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Off day starts to turn into a "normal" day


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I used to be annoyed about a shipment which didn't arrive with lightning speed or a cannon pinion which wasn't completely flush.

But what about this

3 weeks ago a had an appointment with my orthopedic surgeon because my left leg was hurting like hell and i walked like a penguin. X-ray were made and during the second consult she came with terrible news that they had seen white spots in my bone ( of the upper leg ). Both my father and mother died of cancer so i knew what see was telling.

2 weeks ago i went into the MRI and she called me the same evening telling me that they didn't see anything life threatening. So the champagne came out of the frig and we had a good time. Today i had my 3rd appointment together with my wife and we were more or less prepared for the message that i needed a new hip.


see told me that on the phone the message was that they didn't see anything life threatening but it still was diagnosed as bone cancer

( Fybreuze Dysplasie , sorry that's in Dutch i don't know the English title for it ).

I thought that's it but then she told me that the head of the orthopedic surgeons didn't agree with the oncologist on he fact that this was a mild form of Fybreuze Dysplasie. He is almost sure that it's the aggressive form ( because of the size of the tumor 66,4 mm ).

I just want to get this of my chest.

My 5 year old boy and my wife are in bed and i don't want to bother them with my fears.

My wife is very helpful and understanding and helping me to cope with this situation. But we lost her dad 2 weeks ago on a disease called f***ing bone cancer so she needs her time to close that part of here life.

Does any one on this forum have the same disease ??

PM me if so , because i got lot's of questions.


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So the champagne came out of the frig and we had a good time. Today i had my 3rd appointment together with my wife and we were more or less prepared for the message that i needed a new hip.


see told me that on the phone the message was that they didn't see anything life threatening but it still was diagnosed as bone cancer

Cats, I'm so very sorry...

( Fybreuze Dysplasie , sorry that's in Dutch i don't know the English title for it ).

Fibrous dysplasia.

I just want to get this of my chest.

Of course.

My 5 year old boy and my wife are in bed and i don't want to bother them with my fears.

That goes without saying.

PM me if so , because i got lot's of questions.

I fear I cannot be of greater help to you, than I wish, but my father is an Oncologist-Haematologist, so if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask. I will relay them...

Best wishes for you and your family, Cats.

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So sorry to hear this Cats it must be a very traumatic time for you but more so for your family and any close friends you may have informed.

I know last August when I was admitted to hospital all those around me went through hell whilst I simply slept through it all but I know that thoughts of my wife and young daughter played a very big part of getting me home again.

Stay strong for your family and let their love give you the strength to see you through this.


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Thank you all for the replies and Pm's a got.

Decided to go for the 100% positive approach since only 1-4% of these cases go wrong.

SSSurfer i will ask a second opinion when professor Taminiau comes up with a proposal were my walking capabilties are questionable afterwards.

Keep you all informed

Thanks again and nice to experience that this is more then a hobby club but also a forum were we care about each other.



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  • 4 weeks later...

Hi all,

i promised to keep you up to date on my health development.

I came home from the hospital yesterday. On the 13th of decemeber i fall down the stairs and broke my upper left legg. They fixed it on the 14th and removed the tumor the size of a tennisball from my bone. On the 19th the orthopedic surgeon came into my room with BAD news. The tumor that they removed from my legg was malignant and came from my left kidney ( the rest of my body is clean god bless ). At that time the world stopped spinning , i called my wife who broke down ( here father died on the 7th of November of bone cancer ) After 2 days i decided to only look into the future and see it positive. The 10th of januari my left kidney will be removed. Then we will start with immuno therapy. After that we will start the chemo and the final blow will be radio therapy on my left legg. End of Feb i'm allowed to stand on my left legg and i will have to learn to walk again.

One thing the F****** Cancer won't kill me.

Carpe diem

Happy ending and a good and healthy start in 2008



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  • 1 month later...
I seem to have missed this thread completely until now. Sorry to hear this, Cats. This is so f%cked up..... Nothing I can say than wishing you and your family all the best. Take care and I expect you to be healty at the next EU GTG!

Same here.. I mised this thread as well.

Cats, I wish you all the best and keep fighting not only for yourself but for your family as well.


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Dear members,

all these positive remarks and nice words give me a lot of strenght to fight my cancer.

There is not a lot of news at the moment i'm getting more energy every day.

The orthopedic surgeon told me that i have to stay in my wheelchair untill 10th of March.

The next to weeks will be of great importance . Next week i will visit my urologist and the week after will be the most

important visit at the oncologist ( is this the right way to spell it ).

I will keep you al posted

Again thanks for all the nice words and PM's

Carpe Diem


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Dear members,

all these positive remarks and nice words give me a lot of strenght to fight my cancer.

There is not a lot of news at the moment i'm getting more energy every day.

The orthopedic surgeon told me that i have to stay in my wheelchair untill 10th of March.

The next to weeks will be of great importance . Next week i will visit my urologist and the week after will be the most

important visit at the oncologist ( is this the right way to spell it ).

I will keep you al posted

Again thanks for all the nice words and PM's

Carpe Diem


Never give in Cats never

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Cats, you will pull through this challenge, just maintain a positive spirit, keep your humor as much as you can, for truly laughter is the best medicine, count your blessings and drink alot of water. The power of ones mind is an extrordinairy thing indeed and I have seen many people pull through near death illness by willpower and common sense. Peace be with you brother.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Dear fellow members,

I promised to update this post if their are any changes.

Things are going better and better every day on this side.

I visited my oncologist today and the CT scan and thorax photo which were taken last week are both CLEAN.

My wife and i see this as another postive step towards my recovery of kidney cancer.

Today i also had my second radiotherapy for my left leg. Next monday will my last radiotherapy day and i hope that the orthopedic surgeon will give the greenlight for starting the fysiotherapie treatment. ( i'm getting a little bit sick and tired of my wheelchair ).

I'm CLEAN and it will stay CLEAN.

I wan't come back with any updates unless something drastic happens.

So no news is good news



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