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Everything posted by rodwc

  1. I think that the OP should have done this , as it is obvious not many people know or realise just what Nitriding is. Also , I think, that nitriding is no good for Titanium. Abstract: Nitriding is a surface-hardening heat treatment that introduces nitrogen into the surface of steel at a temperature range (500 to 550
  2. Also on a continuation from the OP, When using incorrect English or slang in general terms it unfortunately ends up all around the world, and becomes bastardised even more. More hard.......harder more soft.......softer more easy......easier more smart.....smarter Why on earth did this kind of 2 year old baby talk become popular? Maybe because English grammar isn`t taught in the classroom , like it once was. Or simply , fewer people " give a rat`s". Simply a lowering of standards.
  3. The pics look very similar to ajoesmiths pics. Movement looks the same too. (packaging , screws washers etc.)
  4. Exactly........ Why on earth would they bother if the content of their business was only.............lets be generous........ 5% ?
  5. Forget about the new Skyland , this has been coming long before that even went into production, but I fully agree that RWG supplies tons more than a paultry 1%
  6. Trying to steal market share ? ........where here ? As I have said , this RWG market is only , "supposedly worth 1 %" Why would they bother ?
  7. Havn`t you answered your own original question here ?
  8. Strange how another( earlier ) post about dealers can spark off another in a different direction. However, the recent events point to a clamouring for sales, irrespective of faults , this should clearly show that the market here is worth consideration for the dealers. If the rep sales (as has been quoted on numerous occasions ) is only worth less than 1% , why would the dealers bother. I think some people have got this wrong. As far as "the market should dictate" , ........what..........prices?............quality? ... It certainly hasn`t happened yet, ( yes , things are improving. )
  9. http://www.ioffer.com/i/BREGUET-DUPUIS-CHR...matic--46701351 This ,which you have quoted , is also a white guilloch dial. Good luck in your search.
  10. This is available. Breguet 5900/auto.Display case back. 40 mm dia. PM if interested.
  11. This is not a plug or a brown nose for the dealers. Over the past month or so there have been quite a few complaints about watches received not being up to snuff , malfunctions etc. In virtually every case the dealer in question has offered to rectify the problem, ok. so it costs to send it back to China, and it`s a pain in the rear etc, but hey a resolution is being offered. Only this week members have jumped in extremely excited over the release of the new Breitling Skyland, what with all the rush to get the model out to the net by the dealers , pictures told different stories with each day, then a second version , in the same week, with corrected faults and ss bracelet. What do 2 of the dealers do............ offer an updated dial AND the new bracelet free to these early buyer members. Also 2 of the dealers have thrown up watches ( FREE ) to RWG for raffles. What more can any buyer of any product want or expect? They sell here because there is a market, don`t forget this is the internet, they give satisfaction because they really do want return business. Hats off to the dealers we know on this site and also operate on other sites. I , for one thank the dealers , for making any purchase here on RWG, far safer than on the wilder www.
  12. If the dealer was Ruby ? She gives a 180 day warranty on her website.
  13. We need a lot more from down under so`s we can have a bigger GTG. Oh! and welcome.
  14. Have been keeping an eye on our local stockmarket for a while now,as my super is tied into it. Since Christmas or January 2008 our ( Oz ) stockmarket has fallen to a 3 year low and lost 1800 points, thats allmost 30%. Anyone any ideas where it will bottom out?
  15. Clothing sizes in China don`t appear to resemble any Western sizes. I bought quite a few things on my visit jackets/shirts. Forget the lable sizes they all measure very small. Chinese people are smaller frame sizes than us, in OZ, obeastity is the reason. ( Too many fat people eating junk food ) Maybe Kenberg can give you more info.
  16. Managed to see the post with pic at the start. Well , I thought it was funny , so don`t go selling them funny bones just yet.
  17. That`s what we are all here for............to help and share with each other. Good luck.
  18. This same topic was covered http://www.rwg.cc/members/index.php?showtopic=76557 June 23 rd. 2008
  19. I pull my head in here, with regards to The Zigmeisters suggestion for removing a broken crown, as I have been in contact with sssurfer. The vinegar method of dissolving the broken stem is actually working, now whether this is because the crown is gold plated and is not being attacked by the acid I don`t know, but it is actually disolving the broken stem. I mentioned to him to BOIL the crown in water, to remove all traces of the acid afterwards. Now we know that there are at least 2 methods of removing a broken stem from a crown. Great outcome.
  20. It is Adobe Flash, yes.
  21. OK. just found what you are looking for. on the rhs you will see an active link ..... share it, click on that link and windows asks if you want to play it or save it. I chose save and it started downloading, the only drawback is the file is 31.5 mb. Don`t know how you would go uploading that to a free host service. Looked on Photobucket and the limit for videos is 5 mins. / 100mb file. So there ya go. PS. the downloaded film is nothing like what you see on the rolex site. But at least you know how to do it.
  22. Download the film from Rolex to your hard drive. Then upload the film/video to photobucket to your account. Create signature in RWG. Thats about all I know.
  23. Do you have any objection to the sticky ball opener, works very well and cheap too. http://shop.ebay.com/items/_W0QQ_nkwZcaseb...fromZR40QQ_mdoZ
  24. "That's a sample for shoot. Watch actual is ok. Thanks" Yeah right, believe it when I see it. That would make the second in a row to have wrong lume dots. ( Breit. Heritage chrono with extra lume dots at 3 and 9 ). Sorry not good enough. Anybody that buys now with these faults , is a real mug.
  25. This is for gratis.
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