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Posting etiquette; the forum's thoughts on feeler posts for trades/sales?


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As the title states- Should 'feeler' posts be allowed for watches that one may potentially want to trade or sell, but is on the fence about (i.e. the owner of a watch is not fully committed to wanting to part with their piece)?

The only reason why I ask is because I'm currently debating this situation myself; I have a watch that I adore, but am somewhat on the fence on keeping it. Is it fair to people to post a feeler, but not commit? Personally, the more I think about it, the more I find myself having a problem with the idea as it could potentially create bad feelings amongst parties interested, etc. I seldom see these types of posts out there, but wanted to get the thoughts of fellow forum members. I don't think I'll make any sort of trade or sell post until I decide whether I want to keep or part with the watch, but thought this type of discussion might be a good topic in general to determine the acceptable use of the trade forum (if something isn't in place already- I didn't see anything in the trade zone stickies regarding this).


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Hmm... this is a difficult one to answer. I can see arguments for both sides on this one, but I would think that an auction with a suitable reserve would sort of solve this issue? If you don't end up getting what you feel you should get, you get to keep your watch. So in a way, you get your "feeler" answered by demand.

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I think it is fine, I did a similar thing with my gen Omega. I was not 100% sure and stated as such in the post, but got a good trade/cash offer for it and took the deal, the seller has the right to sell, or not.....

My exact comment in my post was:

"PM me with any offers or trade ideas, although I must say I am in no rush to trade this watch, and I may withdraw this if I have a change of heart"

Cheers! B)

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If you adore that watch it must be special as I know your taste.

I personally don't see a problem with it. I posted my 16520 Frankentona El Primero a while back and backed out after a higher offer than my asking price.Plus a loyal member here personally called me to tell me I was nuts. ;)

Whatcha got anyway?..

I'll have to go look at some past wristshot posts of yours and try to guess.... :D

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i did it with my skeleton watch - it was a genuine inquiry, i didn't know if i wanted to part with it, and it basically depended on the cash i could get for it.

There is Nothing Wrong with it - UNLESS the person doesn't have the appropriate forum supporter status and they are using the floating to get around that.

otherwise what would be the concern -

also, i think i sold my skeleton before we had auctions - that also presents an opportunity to post it without knowing what the market price is for unique pieces

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My first (gut) reaction.. is ........ as long as it is stated "up front" and the parameters are drawn .. and all parties involved understand the guidelines.. then no harm no foul..

Ethically.. you are making your intentions known and not deceiving anyone

Of course the old saying.. "you can't please everyone" .. will apply in everything we do..

But knowing Your R .. I know your intentions are nothing but honourable.. :D

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As some members mentioned ... if the post is structured good with a clear message it is potentially alright i guess. All do u might get swamped with all kinda PMs, so for that u need to be prepared.

Other not so good and maybe not so fair thing about it is some people will go that route in order to get the higher offer in ... and that shod be used in the auction section imho. So the way i see it its this has 2 sides to it.

That said i bet since u posted this u already start to receive the PMs on what ure on the fence about ;)


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There is Nothing Wrong with it - UNLESS the person doesn't have the appropriate forum supporter status and they are using the floating to get around that.

Exactly a non supporter post that he may want to sell it, he gets a pm with an offer and then sells it, there for bypassing the rule of being a supporter or the auction rule and having to pay a percentage to the board

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The Mod Team has discussed this on & off in the past...

The challenge is that some folks are truly not sure if they want to sell the piece, and what the true value is...

But others are simply "Fishing"...

The reason prices are mandatory here on RWG is that it offers a certain level of protection to the membership...

Our Sales Forums are open...

Which basically means that if a seller is asking a stupid price for his piece, someone is going to call it...

So the general membership ends up policing itself and keeping things [fairly] honest...

So when someone posts one these "Feeler Posts" it circumvents the policy and opens the door for the OP to receive countless offers through the PM system...

It's truly a tough one for us to moderate...

Sometimes we let them ride, and sometimes we don't...

In Ubi's case - Lettin' it ride baby :D ...


PS: No chance of a Feeler Thread surviving from a Non-Supporter though B) ...


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Though it hints of favoritism to allow some & not others, if I were on staff, with all the contributions that Ubi has given us, I could also deny him nothing.

Not to mention that whatever Ubi offers is an instant Gem ! ;)

It may also encourage others to follow his example, which is deserving in freedoms not given your common member.

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I think as long as it is done with;

1.)good intentions - i.e. to tease, or those that have no intention of ACTUALLY selling it.

2.) not with bog standard watches. I think most people go through phases of wanting to sell a Noobmariner, or a 4th gen PO. If this kind of post was restricted to those timepieces that have special qualities (ie all of your collection Ubi :) ) I think it would work.

Sometimes when we are sitting on the fence with an amazing Franken, a taster post can sometimes remind us how unique it is. Obviously a taster post shouldn't be done for egotistic reasons, but if one is genuinely needing a push in either direction, such a post could be helpful to the potential seller, and also for the community to get their pennies ready!

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