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Might be just me but..........The forums arent what they used to be

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I joined RWG earlier this year, back then there wasnt anyway near as many users posting as what they are now. Infact it seemed there were only a certain few that seemed to post regularly. However these were old established members whose posts were very informative and I learnt alot.

I cant help but thinking at present the forums seem to be awash with new members asking goofy questions that they could have researched themselves, posting wanted ads in others selling posts and spamming the boards with pointless one liners.

I might be looking through my rose tinted specs but the whole board seems to have slipped a little.

Granted we were all new once but there doesnt seem to be any regard to any forum etiquette.

It might me just growing old and miserable.

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I have felt this way before from time to time. Although there is truth in what you say, I am sure your feelings will pass. This is a hobby after all, and there is nothing wrong in putting it on the back burner for a while, to pick it up later.

I also miss some of the old established names that used to post here. However I am happy to see the next generation of knowledgeable and informative members stepping up to the plate.

As for inane newbie questions..... don't read them! ;)

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Guest farquar

No way, a little retarded even(no offense if possible:P)..This is an open internet forum, not a private golf club...There will be always noobs(yours truly) posting silly things. But thats never gonna stop the established ones(or the noobs for that matter) coming up with the good stuff. This is a good place if you truly enjoy this hobby, same as many other devoted public forums(Whatever the subject of interest may be) Cheerios!

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Guest carlsbadrolex

I would think quite the contrary... I use RWG for different purposes.

I come here to discuss a passion (watches). I come here to discuss personal issues (both mine and others). I come here for comic relief (some of these NOOBS are funny as [censored]...). And I come here to talk with FRIENDS.

If you are only here to discuss watches, I could easily see how you might think things have changed in a negative way. But once you make friends, and develope a meaningful relationship with the board... your feelings will change.

I think given your current post count that you just havent gotten to that point yet. (NOT meant to call you a NOOB, just stating that in the evolutionary cycle your just not HERE yet.)

SO, with that said... Hello, My name is CBR (or T) and I welcome you.

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I think it's good when things change so that's no problem for me.

But i agree in a certain way with Skools opinion.

In our rules there is clearly stated that we have a search button and that we shouldn't post in another ones thread with a personal question/topic not related to the original thread.

But what realy bothers me is the attitude of some people , not only newbies , and the agressive approach.

If you comment on someone who puts a question of where to buy in a sales post of a fellow member the whole hell brakes loose if you just tell them in a short sentence that i's not appropriate to do so.

Then a fellow newbie ( in this case ) accuses you of being a wannebe MOD and even calls you a little Hitler.

That's enoying me.

Carpe Diem


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These things swing back and forth. But IMHO all the forums are changing to reflect the growth in the whole rep industry. We are seeing more exciting offerings (albeit expensive sometimes :whistling: ) from more dealers, more in-detail reviews from a broader group of the membership and even more discussion about vintage, frankens and new brands. And the noob questions are going to increase as the membership does. Although there will always be a few obnoxious noobs (obnoxious vets too... :lol: ) everyone should remember - we were all noobs once. So cheers to all. :drinks:

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But thats never gonna stop the established ones(or the noobs for that matter) coming up with the good stuff.

You're actually wrong about that.

Whenever the forum takes a turn for the worse, as it does from time to time, it's often a symptom that causes many vets to walk away out of boredom, frustration or just general apathy at the quality and tone of a large proportion of threads and posters within them. Some return, but some leave for good. Even the comprehensive watch reviews you used to see are becoming less frequent, mainly because of the time invested in writing them seems wasted when they only to get a handful of responses. Many have posted on such concerns before, but it largely goes unheralded, a steady drip-drip effect.

Personally, I've noticed what the OP has been talking about, and have mentioned it in passing with those I consider friends here. I took a good 6 or so months out from this place after last Christmas partly because of issues surrounding the content of the board (the catalyst being one particular member) and after being nagged a little I returned with renewed enthusiasm.

Yet once again I feel the urge to walk away as I'm increasingly finding it a little tiresome and unrecognisable. Threads used to be fun AND informative with a real camaraderie amongst members, yet more and more RWG seems to have become more of a hard-nosed market place with only a bit of added value tacked on. Yes, there is always fresh blood out there, quality posters too, indeed I've even watched a mod grow out of his noob short trousers on this board (un petit plaisanterie S ;)) and contribute far more than I. Yet I still can't help but feel this place is a pale shadow of what it once was.

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Even the comprehensive watch reviews you used to see are becoming less frequent, mainly because of the time invested in writing them seems wasted when they only to get a handful of responses. Many have posted on such concerns before, but it largely goes unheralded, a steady drip-drip effect.

I've not posted an in-depth review in well over a year. Why? Because the returns stopped being worth it. I found that while putting in a huge amount of effort at the beginning was superbly gratifying, once I'd done a bunch of articles everyone had read, after that the work was taken for granted and the feedback just petered out. I believe several high-profile posters (esp. The Zigmeister) have also commented on this phenomenon. I no longer take part in wrist-checks as religiously as I did as it appears most people post in there to post and don't even comment on or read what others are wearing.

I feel that myself and other old-school posters are pretty much treated as background noise. We're no longer discovering new stuff, but we're merely the curmudgeonly old duffers sat be-slippered by the fireplace moaning about how it all used to be fields in our day.

I was only born with so many replies to "Who has the best Sub" in me, and I spent them a long time ago.

Oh, and I was going to do a comprehensive super-post recently, but had the wind taken out of my sails when someone else did it before I finished it.

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There's some truth in this.

Some of my reviews (unless they're articles of the hot new Rolex or Planet Ocean) got very little attention. I predict my upcoming Ebel Discovery article will get 7-10 replies and 200-300 views. If you use just "common sense", it's definitely not worth all the effort... photography, design, article, layouts, etc. But I keep doing them, because I like it... not because I want attention and/or recognition. It's still a lot of fun for me.

Some reviews of "mainstream" watches get much better response. That's just how it is... and how it has always been. I don't think this has changed much. Very few people actually reply to these reviews and show that they appreciate them. Or maybe they simply don't have the interest? Or maybe these things just started to annoy you more... and perhaps you "burned out"?

I'm not saying you're wrong though... perhaps we could think of some ways to improve this?

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Some reviews of "mainstream" watches get much better response. That's just how it is... and how it has always been. I don't think this has changed much. Very few people actually reply to these reviews and show that they appreciate them. Maybe these things just started to annoy you more?

But I'm not saying you're wrong... perhaps we could think of some ways to improve this?

Maybe they annoy me more. I do reviews and photos for fun, too, but it's less fun these days.

Yes, I agree that we should try to find a way to improve it. You're right. Instead of bemoaning the current state of affairs, we should do something about it.

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Some watches become "mainstream watches", like the Skyland or GMTIIc. Or "UPO" and TAG Link before them. When hundreds of members have the same watch, these reviews (naturally) generate more interest.

I'm amazed how popular the Skyland become... all those reviews of this same watch constantly get excellent responses.

It's always the same thing in all forums/communities. The veteran members "burn out" because the hobby isn't giving them the same "boost" that they got in the beginning. When you discover something new, you're more enthusiastic... it's only natural. The trick is to learn and enjoy the stuff that you already have, not constantly seek for "more and better".

I paid off my apartment just a few months ago, which left me to a nice financial situation. I could buy a few gens and start to explore that area a little more... but after receiving my first gen Rolex, I realized how much I love the reps. The gen is simply BORING... I have taken only 1 studio pic of it so far. Who cares, it's "perfect" but without that shady and exciting "counterfeit factor". And the price is just ridiculous, there's no way to justify that (again, if you just use your common sense).

We should appreciate these reps, they're amazing. Right now I'm wearing my SFSO and think how surrealistic it is to have that kind of watch for $300. Why not take a few amazing photographs of yours Pugs? Sometimes I've been lazy to comment them, because they're always good. That doesn't mean that I haven't appreciated them... I try to change my bad habits of being lazy. Instead of whining, we all should take a good look at the mirror... we should try to solve this problem and be more supportive... activity always creates more activity.

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We should appreciate these reps, they're amazing. Right now I'm wearing my SFSO and think how surrealistic it is to have that kind of watch for $300. Why not take a few amazing photographs of yours Pugs? Sometimes I've been lazy to comment them, because they're always good. That doesn't mean that I haven't appreciated them... I try to change my bad habits of being lazy. Instead of whining, we all should take a good look at the mirror... we should try to solve this problem and be more supportive... activity always creates more activity.

Ah, flattery, how well it works. :)

I'll take a few of my BCE then. I'd try to compare it to my SFSO, but my father-in-law has nicked it. B)

Maybe a new watch will generate some enthusiasm. A new watch and a review. Yeah, that's it.

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You know there are many of us (yeah me too) who read these reviews and don't reply, it's a time factor thing, however that is not to say we don't appreciate them.

There are times when I wish I could have taken the reviewer path instead of the moderator because the truth is that as long as this board continues these reviews (and tech knowledge posts) will be found by curious noobs from time to time and they will post "Wow what a great thread".......in other words you have left something tangible of yours to benefit your hobby.

People will come and go but embrace the noobs for they are tomorrow.


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Since I'm a noob- (lurking since January, joined in March 2008), I'm waiting to post until I become old and established.


Seriously, my interest waxes and wanes in sync with available time, disposable income and desire for yet another watch.

Edited by Lemmy Caution
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I no longer take part in wrist-checks as religiously as I did as it appears most people post in there to post and don't even comment on or read what others are wearing.

Alot of people (myself included) simply got used to receiving feedback via the (now defunct) real-time rating system that made it easy to comment on others' posts & wristies. I understand the Admin's reasoning for removing the ratings system, but I remain unconvinced that the overhead it added (not to mention the tedious scrolling/paging required to make our way through what, previously, were more easily navigable & informative threads) could possibly equate to having scores of additional posts of comments being added just to respond with a quick 'Good', 'Bad', etc., comment.

As far as the wristies go, I think it helps to keep the interest level up if you post new pics often & try to make the pics you post as compelling & provocative as possible. I am not necessarily directing this at you, Pug (or anyone else in particular), but if I post the same generic wrist shots over & over again, especially of the same watches, I should not expect alot of enthusiastic responses.

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Guest farquar
You're actually wrong about that.

Am I?? Would you care to explain why? Yes Im not old enough here to know about the 'glory days' maybe, but there is hell of a lot of good info (Pictorials, reviews, meaningless gibberish..Oh well so what..p) about all these great new watches, like the skyland as By-tor pointed on a regular basis I feel. Damn we must know the differences between the V1 and the V2 better than the dudes making them:=)...And the members are free to digest it the way they please. We all agree that this is the golden age of rep watches correct? So whats up with the pessimism?

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Im guilty of not commenting at times on reading an excellent review, a good comparision article or a really informative post of which RWG is full of. Im going to remain positive and to reply more on posts that I really have enjoyed. Id be lost without RWG and I agree that the interest and love for reps can sometimes wain but I really think all in all RWG is still an excellent place.

I was just miffed about how a new forum user had treated Cats on a sales thread (that wasnt his) that really sparked my initial post.

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Guys - I run hot and cold - like we all do. I think that something has to come along and ignite the fires again. I have never done a big review - but I have certainly appreciated everything else that people have put up. I remember the one time I tried to be helpful in a thread - I was attacked by a noob. Oh well.

I like to think that I participate alot in a background kind of way. I have participated in just about every forum mod project - whether I had the watch or not. Datewheels, cyclops, crowns, crownguards. I have a ton of Forum parts - most I probably will never use. But I love and admire the effort that everyone puts into this hobby.

There does seem to be less of the Franken work these days. That was what really got me excited back in the day. It started with getting the right datewheel (like an ETA in the Tag Link), then the right cyclops, etc. Now everyone wants the perfect watch to begin with. I guess I do too. But to me, nothing beats getting the right genuine part and putting it in that rep. Or - getting the right rep parts that complete the watch. I have rarely sold any of my watches - because they are all modded to get them as close as they can be. Then I feel some emotional attachment to them. I have to sell a couple now - to pay some bills. But I hope that the makers come up with something interesting again. I think that the last watch i found interesting was the Rollie GMTIIC CHS. Here's crossing my fingers!

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"Where People Gather, Life Happens"

There's a Eb & Flow to Forum Life, just like Real Life...

Peeps come, and Peeps go...

If you're not continually investing in new friendships, your fellowship pool will dry up...

Your PM box [inbox & Sent] is a good indicator for judging your relationship involvement here...

As already said - "Same Same, Only Different"

Double T


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Yes the place has changed, but certainly not for the worse.

I even saw new differences on the BCE 2 days ago, differences which had always been there but I simply did not notice.(Lord Rasta brought it up ).


No other member had ever mentioned this fact .)

(The minute markers in places are different on V1 and V2)

Changes are happening every day...................look at Pugwash`s new avatar............... I don`t think it has the same character as the old one, but no doubt there is an excellent reason for the change. ????? ;);)

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