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Posts posted by cougar1

  1. Great work Ry and great pics, the pearl is always a issue with me, mods can be done well but it's very hard to compete with proper bezel. Next move now will be the AR, even if you dont get a gen (which are a bit crazy in price) something like Taka AR on rep crystal is extremely close in transparency to the omega double AR. Good transparency really makes the dial and lume pop. Chief does very similar also.

  2. Good selection now, that poll is getting bigger, I'm sure there's a few more, we'll be scrolling through that poll soon ;)

    How about the aquaracer 500m black, it's pretty damn close out of the box (same poor AR and lume as gen tag aswell :D) and also the Sinn U2 should definitely be considered. Also the classic basic non-chrono tag carrera 39mm should maybe be considered?

  3. Lovely pics m3 thanks for sharing, the 8500 is a great looking watch, interesting to see the old 45mm PO size against the new 42mm PO in the wrist shot. Build quality of the 8500 looks amazing.

    ....also these pics on forums of crown of one watch scraping off the nice brushed case side of the other always send a shiver up my spine :D


  4. Don't get me wrong P153, buyer protections are a good thing, it's just the nature of the way PP goes about it. If I was to do a chargeback on a purchase with my bank (outside of PP this is) I would have to provide a full detailed list of why I want to go that option...including explaining via letter my arguments for the chargeback, the nature of the dispute, and also providing purchase receipts and any other details and then they will investigate, it could then take upto 3 months for them to make a decision. PP on the other hand do it on just a buyers word and refund on a return receipt....it's not enough 'proof' that there is a genuine problem imo. If they matched the procedure used in the instance above then they would get more respect.

  5. Kris, no disrespect firstly, but have heard the claim that people will be flagged as 'gift' users by paypal if they keep using that option. tbh just my opinion but it is overstated, maybe if you are a dealer it is a risk, but I've done multiple thousands of gift transfers over the years (outside of these forums/other business moreso) and they never flagged or contacted me about anything.

    The other thing is the awful assumption going around that anybody who asks for a 'gift' is a bit dodgy, not in the least tbh, somebody has to pay the fees. And a ronin says it levels the playing field in terms of rights! A seller by the time he deducts all fees with a transaction he is down a fair whelp on that initial list price. Then he is wide open to the buyer 'change of mind rule'....A much fairer method would be to share fees as both parties in the transaction are using the service and also offer rights equivalent to those that exist in the real consumer world.....but that doesn't exist.

    These crazy buyer protections which cannot be found anywhere else on any normal transaction in the real world, have most sellers who deal regularly on the backfoot now, gone are the old days of buying the seller...you have to buy the buyer now. At present you can literally buy a watch, wear it for 3 weeks, decide it's not for you and open a dispute...which will be ruled in your favour...that's insane.

    We all read the thread over on the geek where a strap dealer had everything frozen because a buyer decided a week later.......that he didn't like the colour of the strap!!

    It would be the equivalent buyer protection of me walking into marks and spencers and buying a pair of boxer shorts, only to wear them for a week, stroll back into the shop, drop the pants...take the used boxers off and hand them to the cashier telling her to give me a refund! And for good measure, I might aswell jump the counter, take the money from the till, bend the cashier over and give her one over the counter, all before walking away never to be seen again. That is the buyer protection offered by PP currently.

    As fair as ripping people off...you are joking are you?, with their 4% they are making a packet out of me and everybody else, if they wanted to leave the 'gift' option as a payment method between families I'm surprised they didn't ask for their social security numbers and birth certs to qualify. Personally I would prefer BT as it is the norm with much higher priced watches but that requires a bit of effort on the buyers side. Paypal is useful, that's it as far as I'm concerned, If there was a more widespread 'normal' payment method I would switch completely in the morning. Don't get me wrong here...buyer protection is a good thing....a setup which also suits unscrupulous fickle buyers isn't a good thing.

  6. Paypal is well, the only option really, it's just so common, everybody has access to it, if just using it to buy stuff then no problem, you are protected more than you should be.

    Trouble with it is when selling. It's all perfectly smooth until something silly goes wrong during a transaction and then everything is frozen and that whole everyday convenience suddenly becomes a nightmare.

    Saying that, I've never had a bother with it. I do know someone who has though, and it wasn't over something dodgy either, just a fickle buyer on the other end deciding to change his mind and using the absolutely insane buyer protection rules to his full advantage.

    I don't think the gift option is a bad one, nothing significantly odd about it, and it doesn't automatically speak of a 'scam'.. you are not protected while buying but otherwise it works the same way.

    Personally I'd hope that amazon get their payment system up and running and established soon enough to provide some genuine competition. Paypal is just a bit too dominant and has too much power with peoples private bank accounts/CC accounts for my liking. Just imo...but all that is aside from the point, For the OP, as far as using it to buy reps is concerned, fire away, everybody does!

  7. That site is gonna die a slow slow death, it won't be worth a cent in ten years, can't understand the sheep investing in it. It's sort of like the dotcom bubble all over again with a single site. Way overvalued, It produces nothing useful or tangible and relies on advertising based revenue. It's already showing some signs of a downward turn with almost 60% of shares coming from insiders and chief execs selling their holds. This is a get out and grab as much as you can while we can scheme. Cant wait to see it fail, 'social networking' wont die but it needs a better format and that site has been on the slippery slope for quite a while now.

  8. I'm interesting in seeing this aswell, missed first few eps so will download the whole season soon....big question is where does it rate in terms of quality....e.g. is it up there with the sopranos and the wire? Or does it rank somewhere like prison break or lost? i.e. a fair bit down the scale. I'm hearing a few mixed reviews?

  9. Why is the SMP chrono not on this list :(

    True, agreed, the original is a classic, haven't seen the new one with the raised markers etc. Also we might need the speedmaster date, the old railmaster, possibly some of the original AT 39mm and def the explorer I 36mm in the list, ....for out of the box goodness that is?. Hey slask is it possible to keep adding to that poll? There's definitely more, it's bloody hard to think when on the spot though!

  10. Ok cheers UR, will be nice to see, lots of the white one floating around in pics but hardly any of the black so far. The new eta 2892 is sweet, it should be pretty reliable from now on, it's a bit of a shame the rep a2892 are so fickle at times, anyway with all the mods you've done I'm sure that's a keeper for you. Great watch, wear it well!

  11. lol

    +1 :D

    Anyway something happened the other link above showing you proudly displaying your rep PO for the w...u...s community...I don't actually know what happened to the link on w..u..s but it disappeared.

    Never mind here is a cached copy :D :


    If you come back on the forums again I think idontknow is going to track you down and lobotomise you....and I'll hold you down for him to do so! That should calm you down for a while!

  12. You are genuinely deranged tolis, you keep reliving the same s8it over and over again..you would give teddy marshall from shutter island a run for his money.


    I'll let the pictures speak for themselves, refer to thread below:


    ~also shows how clueless they are on w..u..s but that's beside the point.

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