To me, RWG represents a culmination of the free market process. Like a nurturing mentor, RWG exists for the sole purpose of furthering the education of consumers and collectors regarding replica watches. RWG was founded (and to this day, still exists) as not only a "guide" for replica watches, but as a vast codex of knowledge about all things horological. While the forum deals with replica watches, even Gen owners can learn the flaws of existing replicas for use during their own purchasing endeavors. As such, RWG is the embodiment of the most valued commodity in these increasingly turbulent times: Knowledge. If the old adage that "Knowledge is Power" is indeed true, members of RWG are armed to the teeth when it comes to searching for great products, learning more about horology and the age old craft of watchmaking, and helping out fellow forum members by posting scams, making trades, holding GTG's, and inspiring newbies (such as myself) to take a moment or two out the (at times) overwhelming hustle and bustle of our daily lives and truly appreciate the experiences, friendships, knowledge, and above all, the family that have grown out of a simple forum. RWG shows that craftsmanship, attention to detail, art, and the pursuit of knowledge are still alive and well, and I hope to continue to be a member of this forum for many years!!