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I look out through my window, across the pastures 'round my home,

And he is standing there watching, the cattle where they roam.

He was there when I was just a boy, playing in his arms,

And he would hold me up so high I'll see, across the neighboring farms.

He's the lord of all the land around, tall and proud as any King,

His deciples all the herds on hoof and birds upon a wing.

He's seen the droughts and fires, he's seen the flooding rains,

When his domain was turned to swamp and mud, from the valleys to the plains.

My Grandchildren now play with him, as I did long ago,

When he holds them up, they tell me, they can feel the North wind blow.

And I will leave this place in his careful hands, for I know he'll out live me,

So I salute you my life long friend, the grand old Norfolk tree.

Ken Berg

Yes gang it's a poetry comp. 1st place $3000 RWG Cash 2nd $2000 3rd $1000 Hon. Mention $500

A min of ten different entries needed for 2nd, 3rd and Hon. Mention to be awarded, any roses are red Violets are blue rubbish will be deleted on sight the same goes for dirty ditties.

So there you have it let's see what you got folks. :thumbsupsmileyanim:



Ok, I'm in, the first one is back on college and when I was into Carl Jung (the guy that said all males have a female image in them, the anima is the female image in the male mind) and the second one is when I thought I knew something about the mind and brain and free will....

the princess anima

in a past without limits and ends

lives a quest for a perfection that mends

the heart of one man and the souls of many

in a poverty of surround, a boy took cape and broke bound

to seek an image that was close but forever unheard

she spoke soft, in opposites her captors preferred

in his shadow she found darkness her home

trapped by evil traits a princess lay alone

till in a fools sleep he cast a line, infinitely small

it cast no shadow at all

to pave a path of escape

less than timeless did it take

to emerge on the other side and grace clear sky

for all he saw was the princess anima

it filled all, both truth and lie

The inhabitants of a most populace land,

Found the task of decision making desperately at hand

Simple coordination seemed implausible

With so many parts, a single thing was impossible

Then, by trial and error

A fictitious King appeared from out of nowhere

A ruler with the hearts of the court

Moved forth with ease to both walk and purport

And in the joy of harmonic rule

The stories of the King grew and grew

Till the myth itself began to question and worry

What will happen in the end?

Forgetting all along, the King was nothing but a useful story


Ok it looks as tough chris5264 has set the level :thumbsupsmileyanim:

If you believe you can do better let's see it, I think I will run this until Sat 17th say 9am Aussie time, to give everyone plenty of time to get their entries in. :1a:



Lots of views, I hope everyone is just taking time to compose their poetry :blink:



Kostas it's open slather for everyone...........................except Alan :lol:


Kostas it's open slather for everyone...........................except Alan :lol:


Ok.. since I cannot decide I will put two entries of my favourite poems..

Just keep in mind that they are a translated version from Greek.. some believe that poetry cannot be translated, some other that if we translate them we allow to the whole world to read them...


I left the years fade to yesterday

and my life to oxidize through infinity

but I forgot the rust, the days of joy

when the clouds danced in the rhythm of sadness

And when it rained again in the secret parts of my mind

I opened a black umbrella to dismiss

the bad things to come, in the hilarious light of history.

Because my future is deep and chaos of secret shadows

that rushed to cover

and extinguish the sun inside me.

And destiny lighted a fire that burns and ruins…

What cities will resist my way?

And for how long I will resist being silent?

What soul, what soul I will redeem in lies?

And what lies I will tell to my soul?


A dazzling night, a glorious night,

she appeared through misty winds

and blazing lunar reflections,

a figure glowing from purity

bringing tears of awe in the eyes.

A woman that you believe she arrived here

from another star, faraway to infinity,

where the spots of light penetrated

the transparent glasses of life

and the width of the invisible souls.

Only in silence were able my senses

to see the dazzling beauty

at her sky-coloured eyes

and the luminous comets

she had in her hair.

I wanted to say so many things

beneath a dome full of stars

and the wind formed my words

from dust and fireflies.

‘The incomparable shining

that radiates a so brilliant presence

is a gift into the centuries of existence’

She approached me, she touched me,

and she took me with her in a valley

drenched with starlight

and flapping Angels.

Oh! Soul, in the dawn of life

of this infinite material world,

the only thing I asked her to let me take,

was the smell of the soil after the rain.

Posted (edited)

My 2 favorites


Late morning cup of tea.

I can no longer remember last night's dream.

The tea, like the dream, leaves a bitter taste in my mouth.


Dancing with the sunbeams.

They lead me gently through the moves, softly, caressingly.

Moments like this I can forget everything else and I haven't a care in the world.

Edited by Maikel
Hang on, are we supposed to write poetry or copy/paste our favourites?

The above are my favourite poems written by me :rolleyes::blink:


Yes I hope everyone is submitting their own work, if you wish to use a poem that you have writen previously that's fine as long as it is your own work.


if you wish to use a poem that you have writen previously that's fine as long as it is your own work.

Phew, just needed that clarifying. :D


Okay........you'll slaughter me for making light of this. (Sorry in advance) But here's a play on an old favourite that I posted in that ex-place! (I do have some "real" stuff somewhere)

My Way

And now, the end is near

And so I face the final posting

My friend, I'll say it clear

You wanna trade – get offshore hosting

I've lived a year that's full

I've travelled each and every forum

But more, much more than this

I won’t buy Corum

Brequets, I've had a few

But then again, too few to mention

Tag Heuer I had to do

Swiss eta without exemption

I planned each Panerai

Each careful rep along at abay

But more, much more than this

I won’t use eeeeeeeeeeebay

Yes, there were timexes, I'm sure you knew

The occasional Swatch I owned up to

But through it all, aye here’s the rub

I never found the perfect sub

The face too small, the crown guards tall

Got ripped off my way

In RWG, I've laughed and cried

I've had my fill, my share of newb-bashing

And now, this powermax

I find it all so amusing

To think I did all that

And may I say - not in a shy way

2000 posts – 6 worthwhile

I did it my way

For what is lemania, what has it got

That all the others seem to have not

Tweaking springs and balance wheels

Are not the things that buy my meals

The record shows my juxtapose

I do it my………………………… way!



I vote for JTB and that is coming from a published poet. Pure class in a glass hahahahaha!!!

Slanderous but class, anyway mate gotta jet comin through to the dark side the night fur trainin' bludy Bellahouston, PISH!!!


Actually John I loved it when you first posted it and I still love it now..................but it still aint gunna win a prize :D


Actually John I loved it when you first posted it and I still love it now..................but it still aint gunna win a prize :D


Ken.........I'm not chasing prizes (Don't think I need the dosh ;) ). Just thought I'd let the lads see what can be done with a little artistic licence and imagination! :lol:

The record shows I carved the prose and did it my way! :whistling:



I looked for this thread up high and down low,

It's lagging behind 'cause your posting so slow.

With still lots of time left I can't let it slump.

So I'll arc up my keyboard and give it a BUMP :D



Almost a week gone and so far only 3 accertable entries, remember I need 10 to be able to award more that just first prize. :)



Well I hope you are all going to start waxing lyrical in the next week because the first week only fetched in 3 entries still 7 short of all prizes being awarded.

C'mon all you closet poets time to set the juices flowing. :)


Almost a week gone and so far only 3 acceptable entries, remember I need 10 to be able to award more that just first prize. :)


Are you angling for seven crap entries?! :lol:

I must say, for someone who is not keen on verse (I was 'damaged' by Shakespeare, Milton and Chaucer at school - rhyming words they made up, when they do it =genius, when I rhyme orange with porange = fool) these entries were reasonably pleasant. Perhaps most of all for the lack of words like 'porange'.

Keep up the good work :thumbsupsmileyanim:

Are you angling for seven crap entries?! :lol:

I must say, for someone who is not keen on verse (I was 'damaged' by Shakespeare, Milton and Chaucer at school - rhyming words they made up, when they do it =genius, when I rhyme orange with porange = fool) these entries were reasonably pleasant. Perhaps most of all for the lack of words like 'porange'.

Keep up the good work :thumbsupsmileyanim:

Ah my friend you seem a man of the world who has a gift with words, why not try to come up with something to help pad up your gambling money :D


Ah my friend you seem a man of the world who has a gift with words, why not try to come up with something to help pad up your gambling money :D


It's a reputation I hope to maintain by not unleashing my inner hopeless poet! Is the world ready for my eighteen stanza masterpiece entitled 'porange'?

That said, maybe I can be enticed to make up the numbers...

BTW did A Current Affair really ever have a poet/dickhead/singsong on once a week, or was that just an invention of Frontline?


My dear sweet mellifluous Nanuq

Are you attempting, by your many words, to compensate for something lacking?

Polonius said it best: "Brevity is the soul of wit".

And so I offer my poetic entry, titled "Fleas":


had 'em.

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