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How do you select the watches to buy....?

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A few months ago I got the bug and went buying like an idiot, every watch I liked . I didn't look at whether it resambled the gen or if it was a fantasywatch, just bought them all...

Today I read reviews, compare with pics of gens , sometimes I will get the brochures from AD's and then make my choice for my rep to buy

I wonder how your buys are choosen....?


If a watch takes my eye and fitts into my wardrobe, then i will start researching, reading reviews, looking what other members have said and especialy its reliability. I think about my life style and if it will fit in and be belivable. I very rarely buy on the spur of the moment some times i may wait 6 months to a year before i buy particualy if it has a new movement or complication. And when i do buy on the spure of the moment it will bee because A) i am drunk or B)the deal is one that is not to be passed over.


FXR said it dead on!

First reason I purchased my rep is to coordinate with A) My lifestyle B) My wardrobe. I wear suits during the week, so I purchase my watches based on my clothing color. I do not purchase many reps, because it will loose that luster of owning that watch. As for lifestyle, I live in the south loop of Chicago, a trendy area, so I coordinate my watch to my surroundings. That may sound superficial, but I wish to make sure my rep corresponds to the genuine accuracy.

Which leads me to my second decision, Rep accuracy. I do not wear my rep and flaunt it as real and brag about my wear. I wear it because I like it, but while that may sound hypocritical, I do enjoy the accuracy of the watch.

Third and most important is the quality of movement. I so badly wanted the Navitimer, but after exhausting research, the movement was flawed, and I decided I didn't want the headache. So I chose the 6.75, because of the better movement.

Now, I am in the market for 2 brown/burgundy strap watches with white face. One for my suits and the other for nightlife lifestyle.

And that is how I choose my reps.


In terms of pure purchase, then it's a matter of it having been in a movie I enjoyed, or, worn by an actor I like, in a movie.

In terms of selection to wear, the criteria has always been practicality (ie is it suitable for the activity planned, and then how easy will it be to read the time. I wouldn't wear a watch which was easy to read, but 'less durable', in a situation where it could be unnecessarily damaged) Following practicality, I used to chose and vary my watch depending on my wardrobe. Now I've got my 127, I just change straps to match and keep the same watch on :lol: It's that versatile ^_^


I tend to go for the super reps, as the finish is usually better on them. Other than that, I sort by dial and strap color, and overall style. I try to keep 4 or 5 representatives of each of the major watch companies I like - IWC, Breitling, Panerai, Omega, Cartier, Hublot. After that I've started going for "unusual" looking watches, such as the Dewitt Academia, or the upcoming Graham's.


Me? I get whatever the dealers give me. ;)

Seriously, I choose watches based on how much I like the genuines, or in the case of fantasy watches, whether or not they'd get spotted as obvious forgeries. I have a fantasy Rolex, Breitling and IWC and I reckon they'll all pass first glance without a problem.

I like design and a well-designed watch that suits my style (no bling please, we're british) and choose based on what would suit me, meaning no Ferrari or Bentley watches for a start. Oh, apart from when something whacky comes along like the Panerai 187.

Me? I get whatever the dealers give me. ;)

Ha, you beat me to it Puggy :lol:

I first and foremost go with what appeals to my eye...It has to speak to me...

I then start to do the comparison to look for accuracy....

I then think about how I could mod it to get it close...

I then look at disposable funds..

I then figure a way to buy it anyway B)


Darts. I pin pictures to a wall and throw darts. But I'm a lousy shot, so sometimes it takes a while before I even hit one of these pictures.

Actually, I select based on style first and then quality. The style has to spark something in me, otherwise the fact that it is accurate or well built doesn't mean much.

On the other hand, I've resisted watches that turn me but that have bad reputations, such as the IWC Portugese. I'd still love to have one, though.

I also look for variety, so dark vs. light dials, numerical vs. unmarked bezels, chrono vs. non-chrono, strap vs. bracelet, and dress vs. sport. Right now my focus is on adding a dress watch, but I am having a hard time making up my mind.


I only buy watches that fit my dressing style and life style. I don't like my watches to collect dust in the watchbox. Also, I try to avoid to buy reps of gens that I possibly wouldn't be able to afford without winning the lottery... .. I guess the Yachtmaster and PAM0250 were the exceptions to the rule.... :lol: .

After I have fallen for a gen that I've seen at an AD or on internet, I'll be searching for the rep - provided it exists. Then I do some gen/rep comparison and board research to see how accurate it is. Some flaws I will accept, others are deal breakers. Then I pull the trigger and the waiting and excitement starts.. :)


I have been collecting watches (both gen & rep) for many years & my tastes have changed as I have aged & learned more about watches. I began, like many people, with an eye towards the more fashionable, popular or high tech end of the watch market, with yellow gold factoring in as the common denominator throughout my collection. But as my style of dress has morphed from fashionable to classical, so have my tastes in watches. But I think the deciding factor that best set the direction of my current collecting habits came, one day in late 2000, when someone on TZ posted a picture of his all-steel collection of about a dozen vintage Rolex watches. Instantly, I recognized the understated sophistication & monochromatic purity of these steel antiques & quickly began to realize how much testicular impact my 'power-pop' grouping lacked in comparison. The image of that all-steel vintage Rolex collection has since become ingrained into my psyche & has forever changed the way I look at & collect watches. So within the next year, I had sold, traded or tossed my Royal Oaks & Pans as well as most of my yellow gold watches & embarked on a mission to re-educate & re-direct my collecting around a more Rolex-centric, steel theme. Today, with a few notable exceptions, my collection is right where I want it to be -- mostly vintage Rolex steel with a few non-Rolex or non-steel models whose beauty I have always appreciated, but rarely wear (because yellow gold looks ostentatious on me).


There are multiple factors for me. I like variety. I like to have multiple brands, so I usually don't buy too many of the same brand. Size matters to me. I have come to the conclusion that 44mm is my max due to my smaller wrist. Most importantly, I do a lot of reading to find-out how close the rep is to the gen. I have decided against some reps that I really liked since they had some major flaws. I guess I am pretty picky and want to get the best rep possible. B)


Its oh so simple.......

I see one I like

Hand goes in pocket

Out comes the folding stuff

& one more joins the happy throng

Its now an automatic response (like Pavlov's dogs).

Try it

Youll enjoy it !



wow, thank you all for taking the time to reply. A lot of different ways to decide on a watch as there are a lot of flavors.

In the beginning I was just being greedy as Reg knows( :) ) , but now I will do more research, reading ect but wait for a year like Andy uhuh, too big a chance the model wouldn't be available anymore

@ Reg yeah yeah easy for you to say m8 ;)

Limited choice for Cornerstone....

Tnx again


I am mainly inspired from the wristshots...

Then I look for reviews and sometimes pics of the gen on the manufacturers website.

I actually bought only once after having seen a watch in an A.D : that was my Tag Heuer Monza. It never drew my attention on the boards untill I saw the real thing.

I have been collecting watches (both gen & rep) for many years & my tastes have changed as I have aged & learned more about watches. I began, like many people, with an eye towards the more fashionable, popular or high tech end of the watch market, with yellow gold factoring in as the common denominator throughout my collection. But as my style of dress has morphed from fashionable to classical, so have my tastes in watches. But I think the deciding factor that best set the direction of my current collecting habits came, one day in late 2000, when someone on TZ posted a picture of his all-steel collection of about a dozen vintage Rolex watches. Instantly, I recognized the understated sophistication & monochromatic purity of these steel antiques & quickly began to realize how much visceral impact my 'power-pop' grouping was lacking in comparison. The image of that all-steel vintage Rolex collection has since become ingrained into my psyche & has forever changed the way I look at & collect watches. So within the next year, I had sold, traded or tossed my Royal Oaks & Pans as well as most of my yellow gold watches & embarked on a mission to re-educate & re-direct my collecting around a more Rolex-centric, steel theme. Today, with a few notable exceptions, my collection is right where I want it to be -- mostly vintage Rolex steel with a few non-Rolex or non-steel models whose beauty I have always appreciated, but rarely wear (because yellow gold looks ostentatious on me).

Interesting story... I buy whatever I think looks nice :) I don't care about whether or not I can afford the gens in real life, frankly speaking, I can't afford any of my reps as gens :lol: I'm only 22 and still a university student with student loans, I don't exactly have much disposable income. One of my reps is a AP RO Chrono and the gen is worth


I agree about the asian automovements Dragonslayer(what's in a name ;) ) owning several myself.

Just as in cars, between a Rolls and a Volkswagen there is a variety of other interesting models, brands ect


I see - I like - I buy. This is a very poor system if you like your money in your pocket. I do not recommend it to anybody who wants to save a few bucks. If you want to spread the cash around it is a very good system.


First, I laid out the parameters for the kinds of watches I wanted. That is, watches to match certain [mainly] dress needs: dress, business wear, smart casual, sport, elegant vintage pieces, most precise timepiece, and then a category for "I just like them". I also included in this analysis the several modest gens I already had.

I selected from the availlable gens those watches which I liked for each of the categories. When I then began studying the replicas, I found a few of the gen watches I wanted were not replicated so I had to scratch them off my list and find repped substitutes. I also included in my purchase plans a couple of very modest gens.

Along the way, as I learned more about the reps, and listening to the chatter on the forum, I selected some watches I learned about from others (mostly from Viictoria Barrett). I also scratched some which I originally selected because I had selected too many and had too much overlap in style. This shift in my collection plan occurred over several months.

Then, I began to focus on who I would buy the watches from. I originally thought I would try to experience every recommended collector available on the forum. I quickly sorted out the would not work. Buying from many of the sellers was just too frustrating an experience. I pretty quickly homed in on one main supplier.

I have purchased about 2 watches a month, working through my list. I have accelerated my purchases lately, wanting to finish.

I have one more buy of 3 watches to make and I will be essentially finished with my collection ... not that I might not buy another one or two ... or some more to give as gifts (I have purchased two which I have given as gifts).. I will complete that buy by mid-month this month. when I have finished, I will have purchased 17 watches, including two gens, one new one used.

I am very happy, so far with my plan and collection. When I have completed the collection, I will report on it, including pictures ... in another couple of months.


I break it down into two categories:

1) A very short list of pricy, modded, reps that I would wear in demanding social situations where I cannot afford to be called out.

2) A long, varied list of cheap (under $100) reps I can wear comfortably to work or around friends where I know no one is going to know any better.

Watches in category #1 would be my 127E or a modded UPO; category #2 would be my Tag SLR or B&R Phantom. This is why I haven't ordered an HBB yet, the watch would technically belong in group #1, but those people would be in a position to know how much it would have had to cost me. It's one thing to wear a $3K-$6K watch with some genuine value and quite another to sport a $14K fashion watch. So it's nice but it doesn't really matter that it's so accurate since I would never buy the gen no matter how rich I was.


1. I have to like it.

2. It has to be, at least, 95% accurate to gen.

3. It has to come with date.

4. If band, has to come with deployant clasp.

5. It has to be different enough to any of my previous watches. In example, if silver case/black dial, and I already have one like that wich already satisfies me, I pass by the new model.

6. If also from a brand I still have no watch, that's a plus.

7. Gen has to be no less than $4,000.


I don't think I would buy a watch smaller than 45mm anymore; that really narrows it down.

Luisik, I'm curious, why wouldn't you wear a rep of a watch costing less than $4,000? I have a standing offer of 45% off retail for any gen Tag or Omega; so my Planet Ocean Big Size would have cost me around $1600. Even adding the cost of double AR, Superlume, and a logo swap, the UPO is a far better value in my book--enough cash left over to buy three nice reps or ten fun ones.

To me, it isn't that people will think I can't afford a $3000-$8000 watch; I have always been teased for having expensive tastes and indulging them. It's more a case of not wanting to seem too bourgeois, wasting thousands on status symbols like I have something to prove.

I try to buy things that have a classic look, expensive but not flashy or loud in any way; like my car for example. Timeless lines, costly (but a good investment), and 100% fake (but modded with gen parts).


Doc, I found myself this is the kind of budget I usually feel comfortable with.

There are many nice brands with nice watches under $4,000 but all them are usually not the kind of finish, technology, design or status which makes me happy now.

I have/had also some watches/reps wich are cheaper than that, and are very nice indeed, but with the years I have already increased my level of "exigence" in that respect and feel happy only with those "special" or "rare" timepieces.

Your example about cars is a wonderful one wich reflects how someone goes climbing in life and then finds there are some minimum quality or status requirements after the years..... so I had an Alfa Romeo, then an Audi, then a BMW, then a Mercedes, and now I find myself with a Lexus... and honestly wouldn't like to have anything less than what I have now :D

You know, when all we start in this hobby, every new rep is a "I want it" ... but then with time all we realize some of those watches are just found somewhere in a booth... now i Know I want just those watches that I will really enjoy in my daily living, and I already learned they have to have date, deployant clasp... and a minimum "status" :D

Have to agree with you about the size, so.....

8. Case has to be no less than 42.5 mm. and no more than 45 mmm.

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