denisegold Posted August 28, 2013 Report Posted August 28, 2013 On 8/27/2013 at 9:51 PM, MD2020 said: I agree freddy with everything you say. In fact I made one thread when I was ill and things were slow, and another thread when I had the passingin my family, so I think were on the same page. Now im ready to move forward and get things back to normal. And everyone who supported me in this difficult time THANK YOU it does mean a lot.great hearing from you!! Glad your feeling better and things are getting back to normal.
finn Posted September 2, 2013 Report Posted September 2, 2013 I have tried to contact Mike several times since my last post. He refuses to reply. I have never called Mike a name. I have expressed sympathy and understanding for his troubles. I waited patiently for 6 months (listening to an unbelievable number of excuses none of which explain a 6 month delay including the tragic death in his family) before nicely asking for my watches back unrepaired and allowed him to keep the money I paid upfront. He returned three watches in an angry and childish tantrum, each one in worse shape than when I sent it to him 6 months ago. One was brand new and sent for cleaning and keeping almost perfect time. It was returned running 30-40 seconds fast. One was returned completely disassembled AS A BAG OF PARTS. The third was also brand new and sent for cleaning--returned with significant blemish on its face and after setting the time the minute hand does not start moving until about 45 seconds after the seconds hand (keeps good time otherwise). Since I need to have this last watch repaired again, I asked him for a portion of the $150 back that I gave him (I forgave him initially for the blemish on the face--he agreed to fix it after dragging his feet and suggesting I was scamming him--but never fixed it). He refuses to respond. My language has been kind and supportive. He has blocked me from PM. Remember, this was after 6 months of patience and understanding. He keeps saying I threatened him (untrue) or that I'm a "noob" (true) or that I am "a joke" (possibly true). Most of us have lost family Mike--you are not alone and we grieve with you. But we don't use it as a weapon and throw it in people's faces especially when it makes no sense (it doesn't explain the preceding 5 1/2 months). This is extremely angry and aggressive behavior. The Chinese part you looked for for 4 months I was able to find in 5 minutes (literally). I asked for my watches back because this had all the signs of a sinking ship. It seemed more likely than not that I would never get them back as one member after another reported similar problems and behavior. It seemed akin to a collapsing pyramid scheme--although I don't think you started out intending to hurt people--quite the opposite in fact. I think you are probably a good person, but misguided and immature--something we have all been at one point in our lives. Don't be offended MIke. If this is not the case, you have no need to get angry or offended. Everyone will see in time. I just ran out of patience. You call me names, but I am not angry because I know it is not true. The one who has the tantrum is always wrong (because deep down they know it but can't admit it to themselves so they protect their ego with anger--you have to recognize this or you will repeat this behavior throughout life). So Mike, please return at least a portion of the money I paid you. If not, have the courtesy to explain why you think it is fair. I have to repair your work. To me, you did not meet your end of the bargain. You may email me privately if you wish. I have tried at all times to keep this private but you have completely frustrated my attempts at discretion. Do the right thing Mike--you'll never regret it. Thanks Mike. I'm rooting for you.
ceocorona Posted September 2, 2013 Report Posted September 2, 2013 Seriously? Let this thread die. MD is taking care of his business. Move on with your life.
panerai153 Posted September 2, 2013 Report Posted September 2, 2013 On 9/2/2013 at 4:15 PM, finn said: I have tried to contact Mike several times since my last post. He refuses to reply. I have never called Mike a name. I have expressed sympathy and understanding for his troubles. I waited patiently for 6 months (listening to an unbelievable number of excuses none of which explain a 6 month delay including the tragic death in his family) before nicely asking for my watches back unrepaired and allowed him to keep the money I paid upfront. He returned three watches in an angry and childish tantrum, each one in worse shape than when I sent it to him 6 months ago. One was brand new and sent for cleaning and keeping almost perfect time. It was returned running 30-40 seconds fast. One was returned completely disassembled AS A BAG OF PARTS. The third was also brand new and sent for cleaning--returned with significant blemish on its face and after setting the time the minute hand does not start moving until about 45 seconds after the seconds hand (keeps good time otherwise). Since I need to have this last watch repaired again, I asked him for a portion of the $150 back that I gave him (I forgave him initially for the blemish on the face--he agreed to fix it after dragging his feet and suggesting I was scamming him--but never fixed it). He refuses to respond. My language has been kind and supportive. He has blocked me from PM. Remember, this was after 6 months of patience and understanding. He keeps saying I threatened him (untrue) or that I'm a "noob" (true) or that I am "a joke" (possibly true). Most of us have lost family Mike--you are not alone and we grieve with you. But we don't use it as a weapon and throw it in people's faces especially when it makes no sense (it doesn't explain the preceding 5 1/2 months). This is extremely angry and aggressive behavior. The Chinese part you looked for for 4 months I was able to find in 5 minutes (literally). I asked for my watches back because this had all the signs of a sinking ship. It seemed more likely than not that I would never get them back as one member after another reported similar problems and behavior. It seemed akin to a collapsing pyramid scheme--although I don't think you started out intending to hurt people--quite the opposite in fact. I think you are probably a good person, but misguided and immature--something we have all been at one point in our lives. Don't be offended MIke. If this is not the case, you have no need to get angry or offended. Everyone will see in time. I just ran out of patience. You call me names, but I am not angry because I know it is not true. The one who has the tantrum is always wrong (because deep down they know it but can't admit it to themselves so they protect their ego with anger--you have to recognize this or you will repeat this behavior throughout life). So Mike, please return at least a portion of the money I paid you. If not, have the courtesy to explain why you think it is fair. I have to repair your work. To me, you did not meet your end of the bargain. You may email me privately if you wish. I have tried at all times to keep this private but you have completely frustrated my attempts at discretion. Do the right thing Mike--you'll never regret it. Thanks Mike. I'm rooting for you. Pardner, you need to give it a rest. you have posted essentially the same thing several times and it obviously isn't working for you. please use Mike's email and or phone, and quite beating a dead horse here. It seems like you may be the only one that Mike hasn't contacted. Personally, I'm getting tired of you passive aggressive behavior and it isn't getting you anywhere.
Mike on a bike Posted September 2, 2013 Report Posted September 2, 2013 "Seriously? Let this thread die. MD is taking care of his business. Move on with your life." Plus 1 Finn, I was going to PM you but take some advice as you seem to deal out plenty (not unsound per say) , move on $150 bucks gone call it a day.
Tonyyammine Posted September 2, 2013 Report Posted September 2, 2013 Sorry guys but this is bullcrap. I also never said one bad thing to mike nor have i sent any threats to him and yet as of july 2nd still havent heard one thing from him. I havent heard anything on pm or have i heard anything on this thread as i have tried to have him contact me on my watch. So what happens now? Its ok to do stuff like this on here? I want to know whats going on?
fraggle42 Posted September 2, 2013 Report Posted September 2, 2013 Finn, with every post you're confusing yourself and everyone else more and more.You say "I waited patiently for 6 months (listening to an unbelievable number of excuses none of which explain a 6 month delay including the tragic death in his family)" and then a couple of paragraphs later you mention the fact there was a 3 month (or was it 4? I couldn't really care less at this point) delay whilst parts came from China. (Or rather didn't come, as you say you ordered them yourself after 3 months and got them within a week)So, you say you don't know of any reasons for the 6 month delay, and then state a valid reason for at least half of that delay YOURSELF.Sorry, but people telling the truth will state the same version of events again and again with no differences, and it all makes sense.I'm not saying your lying, but I am saying what you have said yourself does not add up, contradicts itself and casts doubt on everything else you say. 1
fraggle42 Posted September 2, 2013 Report Posted September 2, 2013 On 9/2/2013 at 9:55 PM, Tonyyammine said: Sorry guys but this is bullcrap. I also never said one bad thing to mike nor have i sent any threats to him and yet as of july 2nd still havent heard one thing from him. I havent heard anything on pm or have i heard anything on this thread as i have tried to have him contact me on my watch. So what happens now? Its ok to do stuff like this on here? I want to know whats going on? Just ask him on here, politely. State the date you last tried to contact, the name he knows you by, the watch you've sent, the work requested and the date sent. Check your PM inbox isn't too full, clear out your PM outbox, and give the man a week to reply. Most importantly, I think, is to be polite. No one ever got good customer service by shouting and swearing at the checkout girl in the supermarket!
Tonyyammine Posted September 2, 2013 Report Posted September 2, 2013 Fraggle can you please look at the entire thread and look at my posts. If you see one bad thing i said on any of my posts that wasnt warrented, please let me know. I also pm him i still havent gotten a response. I spoke to him on july 2nd never heard back. I last pm him on august 3rd then on august 20th. Today is sept 2nd. Dont you guys think this is a little ridiculous by now? Also if i badmouthed or did anything to him he would have said something on here like he did to finn.
finn Posted September 2, 2013 Report Posted September 2, 2013 Thanks for your advice guys. I understand your point. I understand on these forums some people are very active and develop an interest in policing the content. But please understand that I am not posting to entertain you or to offend you. Indeed, if you never read my posts that would be fine--even preferable. I have always tried to keep this private--but Mike will not reply. I wouldn't read my posts if I were you--they would be boring and repetitive. But other people who are still wondering about their watches may be interested as well as people considering sending watches to Mike. And I suspect Mike reads these posts. But I am sorry that it aggravates you. It is certainly not my intent. So if I check back next week and still see that people are having a hard time getting their watches or contacting Mike, I may post again and risk offending you. Or if it seems that Mike has gotten things straightened out, then we can chalk my experience with Mike up to an aberration. I hope that is the case. Last, the 4 month vs. 6 month complaint. After I found the part for Mike (a seconds hand that broke when Mike removed it) after waiting 4 months and Mike installed it, something else failed when he put the watch back together and I waited another 2 months (patiently) before asking for my watches back. Also, I was not responsible for ordering the first failed part, I paid Mike to do that. I only did it when Mike kept telling me that a bunch of different suppliers would not get back to him and I realized he was not really trying. I actually did him (and myself) a favor by deciding to get it on my own--which took 5 minutes (a few emails). I think a professional would have been a little embarrassed by that. But, thanks, I'll take you advice. I'm going back to my life for the next week or so and then I'll check this thread again to see what's going on. Maybe Mike will offer a portion of my money back so I can repair his repair.
freddy333 Posted September 2, 2013 Report Posted September 2, 2013 On 9/2/2013 at 10:19 PM, finn said: I'm going back to my life for the next week or so and then I'll check this thread again to see what's going on. Maybe Mike will offer a portion of my money back so I can repair his repair. MD2020 - Why have you ignored finn's (repeated) requests? Please contact him NOW & settle this 1 way or the other.
Tonyyammine Posted September 2, 2013 Report Posted September 2, 2013 On 9/2/2013 at 10:42 PM, freddy333 said: MD2020 - Why have you ignored finn's (repeated) requests? Please contact him NOW & settle this 1 way or the other. Hi do i get this too? He does have my watch since March.
azuri7 Posted September 2, 2013 Report Posted September 2, 2013 Mike- I have yet to receive my watch, what's the hold up? I live in St. Louis, MO so it should take max 2 days to get to me. This is what you posted Thursday August 22, 2013: "Sent out today to you AzURI7 ill pm with tracking everything is included all movts and old parts. Hands movt bezel ect. Ive been slowly working thru pm's. Sorry about that. You should have it in less than 2days." If you could drop that in the mail at your earliest convenience I would appreciate it. I would like to work with you in the future, but I am worried now that I will never get my item back. Please respond to this and let me know what's going on. Thank you.
freddy333 Posted September 2, 2013 Report Posted September 2, 2013 My apologies. Yes, MD2020, please contact all with outstanding orders now.
Mike on a bike Posted September 3, 2013 Report Posted September 3, 2013 Finn just cut out the diatribes in regard and post like Tonyyam hey it's been this long did not fix that right whatever and go for it. MD get a hold of these guys as freddy says and put this stuff to bed it is in your best interests.
wiseguy1481 Posted September 3, 2013 Report Posted September 3, 2013 Are people still using MD202 for repairs?? Sounds like we have just two (2) outstanding members with problems with Mike?? This situation really is too bad. I think things originally went from GREAT... to OH NO... to BAD... to WTF... and now I am sure Mike wont be getting much if any work going forward. I disagree with Mike having his own section and this problem being resolved and/or never being a problem. I also disagree with having to be "polite" after numerous requests to getting your watch(s) back. If good customer service was there from the begining no one would be getting upset and none of these issues would be around. At what point do people start showing up to Mike's "shop" and demanding a refund?
Tonyyammine Posted September 3, 2013 Report Posted September 3, 2013 Im on the wtf stage. I have no problems with this guy and he should not have any with me. We did a deal before we got along well hes nice to me im nice to him, so i dont know whats going on. I cant even call the guy a bad word because he didnt do anything to me but for some reason hes not getting back to me. Its fing wierd.
wiseguy1481 Posted September 3, 2013 Report Posted September 3, 2013 Hey Tony, yeah its very weird, especially because we all see him on the forum communicating with other members. Maybe he just dislikes people from Brooklyn?? HAHA... JK... I really hope everything works out for you Tony, you are a good guy.
Tonyyammine Posted September 3, 2013 Report Posted September 3, 2013 Thanks bro. I actually just spoke to mike. I told him i have no problems with him and hes a good guy,which he really is. I just asked to keep in touch with me because i really want to keep working with him. He does good work. Heres the last watch he did for me its a post over at rwi.
scotty Posted September 3, 2013 Report Posted September 3, 2013 I have kept quiet but also have a watch with mike. Am hoping it sorts itself out and my watch comes home.
freddy333 Posted September 3, 2013 Report Posted September 3, 2013 It is RWG policy not to get involved in private transactions between members. However, since so many are hanging on the outcome of this issue - MD2020 - Regardless of past history, this is the time to make right all accounts. To that end, if you are uncomfortable contacting finn directly, please post the status of his watch or watches & any outstanding payments awaiting you or expected from finn. Please leave out the history & emotion, just the facts. finn - As has been said so frequently that no RWG member has an excuse for being unaware, repeated attempts to contact modders/watchmakers or sending insulting/threatening messages is not the way to deal with people. Members have offline lives & cannot always respond immediately. Always give the person 1-2 weeks to respond before attempting contact again. If you push/rush, you are likely to do little more than to become a pest & get your messages ignored. Finally, once MD2020 has detailed the status of your watches, consider the case closed (as far as RWG & this thread is concerned).
fraggle42 Posted September 4, 2013 Report Posted September 4, 2013 On 9/2/2013 at 10:16 PM, Tonyyammine said: Fraggle can you please look at the entire thread and look at my posts. If you see one bad thing i said on any of my posts that wasnt warrented, please let me know. I also pm him i still havent gotten a response. I spoke to him on july 2nd never heard back. I last pm him on august 3rd then on august 20th. Today is sept 2nd. Dont you guys think this is a little ridiculous by now? Also if i badmouthed or did anything to him he would have said something on here like he did to finn. Tony, sorry, I didn't mean to imply you had used bad or angry language, just I find asking a question in a simple, polite, factual way works best - I leave out (or rather go back over and re-read what I've written before I post or send it) anything emotional or subjective. What I posted before was a perfect example of what NOT to do! I didn't write it properly and you thought I was referring to something you had already done and (rightly) took offense. Written language can be such a pain in the butt sometimes! 1
Tonyyammine Posted September 4, 2013 Report Posted September 4, 2013 No fraggle im not mad at you. We ok. Anyway I got mike we are in contact. 1
billyfras Posted September 5, 2013 Report Posted September 5, 2013 Mike, please check my PM when you see this. I'm ready to call it quits on the search for the pinion for the 30 minute counter hand (A7753). Unless you have a the fix in motion already... Which u probably don't because I'm sure you would have informed me as such. I just need to have some steady communication with you to sort out final arrangements. Kindly oblige.
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