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Everything posted by ta8088

  1. So true. I have a feeling that at some point this is going to change. In fact I think that people are going to demand that it changes. I'm all for taking care of the enviroment but not at the expense of the economy.
  2. I don't think he ever had stock of the CHS ones to begin with. I emailed him within minutes of them being listed. Wish I had some idea of who might have what and when and who is going to have a CHS again. I'd buy one if somebody had stock. Seeing all these pics has me wanting a GMT-IIC now. Might have to settle for a gen of this one. Just so happens that tomorrow I'll be going right by one of the Rollie AD's in my area. Might have to stop in.
  3. I've got two of the old Seawolfs and they are fantastic but are no longer available and very rarely show up for sale on the used market. Judging from recent sales if one shows up you can expect to spend 500 or more for one. My vote would be for the 089 as I prefer the Ingy in SS. And yeah you should consider the 177h while Josh/Andrew still have some. I guess what they have are old stock and when they are gone that's it.
  4. Seems alot of us forgot to mention that part but yeah the fact that she noticed a hobby of yours and spent time while in NYC to try to find you something related to it should definately be taken note of. If shes used to you swapping watches all the time then it should be easy to make sure it gets some wrist time when you're around here. BTW I'm sure no one would complain if you did a little photo shoot of her modeling your watch collection.
  5. The drop down menu in the description lists the other options. Don't know if he has the others in stock though. Thought I saw someone post that they had e-mailed Angus and he said he doesn't have the CHS in stock.
  6. I was just going to post the exact same thing. Looks like 198 for the asian clone, 298 for swiss 2836, and 398 for CHS 2836. I'm ordering a CHS one today.
  7. Good advice guys. Yeah I'd agree that since it was a gift wearing it here and there wouldn't be a bad idea. Of course if it's one that there is a good version rep of you could always pick that up and I doubt she would ever notice. She's not likely to pay attention to the details like we all do. Good luck with wherever things are headed with her.
  8. I was looking at those last night as well. It looks like it might be the same just incorrect handstack. Everything else looks the same. So I'm guessing that the incorrect handstack version isn't going to be much cheaper? Hmm.
  9. I'm with you on this. I think I'd like to pick one up but just haven't managed to get in on any of the batches that they have offered. Now I'm reading that there will be more. That the next batch might be different or a different mvt, etc. Maybe it's just me but being that I have correct handstack EXP II's and a GMT I'm just not willing to buy out of the next batch if they aren't CHS ones. Will anyone else know or notice no probably not but I will everytime I put it on.
  10. Well put freddy. Yeah most people would probably never notice. Since I've managed to add CHS EXPII's and a Pepsi GMT to my collection I think it would bother me to no end if I was to get a non-CHS version of the GMT-IIC. It's not so much that anyone else would notice it but that I would.
  11. I've had a few of those as well and it seems to be running a bit slow for me as well lately.
  12. Freddy you know I never would have guessed that about you
  13. You know I'm still trying to figure out how to tell the old version from new myself. I think I've got that down but am still trying to figure out how to tell the difference between the old version that will work for a 7753 mvt and the regular old version. Kruzer and a few others know these really well and could probably tell you what to look for. If this is one that would work for a 7753 swap and you could confirm it I'd be interested. Already have a 7753 mvt sitting here. I have a new version 196 in great shape and running well that I would swap for one that I could use for a 7753 project.
  14. Hmm. So no more CHS's ones for 6-9 months? Why would they possibly have a delay of that long. And how would they possibly think that any us that have been waiting for this one and didn't get in on the intitial ones are going to give rats @ss about it in six months or a year from now.
  15. No that certainly doesn't look right UJ. Hmm. Almost looks like a chunk of the case is missing.
  16. Good to see you over here BK. To those not familar with BK works of art all I can say is get one and you'll see. Can't say enough good stuff about BK. Great dealer and member.
  17. If they aren't an AD for the brand then they aren't likely to be able to get you a strap for it.
  18. There you go. It can be the RWG pass around watch.
  19. Fantastic pics Lani. Thanks! Guess we have another case of dealers shooting themselves in the foot by making this first run but the second will have the incorrect handstack. I'm sure that there will be more than a few members that pass on the second one and wait to find one of these first run ones secondhand.
  20. That's almost as good as the explanation by CBR of what he was dong with his economic stimulus check. I know I'm good for at least a couple of these if this comes to fruition.
  21. The Ingy is the way to go. With a date wheel swap it is very close to gen. The current Seawolfs are horrible reps. The old first run is great but they are very hard to find and can run $500. I think you would be very happy with the Ingy though.
  22. Hey you forgot the Super Avenger. Every girl should have one on their wrist.
  23. Talk about bringing a thread back from the dead. I don't even think palp has visited the forum in more than a year.
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