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QC pics come through and I'm not too impressed..


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Hi guys, I want some advice, I am not here to moan and name a seller just yet, But I've ordered my 2nd rep. I actually ordered the same watch as after 4 years wearing solid my 1st is looking a little tired. Impressed to wear it everyday at work for 4 years though.


Anyways, the watch in question is a RLX GMT Master ii. I just paid $420 or so from a trusted trader on here and just had the QC pics through. On the photos the clasp looks wonky and finished badly. I obviously don't want this and the seller is saying i can't have a refund without a 20% surcharge.


With paying a lot for the swiss movement and over 400$ I thought things like a wonky claps and bad finishing wouldnt be something I would have to worry about.

I am now considering a n00b factory v4 GMT master II. Anybody any experience of this?


How can I be expected to pay 20% of over 400$ for a watch i don't want? 



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A photo of what you consider to be "wonky" would allow the experts here to help guide you.   Doesn't seem like you've given this issue much time to work out before disputing with PP?   What did the TD say when you asked for another watch?

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Hi guys, 


for clarity, sorry its my 3rd rep. I have asked if they can supply the noob, but had no reply. Ive been back and forth back and forth very quick up until the point i mentioned the clasp looks pretty poor. The last reply I got was pretty much tough [censored], you need to pay 20%. 

my immediate response was, hey, can we get a noob and we don't need to worry about refunds etc. ill hold my hand up and say maybe i rushed into contact paypal, but I was a bit sensitive to no replies for hours (and still none) after being back and forth all day, now the website is down :( 


What is the QC process supposed to be for unless to judge the quality of the purchase before its sent? IMHO you should pay a deposit, then the final amount on the QC acceptance, but thats never going to happen and i understand why. 


the guy should just reverse my payment (less $20 or so for time wasted) and have done.

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Of course he didn't.

I wouldnt imagine any of the admins would want to take that much interest, It would be very kind of them to do so. But like I said in the first sentence of this thread, I didnt come on here to moan. Just to see if its normal practise to be stung 20% on a watch you don't want before its even shipped to you. 

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Once again, show us the QC pics.  Only 13 posts in 6 + years and you file a Paypal dispute?  I've bought at least 25 watches, some were better than other's and a few were real stinkers, but I never went the dispute route.  All that does is hurt all of us.  It's not good business.

Edited by Martyd3
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Once again, show us the QC pics.  Only 13 posts in 6 + years and you file a Paypal dispute?  I've bought at least 25 watches, some were better than other's and a few were real stinkers, but I never went the dispute route.  All that does is hurt all of us.  It's not good business.

I must be very ignorant to why filing a complaint affects us all. Im all ears, seriously, fill me in on how it such a dreadful thing to happen? Ive not mentioned anything about watches on the dispute. just trying to get the seller into action to refund me. 



I would stick up a pic if I had somewhere to host it. does this forum support uploading to the actual forum?


with some of the comments it looks like I'm going to need to apologise for not being glued on here for the period of my 6 year membership. Jeez. Give me a break

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"I wouldnt imagine any of the admins would want to take that much interest" I already did, " but I was a bit sensitive to no replies for hours (and still none) after being back and forth all day" went to bed maybe..........we count in days with dealers FYI not hours.


Post QC pics still flying blind here just save in your computer and you can put up. (more reply options) I do not run witch hunts but I need pics and other info which you can PM me to help you.

OK posted same time , not so good ,ask for another watch?

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I hate PP disputes they are either signs that one party expects every thing to work according to their own expectations or outright scamming.


To the OP you have been guilty of the first case, there is so many other steps, including more discussion with the dealer, before going to PP.


All you achieve is ruining the whole game for everyone else.


My advice is to drop the dispute immediately and if the dealer remains unresponsive and you are certain you have been done wrong by contact an Admin team member as all dealers are on this board because they have shown they are willing to address issues.


It would also help if you show the pic that you find not up to scratch it may turn out to be nothing more than camera angle.




PS I also missed the pic, but again communication between customer and seller is the key

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Hi mike, what I meant about the admins was I wasn't expecting there to be a sort of support network for this. 


I didnt know there was any back up. I just wanted peoples thoughts and only just figured i could add a photo.

Now, back to the watch.. not to all that convinced even the next watch will be ok if this is the type of standard for a 388 dollar watch! 

I am now thinking my only option to keep someone of my tastes and standards happy is a noob version. Like i mentioned, I asked but after having emails back and forth within minutes, I've had no reply. Andrew is normally top with this type of thing, but he's gone all quiet

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I must be very ignorant to why filing a complaint affects us all. Im all ears, seriously, fill me in on how it such a dreadful thing to happen? Ive not mentioned anything about watches on the dispute. just trying to get the seller into action to refund me. 


Because paypal is the easiest way for us to all pay, and when people such as yourself file paypal disputes flippantly it means that it is not in the best interest for the dealers to supply paypal as an option anymore, so they stop it. 

Ergo, because of people like you, we all get paypal not offered as an option.

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If he received notice that you filed a PP dispute, I'm not surprised he has gone quiet.   As to speed of replies, remember that China is in a slightly different time-zone than most of us in here............

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Because a PP dispute against a replica dealer means burning his account, which means he can't offer PP to the very many buyers who don't fly off the handle filing disputes.



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the dispute hasn't been escalated at all, its just between me and him for now. Its not like I've commented and said my replica watch looks [censored] on the QC photos. theres no mention of anything like that, purposely for that reason

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If thats the only issue (the clasp), I would have either asked for a better picture or replacement.  Could be the lighting or some polishing compound residue (assuming you mean on the left side of the coronet).  The left edge of the fliplock is a touch off too, but nothing a little elbow grease cant fix.     I dont need to remind you that expecting perfection on a watch that is 1/20 the cost of the gen is a tad unreasonable.   


I believe on RWI, if you go through the PP dispute route before exhausting all avenues with the mods, you are banned.  

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To the OP, it's a replica watch, a FAKE. We're dealing with people who do not speak English as a first language, who are in another country & time zone, dealing with counterfeit and illegal goods. If you have to wait a bit longer and struggle through a few misfortunes to get the watch then it's all a part of the game.


I believe on RWI, if you go through the PP dispute route before exhausting all avenues with the mods, you are banned.  

That doesn't sound bad at all. If somebody wants to reap the rewards of a community they can't be going all Rambo and jeopardising an easy payment method for the wider community. 

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