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I'd just like to take the time to thank all of you ..

From T to TT and all of the Admin team ... for their warm wishes and thoughts

And to all of you whom there are too many for me to log down... knowing I would miss even one member whom had me in their thoughts... Please excuse me but I know each and everyone of you in my minds eye.

And I am hounoured to be in such company as we have here .. @RWG !!!!

I was 7 day's in ICU and during that time Kruzer and Ubiquitous calls were my lifeline.. though at the time I could not really express what was going on ..

But now,..... I can laugh heartily at some of the comments ...

Here's one..

Kruzer: "Hey dude ... this is W..... what's goin on?"

Lani: trying to say a few words through the coughing....failing miserably..

Kruzer: ... "Wow dude you sound terrible"

Lani:..... Still unable to get a word out in between the coughing

Lani:(thought at the time)... 'W... I'm in friggin ICU... for heart failure.. lung failure.. kidney.. liver failure... wtf am I supposed to sound like' <_<

I mean honestly they were only keeping my heart beating with IV's for a couple of nights.. :black_eye:

Kruzer being the social animal that he is .. can find humor in the most dismal space on the planet.. and I am enjoying the conversations we had.. "Now" .... I'm still lauging over some of them .

If anyone wants to know of our conversation with our MRI experiences.. please ask Kruzer how he handled his.. :thumbsupsmileyanim:

Ubi ma man:... what can I say except ... thank you so very much for the calls on a daily basis... they meant alot

I am assuming you had a blast with the Raffle !! As I knew you would ... Great Work and Energy !!!! I need not sweat one bit knowing it was in hands that do not need guaidance..you have the passion for all endevors you partake.

But I do thank you immensely for your support in all the phone calls over the time I was in ICU.. then Critical care.. and now in general.. Mahalo R.!!!

I was due to leave the hospital tomorrow .. but it was not meant to be ... so I'll be hangin out for a few more day's .. probrably best ... mentally I need to program my mind for what has changed in life..

but one thing will alway's be constant... RWG ROCKS ... nd the members that make RWG ROCK ar incredible !!




Glad to see you solidly on the mend. But just so you know we don't care how sick you are. Ubi and I are now used to calling you at all times of the night....and it ain't gonna stop. :lol: By the way not to make you laugh too much (as I have listened to the result more than once) but I am off to Mexico tomorrow. No I am not kidding. :D

  On 7/29/2009 at 5:20 AM, kruzer00 said:

Glad to see you solidly on the mend. But just so you know we don't care how sick you are. Ubi and I are now used to calling you at all times of the night....and it ain't gonna stop. :lol: By the way not to make you laugh too much (as I have listened to the result more than once) but I am off to Mexico tomorrow. No I am not kidding. :D

Who was sick ?? my main fear was having a female nurse on duty and having to use the friggin bed pan...not going ta happen..

Let's touch base .. just call .. we'll make it a conference again...

Mexico.. shoot .. we got more influenza A. happening in Hawaii than across the boarder...


Spoke with Lani this evening; he is sounding 300% back to normal. Glad to have you back, big guy! Missed ya dearly... Much love.

Conf call tomorrow... I'm in. You guys know where to find me!





Wow you sound great ma man!! Welcome "back"! You were sorely missed.

  On 7/29/2009 at 5:28 AM, lanikai said:

Who was sick ?? my main fear was having a female nurse on duty and having to use the friggin bed pan...not going ta happen..

So , .... no nice nurses with suspenders around to please you up ??

One can't get sick in our days.


So good to have you back with us R, we were all sweating blood for you.

I have to admit your time in has brought back all the old memories for me, yeah the young nurse with the bed pan got me and the MRI bit as well.

I can tell you even when you go home there will be a long period of adjustment whilst the drugs leave your system, just keep telling yourself your the same Lani that went in and you just need to get your strength back.

Take it easy big guy we want you 100% again.



It's good to hear you're on the mend, brother, and indeed, good that you can find humor in those trying times :) When things start getting tough, I consider the platypus, a sure sign that the Big Kahuna has a sense of humor in His plan :) As the Vulcans say, live long, and prosper :)


Lani, it's very good to see you back! Obviously this has been a very rough time for you and I'm glad you made it back to this great place. You have always been up there in the shoutbox as soon as I opened my browser, it was part of my daily routine. When you were gone all of a sudden it was frankly heartbreaking. I was very happy to see your shout this morning. :)

It reminds me once more that nothing is to be taken for granted. Humble mumble...

Kind regards



Hey Bro Lani:

I can't express my happiness to see your post again! How are you? Getting better right now? :)

Hope everything is fine with you! Get more rest before you fully recover; looking forward to see you back in the best status!

Best Regards,



It was awesome to read your post Lani and to hear, first hand, that you are on the mend. I certainly didn't realize how sick you really were but words can't express my feelings of joy and relief now that you have come through it.

Can't wait to have you back full time.

All the best, B


Sounds like you've really had a rough go of it mate, but I really had no doubt that you would battle your way through it. I mean it when I say that your presence and spirit were greatly missed while you've been away and that the thoughts of the entire membership have been with you.

Welcome home brother, glad to have you back!



The new board is really great without overkill I may add... T. outdid himself again !!

Telling Ubi, and Kruzer... I dropped 40lbs .. they take blood samples for the lab sometimes 4 times a day, leaving my arms and viens black and blue... even if I wanted to go out. imagine what looks like tracks.... 40lbs drawn in the face.. tattoos..ponytail... yeah ,.. poster boy for Junkie's R US.... 8)

I miss taking macros the most... soon again hpefully.

Wow.. I got a lot of readng to catch up on..




'What does not kill you will only make you stronger'. Stronger? Jeez, when you get back 100% you'll be in "Leaps tall buildings in a single bound....." territory.

Glad to hear of your recovery. Your situation has been of concern on all the sister sites, someone mentioned H1N1. True? Scary. Be well.


What a [censored] time you've had of it R, but really glad to see you back with us.

Just remember, as with anything of this nature, take your recovery seriously. The antivirals will have done the job, but irrespective of your previous baseline of fit and healthy, your organs will have taken an immunological battering, cardiac and renal especially, and so you'll need careful rehab.

In other words, one day at a time, my friend.

  On 8/2/2009 at 9:17 PM, doc blackrock said:

What a shit time you've had of it R, but really glad to see you back with us.

Just remember, as with anything of this nature, take your recovery seriously. The antivirals will have done the job, but irrespective of your previous baseline of fit and healthy, your organs will have taken an immunological battering, cardiac and renal especially, and so you'll need careful rehab.

In other words, one day at a time, my friend.

Thanks Doc !.. verbatim as my Physicians are saying.. sat through a day of Q&A with the Cardiac specialist.. diet will be the key.. not that I'm not used to dieting..

the challenge and why I'm still in the hospital is finding the right combo of heart meds .. laxice ... Cumadan to try and dissolve the clot in my left ventricle...

I'm just hopeful that due to my pre existing health.. I can rebound a little better than most although there are not many suvivors of the H1N1 .. 2 more fell victim.. this week one here in ICU and another at a noted hospital .. so there are no cases to base after effects or recovery on yet.. I'm lucky to be one of the few... as the doctors keep saying .. "you really did come close to dying twice"

forgot to add Doc...heart is still just 23%.. :) .. better than 0% :lol:

Although there is a posibility that the heart condition will be with me and surgery is more than likely down the road..

So it's one day at a time and enjoy life to it's fullest .. B)

thanks for the kind words and concern everyone !!




WOW that's heavy stuff your talking about Lani but i'm very glad things are going well ( given the circumstances ).

I know that if you are confronted with dead life looks different afterwards.

Try to hang on to the positive effects of such an experience.



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