own right)!! Seeing as these watches were produced about 15 miles away from my hometown (and considering my grandmother worked at the factory) this watch was a great freebie addition by POTR!! Enjoy (excuse the quality of the pics...they were snapped hurriedly with a new Fuji S700)
  16. @ Hike... Well, there's a story behind everything you know...but safe to say while I liked the driving experience of the 750 and I loved driving the new 550 when I stopped by the dealer a few weeks ago, most cars (especially luxury) depreciate so quickly that it's not even fair to call them "assets" for more than a few years. While the 9-3 Aero and the 550 were nice, I ended up with an Infiniti due to the fact that it's nice, fast, low maintenance and still a $30 dollar oil change My mom got the 750 from a client that couldn't afford to pay her and so it was my car for a bit.
  17. :velho: ^this thread
  18. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Turboencabulator
  19. Imagine this experience!! http://forums.timezone.com/index.php?t=tree&goto=3487859
  20. And so I just brought one lol
  21. "Strategic location of water, rivers and such" Part of the issue is indeed the location of water but if you do your homework (http://www.unicef.org/wes/index_war_water.html , for example) you'll notice that many times, there is an abundant water supply, it's just not clean due to poor hygiene and sanitation practices / waste. This is how diseases like cholera and parasites can infect and kill small children who drink from infected bodies of water. Obviously not everyone is near a source of water but if the governments in some of these third world countries actually provided capital to create a water delivery infrastructure, many would avoid the dehydration and infection that harm millions. By educating people as to the proper way to handle water and dispose of waste, as well as tools like the one in my previous post, a large percentage of the deaths and medical conditions due to dehydration and infection could be prevented. As to you "educating" me, I would love for you to show me a sample population that receives no water at all per year. No rainfall, no rivers/runoff, no oceans, etc. (By the way, there are places like this) Find me that population and then correlate it with the other 800 million people (according to the WHO http://www.who.int/mediacentre/news/releas.../en/index1.html ) who are facing dehydration. You cannot do it. You cannot tell me that 800 million people do not have clean water because they are not located near water/rivers. A large percentage of these people ARE near water/rivers, they're just not clean. In fact, the article even mentions those in desert regions, stating that "Sub-Saharan Africa, meanwhile, has the lowest percentage of people with access to basic sanitation facilities - 36 per cent, an increase of just four per cent since 1990. In the developing world as a whole, only 49% of people had access to adequate sanitation facilities, while in the world's developed regions, 98% of people did." Again, this has nothing to do with the physical location of water per se, it has to do with sanitation facilities...facilities which need government support and, most of all, money to be built (again, money that I think shouldn't be spent on a war on Marijuana or sent to People Eating Tasty Animals ) . QED Dani, and I typed that whole thing "whit [sic] [my] head in the sand..." Edit to add: Oh and by the way Dani, when there's no clean water, the cute and fuzzy animals get sick/die too...
  22. Good Stuff! I've just placed my order for one
  23. $2.99 in Sudbury, MA for regular... my new Infiniti G takes about 15 gallons when I fill up (usually twice a week when I'm home) but it takes premium so that's a bit more expensive...around $3.34/Gallon. On the bright side, that gas station pumps your gas, checks your oil and will check tire pressure too... old school and I love it!
  24. And now I really want one!!
  25. There is plenty of water. This is a fact. There is technology (sorry Dani, I cannot bring myself to put it in quotes and spell it the way you do) that makes desalination and filtration possible. In fact, technology made this ( hxxp://www.gizmag.com/go/4418/ ) item a reality and will reduce the amount of people suffering from lack of water. The problem is the 3rd world warlords and governments that deny their own citizens water either because they are simply too poor to afford such technology or because they simply do not care. Maybe people should stop sending money to PETA and start sending it to fight 3rd world genocides, etc. When you boil it down, each species only has one thing they must do to survive: reproduce. Not look after the cuddly puppies, not say that the vicious man-eating tiger is "misunderstood" but reproduce. It is the only thing that a species, as a whole, must do to continue existence. To say otherwise is to go against science and against the very nature that you swear by. I think it's foolish to say that the world needs fewer people and then turn and argue that a lack of clean water is a bad thing. If you want fewer people in the world, then you should be hoping for less clean water as this will reduce our populations to a level that you consider more "manageable."
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