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  RobbieG said:
And so I rephrase oh hypocritical one. You NEVER go ten over the limit on highways where there are clearly children in other cars?

You know what, don't even answer that unless you say yes, because if you don't I don't believe you...

Only on a fu*king internet forum can a guy go from being a known highway speeder to a fu*king baby killer in one thread. Funny. Really funny. And you are serious too which is just baffling...

I don't drive i'm 14 years old, much older than you i think.

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Robbie I thought i have to reply here because you probably cannot see the whole point behind this thread.. I understand what the cop did with the extended fine was 'partially' wrong but I am sure he did it for a reason.

When i was in Greece I had a 300bhp car and I liked to drive fast.. very fast.. I was going for 240+ kmph for fun.. (burned two garrett t4 because of that)

I was much younger then (20 y.o.) and definately less mature than now. Plus I didnt had a familly.

Now living in Uk and having a child my views on speeding are quite different but let sayI am the 20 y.o boy.

I am quite sure that most of the people who replied to you are speeding too as well occasionaly.

Speeding is not the bad thing coming out from all that you said..

The main difference between you (not only you.. I have a few friends in greece that they think like you) and me and the other people here is that although you know what you are doing you are not afraid you'll get caught.. By putting a yearly cost to your tickets you are rationalising your behaviour by de-moralising it. Forgive my English if this doesn't make sense.. but you get the idea.

When i was speeding I was always afraid not to get caught because I knew that what I was doing was wrong.. and when I was getting caught i was always very lowprofile.. got my fine and never said a word to the cops who caught me.

Trust me.. this 'fear' is the thin line between driving completely wreckless on the roads or have the small little smurf angel debating with the little devil who tells you to speed ;)

For me that (and being a great driver :p ) was what kept me safe and sound from 2 years of attacking driving while all my friends who didn't cared less, had accidents either small ones or very serious.

  RobbieG said:

I drive fast. Really fast. A lot. I like my fast cars and I have fun blasting around town fast, but safely.

My last word on this thread.


  RobbieG said:
Yeah, I think it quite clear that people take are taking me (and themselves) far to seriously TJ, but alas it is to be expected in a discussion forum. Although I'm never any less amazed at how quick many are to judge another simply after reading a paragraph or three or four. I don't know about you, but I would much rather be thought of as an arrogant [censored], even if more than a bit unfairly, than to be judgemental of anyone without taking the time to consider all the angles and/or at the very least meet them in person. At least I'm only guilty of poor communication, maybe more, but surely not of anything as shameful as being judgemental. If I learn nothing else in my life I will strive to never be that. And if the price of that is to be perceived as an arrogant co*ksucker who drives a Porsche, spits on the law and is intent on killing and maming with a total disregard for life on the highways of the world - so be it.

It was really only supposed to be a story about how people are different. That even though I told the cop I was joking, he refused to accept that I am entitled to my own dry and sarcastic sense of humor. He pushed and I pushed back which he wasn't used to and I got a kick out if it. Our whole exchange had nothing to do with the law and you were the only person with enough wit to see that. How sad is that?

And why, in closing if I may? The answer is quite clear. Simply because you didin't judge me and you weren't looking for a way to assemble my words to cut me down. Isn't positive thinking powerful my friend? Amazing how you can see something totally different if you want to. I pray some of my critics here evolve enough in their lifetime to see it. I also suspect many of them are either young or otherwise lacking much life experience or both. I have to believe that as otherwise it would be too depressing to think that all the masses are really so quick to focus on the negative in all things in the interest of standing in judgement of others. How enslaving it must be to live that way...

Absolutely, to be judgmental is one of the worst things a person can be. I really am not an arrogant person at all, but, I understand that I can be perceived to be, because I have confidence in my opinions about a subject. If I don't know something, I'll happily admit to it, and learn about it. If I do know something, then I know that I know it, so see no reason to doubt that knowledge, just because someone else thinks differently to me. (that's not to say I don't respect people of differing opinions, because I do. We're all entitled to different opinions, as opinions are opinions, where facts are facts, so either wrong, or right...) The last person who accused me of being arrogant when I was working for a company, was someone who should never have been a manager, as they actually had no grasp of economics, how to properly motivate people, or the company regulations which they had to operate under. They accused me of being arrogant, yet they were constantly proven to be incorrect about their thoughts, and, in the end, their actions towards me, not only cost their company a considerable sum of money (that's my wedding paid for ;) ) but it also cost them their job. Simply because they 'thought they knew best', and thought they were getting one over on me... Look where 'what they thought' got them ;) If people 'don't get me', so be it... They're not the first, and won't be the last, but those who do know me, know that arrogance just isn't in my nature.

Again, text sometimes cannot properly convey the tone intended by the author, so don't feel too bad about it. Being a Libra, I tend to see both sides, so try to view things as objectively as possible :) To be honest, the cop in question is clearly a small-dicked inadequate on a power trip, and someone who pulls drivers as an 'easy target'. I've seen a cop in town do the exact same thing, but he targets young drivers who don't have the life-experience or cojones to stand up for themselves in those situations. As I mentioned before, one should always respect the badge, even if one doesn't respect the bearer (although blind obedience is not a good thing ;) ) I mean obviously, if someone is seriously in the wrong, then fine, they deserve whatever the law says is the punishment, but, one also needs to consider the circumstances (like your example of a speed restriction on a freeway, that then returns to the normal speed, it's hardly the same as going peddle to the metal around a housing estate when the schools are turning out ;) ) In a way, I'm really looking forward to getting the Japanese body-suit I have planned, as that will be a protection against judgmental people, as, if they're judgmental enough to judge me because of some ink, then they're not someone I would want to get to know better, and that'll save me from having to ;)


No, this is might be this last word on this thread, piker.

Like I said a million times now, I am aware that I may have given the wrong impression with the OP's incompleteness. I should have added the following to that but didn't. But maybe thankfully after all as I have had hours of amusement that maybe I wouldn't have had otherwise. Here is what I would have added if I thought judgemental consequences of that through:

..."I drive fast, really fast and alot, mostly on the same north/south artery that runs the length of town and at the track we rent. I don't really like to hit top speeds as a rule, but I admit I like the rush of acceleration from turbos in short bursts. That way I get the thrill of speed without usually going very fast. In fact, I was just telling a guy via PM that I have never driven the car over 120MPH even at the track, let alone any road. I have a heavy foot, but a sensible one. So please, if you are a judgemental pr*ck don't read this the wrong way, OK? I'm sorry to all who had to endure all these extra words, but I had to make sure to include them for fear that some knuckle dragger might read this and quickly jump to judgement and the wrong conclusion about a guy they only just encountered in one paragraph, but act like they have known their whole lives..."

But alas - I left that out. What was I thinking? :bangin:

  RobbieG said:
I drive fast. Really fast. A lot. I like my fast cars and I have fun blasting around town fast, but safely.

My last word on this thread.



Libra huh? Me too. A client asked me the other day why I have been bringing on so many balanced long/short (hedged) asset classes lately. My answer was the curse of being Libra. Hahahaha. Balance is the best risk management tool I have ever had. In fact, I had started an offshoot productivity software company recently with a programming partner and we are about to officially launch the white label business. We have been discussing image with a graphic designer and one of the logo concepts he is working are the scales... ;)

  TeeJay said:
Absolutely, to be judgmental is one of the worst things a person can be. I really am not an arrogant person at all, but, I understand that I can be perceived to be, because I have confidence in my opinions about a subject. If I don't know something, I'll happily admit to it, and learn about it. If I do know something, then I know that I know it, so see no reason to doubt that knowledge, just because someone else thinks differently to me. (that's not to say I don't respect people of differing opinions, because I do. We're all entitled to different opinions, as opinions are opinions, where facts are facts, so either wrong, or right...) The last person who accused me of being arrogant when I was working for a company, was someone who should never have been a manager, as they actually had no grasp of economics, how to properly motivate people, or the company regulations which they had to operate under. They accused me of being arrogant, yet they were constantly proven to be incorrect about their thoughts, and, in the end, their actions towards me, not only cost their company a considerable sum of money (that's my wedding paid for ;) ) but it also cost them their job. Simply because they 'thought they knew best', and thought they were getting one over on me... Look where 'what they thought' got them ;) If people 'don't get me', so be it... They're not the first, and won't be the last, but those who do know me, know that arrogance just isn't in my nature.

Again, text sometimes cannot properly convey the tone intended by the author, so don't feel too bad about it. Being a Libra, I tend to see both sides, so try to view things as objectively as possible :) To be honest, the cop in question is clearly a small-dicked inadequate on a power trip, and someone who pulls drivers as an 'easy target'. I've seen a cop in town do the exact same thing, but he targets young drivers who don't have the life-experience or cojones to stand up for themselves in those situations. As I mentioned before, one should always respect the badge, even if one doesn't respect the bearer (although blind obedience is not a good thing ;) ) I mean obviously, if someone is seriously in the wrong, then fine, they deserve whatever the law says is the punishment, but, one also needs to consider the circumstances (like your example of a speed restriction on a freeway, that then returns to the normal speed, it's hardly the same as going peddle to the metal around a housing estate when the schools are turning out ;) ) In a way, I'm really looking forward to getting the Japanese body-suit I have planned, as that will be a protection against judgmental people, as, if they're judgmental enough to judge me because of some ink, then they're not someone I would want to get to know better, and that'll save me from having to ;)

  RobbieG said:
Libra huh? Me too. A client asked me the other day why I have been bringing on so many balanced long/short (hedged) asset classes lately. My answer was the curse of being Libra. Hahahaha. Balance is the best risk management tool I have ever had. In fact, I had started an offshoot productivity software company recently with a programming partner and we are about to officially launch the white label business. We have been discussing image with a graphic designer and one of the logo concepts he is working are the scales... ;)

Absolutely, October 10th, so astrologically speaking, nowhere near either cusp, so as typically 'full Libra' as one could be :lol: That's awesome about the business plans, I hope the work out for you :) Out of cusiosity, how does your graphic artist dress? I'm guessing suit rather than jeans and sweaters ;)


You're kidding? I'm the 10th too man. Makes perfect sense then I guess as to why we have always seemed to understand each other over the years huh? I have never seen the graphics guy and we are just licking around ideas this month. We have so much else to do I can't really focus on that until 09'. You do that stuff right? Logos and such? Want a crack at it?

  TeeJay said:
Absolutely, October 10th, so astrologically speaking, nowhere near either cusp, so as typically 'full Libra' as one could be :lol: That's awesome about the business plans, I hope the work out for you :) Out of cusiosity, how does your graphic artist dress? I'm guessing suit rather than jeans and sweaters ;)

Kudos to the cop for fining you , he's got my sympathy .

As for you , Robbiewhatever , stop thinking you are better than everyone else .

This topic is nothing more than a blatant cry for attention , pityful .


Well, I am glad to see that most people here are wise to Mr. Gee's ego maniacal rants that only serve one purpose - to talk about himself. His narcasism got him booted over at RWI & RG and I can see he is well on his way to wearing out his welcome here.

For the most part I just ignore his pathetic self centered posts and truthfully, as others have mentioned, I hope he seeks some form of pyschological help.

I am, however, beginning to wonder if this guy is just posting from

a mental clinic where he has been comitted....

It kinda of makes sense. After all, could one person really be that insanely out of touch with reality that he would believe the whole of RWG actually read his rambling posts about himself or really care?

I have been on RWG since the beginning and I have yet to see someone who is as self centered as this guy, where just about every post he makes, his favorite topic is himself, his money, his cars or his Gens. The guy doesn't even own a Rep for Christ's sake!

The sooner we all start ignoring this guy the sooner he will move on and take his ego with him...

  RobbieG said:
You're kidding? I'm the 10th too man. Makes perfect sense then I guess as to why we have always seemed to understand each other over the years huh?

I kid you not, , 10/10/78 :) Indeed, that would certainly explain why we understand each other :) It's like my wife is a Gemini, but her mum is a Libra, and I get on better with my mother in law, than I do with my wife, so the same scenario here: It's ultimately the same personality type 'talking to itself', rather than trying to get along with another :lol:

This was from this year's 'birthday breakfast', which was in my favorite cafe, which is in Spain ^_^


  RobbieG said:
I have never seen the graphics guy and we are just licking around ideas this month. We have so much else to do I can't really focus on that until 09'. You do that stuff right? Logos and such? Want a crack at it?

Sure, thanks for the opportunity :) If you PM me some specifics and whatnot about the venture, I'll certainly see what I can come up with for you :)

This was my most recent 'logo work', and I have to admit, simple though it is, I'm very proud of it :)

Concept Art:


Final Product (under production):


  jake48 said:
Well, I am glad to see that most people here are wise to Mr. Gee's ego maniacal rants that only serve one purpose - to talk about himself. His narcasism got him booted over at RWI & RG and I can see he is well on his way to wearing out his welcome here.

For the most part I just ignore his pathetic self centered posts and truthfully, as others have mentioned, I hope he seeks some form of pyschological help.

I am, however, beginning to wonder if this guy is just posting from

a mental clinic where he has been comitted....

It kinda of makes sense. After all, could one person really be that insanely out of touch with reality that he would believe the whole of RWG actually read his rambling posts about himself or really care?

I have been on RWG since the beginning and I have yet to see someone who is as self centered as this guy, where just about every post he makes, his favorite topic is himself, his money, his cars or his Gens. The guy doesn't even own a Rep for Christ's sake!

The sooner we all start ignoring this guy the sooner he will move on and take his ego with him...

C'mon, it's not like Robbie makes posts bragging about his stuff, it's just stuff he's talking about. The posts he's made about economic conditions/stocks etc, have not been saying "I'm Gordon Gekko, you guys aren't worthy to kiss my ass!", just discussion about a subject... So what if his watches are gen? Okay, I know this is a rep forum, but folks have frequently also pointed out, that it is a watch forum, and that we're all here because we all love watches. It's not as if he's bragging about having a gen watch, or a Porsche "worth more than your life!!!1" (that post always makes me chuckle :lol: ) he's just talking about what he's got. Should he pretend that he drives round in a Nissan Micra and wears a Casio so as not to risk upsetting anyone's pride? Believe me, I know a braggart when I see one, and I do not believe that Robbie is that kind of guy. As I mentioned above, I've been accused of being arrogant, when nothing could be further from the truth. It's just a case of misinterpretation and perception, and folks 'getting the wrong idea' about me, and I believe that that's the case with Robbie as well.

Is his 'boasting' really boasting, or are people just perceiving 'boasting' by projecting their own insecurities?

  Steviejay01 said:
Its funny actually that Jake kinda hit your vibe right on the head here. Its just the way I see you!, what a great picture lol

Your talk about money, cars and giving to charity, and talking [censored] to cops, being a total and utter chimp, then when

people quote you or reply to your post you say "whats my money got to do with you or why bring that up", you bloody posted

it the first place, and THEN offer yet more info about "if you really wanna know" (Which we don't) I have this too and that .........and this...

Oh and that "but whats it gotta do with you!".....lol your off your [censored] mate!......... your all over the place!

I'd hedge a bet and say your pretty insecure, the Internet is a wonderful place to play out a razmataz lifestyle.....pimp up your mundane miserable

lonely life by pretending to be someone your not........(not saying your not loaded, but I doubt you really live and act like a **** all the time

I cant believe you would be such an upfront, in your face, [censored]........I bet your actually a quite (but slightly boring) person, but feel the

need to make your life a little more exciting......the internets great for that, you can run off and shut gold plated laptop down!

For example what really happened........you never had ham.......but instead you were burping your maggot......you leaked on the floor,

you bent down to wipe up the best part of you which by now is soaking into the carpet......the cop saw you lane swapwith no indication......then pulled you.

You cried........because you caught your little fella in your pant zipper.

He handed you a tissue........you wiped your [censored] (because you talk so much [censored]) then proceeded to beg and plead him not to impound your

billy wizz car.......and call you an ambulance, which he refused to do because he was sick and tired of pulling your punk ass over every 5 minutes

because your to stupid to learn, thus him being to busy to respond to more important issues like a fatal up the road caused by a school bus that

pulled out on a 996 driver that came out of nowhere like the starship enterprise........

Its all front......can I ask what you do for a living? do you find people cant really talk to you in person? mainly because your a bit of a [censored]?

Do you find people drift away from you in a way only a skunk with a leaky butt hole would know about?

I dare say you just LOVE to talk about yourself, how great and fab you are, how much cash you have and how fast you got into work and how

much rubber you burn from those new diamond studded 20" slabs on the rear of your bad boy motor!

Because thats how you came across in your first post.

No one else matters, its all about you Rob, its not about having a sense of humor, your part of the story about the actual cop was just that...."part" of

the "story", you told it!, how can we fail to comment on all the other aspects of it?

You still bang on that everyone else here wants to be like you and have all your money......and the reason they dont like you is because

they dont have what you have.......I think you would be suprised to learn most people don't hate sucessful people, they hate arrogent selfish self obsessed


Like you.

I think most here would rather bury their face in a monkeys stench trench than share a beer with someone as arrogant as you.

I might be a NOOB as you call it, but only in this ****ing forum, you would never dream of talking to me in person like you talk to people on this site,

its a different game in real life, very different.........your acting like some hard man calling people "son" again trying to portray yourself on another level.

Little tip in life Rob......people don't like a bragger, specially now a law breaking bragger, they also don't like people who talk about their own success, and

people who talk about their money all the time its in bad taste.

When was the last time you saw Richard Branson bang on about all his money, cars, get out of jail free cars, mouthing off to cops, ......

People who really are sucessful just don't do it.

You have to accept people just don't find your story funny or amusing on any level, kinda hit the floor like a lead balloon when someone here posted they

lost their mother due to a driver breaking the speed limit.

Speed limits are there for a reason, and its not up to you to judge if you should double it or not.

I've seen some [censored] that would make you throw up both ends.............

I think its great your loaded, and have a Porsche, Mini, 15 Turbos that you love to hear sing, 3 other cars, lots of expensive watches, a dash full of cash for cops, a vocab full of

sarcasm all rehursed to amuse your palls......

Its cute.

But Boring, so just listen, learn and shut the hell up.


Quality! very funny! hehe.

If we're talking about cars and speed, then we are all noobs. As this is a watch forum! If i was you i would just stop posting on this topic Robbie and lose a bit of atittude.

Kind regards. Marc.


I quit both those forums for time reasons brother. I don't know where you are getting your info, but I've never been "booted" from anywhere. I'm at RWG because it is the best of the three by far IMO.

BTW, I thought I told you to go wax my jet. How's that coming errand boy - or do I really have to fire you? No wonder I think I'm better than you. Sheesh. So passionate in your hatred. I just love all the attention Jake. Please, whatever you do don't ignore me. LOL.

  jake48 said:
Well, I am glad to see that most people here are wise to Mr. Gee's ego maniacal rants that only serve one purpose - to talk about himself. His narcasism got him booted over at RWI & RG and I can see he is well on his way to wearing out his welcome here.

For the most part I just ignore his pathetic self centered posts and truthfully, as others have mentioned, I hope he seeks some form of pyschological help.

I am, however, beginning to wonder if this guy is just posting from

a mental clinic where he has been comitted....

It kinda of makes sense. After all, could one person really be that insanely out of touch with reality that he would believe the whole of RWG actually read his rambling posts about himself or really care?

I have been on RWG since the beginning and I have yet to see someone who is as self centered as this guy, where just about every post he makes, his favorite topic is himself, his money, his cars or his Gens. The guy doesn't even own a Rep for Christ's sake!

The sooner we all start ignoring this guy the sooner he will move on and take his ego with him...


Speak for yourself. Youre too late to chime in now anyway. When you post something off topic on a watch forum it goes in the"Off Topic" section. Then if it gets really entertaining it goes to the Bin.

If I lost my attitude how much fun would I miss watching all you guys take me and yourselves so seriously? This thread needs a new name. Hmmm. I think I'll change it again...

  marcl said:
Quality! very funny! hehe.

If we're talking about cars and speed, then we are all noobs. As this is a watch forum! If i was you i would just stop posting on this topic Robbie and lose a bit of atittude.

Kind regards. Marc.


Exactly. And thanks TJ as that is just about the size of it. I'm truly sorry people see me that way. And I do try and even post work related stuff and share my knowledge when I can as I feel that is what this place is about. I have learned so much from others here and I want to give back.

For those of you who don't know, every gen watch in my collection was born by my owning the rep first which I learned about here. I am a member of some gen watch forums but I hang out here as this is where the truly passionate watch people are. And passinate in general as we can see in this thread. There are worse things. Just a little misdirected is all. And I'm truly sorry of my owning gens and another expensive thing or two is somehow less than well received here. It is never my intention to flaunt what I have, but as TJ said I'm not going to hide it either for fear that someone might take it the wrong way.

I have nice stuff and I worked my ass off for it. I also enjoy sharing those purchases with others as I enjoy seeing their stuff in return. It isn't a contest, and if I have some nice stuff, don't twist it and make it seem I'm bragging. Just say, "Nice Car..." or whatever like I would for you and leave it at that. Then I will respect you and others will too. That goes for cops too. I'm not a smartass because I'm in a Porsche, but it was the car that made him see it differently. That is his stuff not mine. And I have a lot of history with him as do others I know. You guys don't, so how about not trying to prentend you have a handle on it after reading one thread. Not once have I ever been bothered by what another man has, especially if it is nicer or more expensive than mine. Neither should any of you...

  TeeJay said:
C'mon, it's not like Robbie makes posts bragging about his stuff, it's just stuff he's talking about. The posts he's made about economic conditions/stocks etc, have not been saying "I'm Gordon Gekko, you guys aren't worthy to kiss my ass!", just discussion about a subject... So what if his watches are gen? Okay, I know this is a rep forum, but folks have frequently also pointed out, that it is a watch forum, and that we're all here because we all love watches. It's not as if he's bragging about having a gen watch, or a Porsche "worth more than your life!!!1" (that post always makes me chuckle :lol: ) he's just talking about what he's got. Should he pretend that he drives round in a Nissan Micra and wears a Casio so as not to risk upsetting anyone's pride? Believe me, I know a braggart when I see one, and I do not believe that Robbie is that kind of guy. As I mentioned above, I've been accused of being arrogant, when nothing could be further from the truth. It's just a case of misinterpretation and perception, and folks 'getting the wrong idea' about me, and I believe that that's the case with Robbie as well.

Is his 'boasting' really boasting, or are people just perceiving 'boasting' by projecting their own insecurities?

  RobbieG said:
I quit both those forums for time reasons brother. I don't know where you are getting your info, but I've never been "booted" from anywhere. I'm at RWG because it is the best of the three by far IMO.

didnt you also leave RWG but asked for your membership back? and also requested to have all your post deleted but denied?


You're indeed a sick person. God willing I will never have the displeasure of being in your company or having to deal with you in any way. Please remove me from your friend list. Although in good company with the others that you added this morning, I know you did it only to provoke a response which you have now gotten. Please just go your own way...


No problem, bro, we Double Tens need to stick together :lol:

As above, if you PM me some details of your project requirements, I'll see what I can do for you. It'll probably be cheaper than the other guy too :lol: Nothing like a little competition to stimulate design ideas :good:


QUOTE Just say, "Nice Car..." or whatever like I would for you and leave it at that. Then I will respect you and others will too. That goes for cops too.

Priceless , a cop is not a person worthy of any respect before he has made some nice comments about my car .

QUOTE I'm not a smartass because I'm in a Porsche, but it was the car that made him see it differently.

I beg to differ , it was YOU that made him see differently

QUOTE Not once have I ever been bothered by what another man has, especially if it is nicer or more expensive than mine. Neither should any of you...

You're making a huge typical mistake here , any criticism is a form of jealousy to you . Well , it's not .

I know you won't believe that , because if you did you would have to question yourself .


No you have your facts wrong there Chunkster. I never left here. I was accidentally banned once for a few hours, but it was an admin error and it was corrected. I deleted a few photo threads from both the other forums that had contained some images that I did a licence deal with a magazine for that had some publishing rights issues temporarily. Those are no longer in effect now...

  chinkiechunkie said:
didnt you also leave RWG but asked for your membership back? and also requested to have all your post deleted but denied?

I have no idea what you are talking about and I don't even know you. You aren't on my friend list brother. You can be if you want though I suppose. I don't recall ever having met you, but I would agree that God willing as you say, I too hope I don't meet you either, mostly because your avatar scares me as I had mentioned before I think. :D

  USMC8404 said:
You're indeed a sick person. God willing I will never have the displeasure of being in your company or having to deal with you in any way. Please remove me from your friend list. Although in good company with the others that you added this morning, I know you did it only to provoke a response which you have now gotten. Please just go your own way...

Let me start by saying again how much fun this is. I actually find it quite relaxing really and I'm enjoying the reptilian responses. I never thought I was all that smart until I read how many seem to process imformation here. I can't help but wonder how some of you make the most basic decisions in life given what seems to be a complete inability to process information. I hope you do better in your work for the sake of the world economy. :D

So like I said to your first comment, the cop and I know each other sort of from previous encounters and he in well known to liking to write tickets to people who he thinks are wealthy. I happen to live in a small town with a lot of very wealthy people. I'm not one of them by the way, as I think I have gone out of my way to establish. I work for a living. So let's not get off on that twisting thing again pikers...

To the second point he already knows I'm a smartass and I'm one on purpose. It is intentional as it is my sense of humor. He perceives it to be driven by the car though, like many do when they are looking for stuff they couldn't possibly understand. We know this because of something he said to a friend of mine about a year ago, which I actually didn't know until talking to my buddy (with a GT2 - oh my God he said GT2!) about an hour ago when I told him about my latest ticket. To the cop though, I am being funny as a by product of having a little money. Makes no sense but like I said people get funny when they think you have money. I realize that may fall on deaf ears here though. Unless you have ever been in that postion you might not know it really happens. Trust me it does. Rent a Ferrari for a week and PM me and tell me how long it was before someone pulled a big, obvious jealosy trip on you. A lot of people are threatened by people who have more stuff than them guys. Standard sh*t. But if that is beyond your experience be a man and admit it instead of trying to pretend you know something about it. You couldn't know unless you have made a couple bucks and run in certain circles. It sucks, but it is very very real. And that cop is one of those guys, trust me. This is all old news. We all know the cop and he knows us. The seasonal population of my town is about twenty thousand. How is it that you now know something about it, or him, or me and him I wonder?

And to your last comment, let me tell you one more thing little man. Trust me when I say that questioning myself is something that I do everyday. I have made tens of millions of dollars for my clients by having a firm handle on just that. I'm sure that will bother someone too. Oh my God, he said ten million. What will we do? There he goes again with the money. But it is numbers we use to measure things in this world and anyone who doesn't know that is just...lost and in deep trouble. But I mention that to make the point that I couldn't possibly have the success I have in my business if I were really what you think I am. And if you were smart you would know that almost instantly. I guess my hopes aren't high but I ask you: What humility do you bring to the world? Are you the best at what you do? I am, and not just because I say so - as judged by my peers. I have won awards for my achievments. Have you? What have you created and given life to from nothing? Have you ever done work you are truly proud of and humbled by? I doubt it.

So is that bragging because I told you what I do or how much money what I do generates? Are you threatened by that? Then try not focusing on it. Just try it and see if you can leave it alone and learn from it instead. Did you want to know how I got good at what I do? By admitting failures and admitting I didn't know everything. That you can prejudge a man by reading a paragraph just further proves to me that you have not an ounce of what it takes to be successful at anything. It is impossible to be good at anything if you are judgemental. I guarantee that you have some low or mid level career with no real talent and you will always be at the station in life you are at now. And that goes for many, many that have posted in this thread. Find all the successful people in our membership and you won't find one that tries to encapsulate a man or a situation or a life by reading a sentence or two. And there are many successful people here trust me. Barons of industries, talented artists, small business owners, and yes, even smart assed pr*ck hedge fund guys like me. So you see it is that and not my car which separates us - and you thought I was just some d*ck with a smart mouth. :p

That is the irony in all of this sillyness for me. You could cut it with a knife. I could probably teach you concepts that actually equate humility matematically. If I had the time or the will. I could find the time, but certainly not the will as I would be doubtful you could absorb it. Not because you are stupid but because by showing me you are judgemental you are showing me you aren't humble. That is the only requirement to work for me. It is actually in my new hire packet. A whole paragraph about how I operate my company as a think tank and we trade ideas. There is no boss at my company. Sure I own the joint but we are all equal in my world and we have a saying that if we don't learn every day it is not a good day. Do you work on that kind of high level of thinking? Not a chance. I would never hire a guy like you in a million years. They call every day with their ivy league MBA's and there is never a smart one in the bunch. Think about that for a second. That is how far we have taken the concept of surrender and humility in our trading. It would make your head spin. Nobody but a guy that does what I do could ever have a greater handle on respect for life and its motions on a level I'm sure you could never understand. I actually make money by admitting and figuring out what I don't know.

So do me a favor, if you want to form an opinion about me fine, but don't try and match brain pans with me by telling me the mistakes I'm making in life. I'll put my mistakes up against yours or anyone else's here in any way you want to measure it. And we don't have to use money either. I don't need it. It just happens to be a by product of what I do, Kind of like the exhaust that comes out of my Porsche that you like to quote so much. Which is fine by me of course but I would do what I do for free. Would you? Could you?

OK so now that we got that serious slant in I'm still game for more. This has become really, really fun and I would like to keep it going if you guys want to. I gotta change the thread name again though, now that we are talking about humility and irony. I'll try and think of a good one if it doesn't get closed...

  pivaro said:
QUOTE Just say, "Nice Car..." or whatever like I would for you and leave it at that. Then I will respect you and others will too. That goes for cops too.

Priceless , a cop is not a person worthy of any respect before he has made some nice comments about my car .

QUOTE I'm not a smartass because I'm in a Porsche, but it was the car that made him see it differently.

I beg to differ , it was YOU that made him see differently

QUOTE Not once have I ever been bothered by what another man has, especially if it is nicer or more expensive than mine. Neither should any of you...

You're making a huge typical mistake here , any criticism is a form of jealousy to you . Well , it's not .

I know you won't believe that , because if you did you would have to question yourself .

  RobbieG said:
I have no idea what you are talking about and I don't even know you. You aren't on my friend list brother. You can be if you want though I suppose. I don't recall ever having met you, but I would agree that God willing as you say, I too hope I don't meet you either, mostly because your avatar scares me as I had mentioned before I think. :D

This link says otherwise: Link to your friend list Please remove me from your "friends". Your comment about my avatar only proves that you are the judgemental person here. My avatar is a spoof. Those are action figures over a road kill squirl. But I believe you are just looking for another response, which you have now gotten.



I am being funny as a by product of having a little money. may fall on deaf ears here though. Unless you have ever been in that postion you

might not know it really happens. Trust me it does. Rent a Ferrari for a week and PM me and tell me how long it was before someone pulled a big, obvious jealosy trip on you.

I don't have to rent a ferrari ,i've had a porsche for a couple of years and guess what : i didn't make me act funny in any way .

It was just a car to me , a very fast and nice car , but it never made me an ass like you .

QUOTE :A lot of people are threatened by people who have more stuff than them guys. Standard sh*t. But if that is beyond your experience be a man and admit it instead of trying to pretend you know something about it. You couldn't know unless you have made a couple bucks and run in certain circles.

Trust me , it's not your stuff that bothers me , it's your obvious psychopatic nature .

QUOTE :And to your last comment, let me tell you one more thing little man. Trust me when I say that questioning myself is something that I do everyday.

I'm not little by any means , physically nor financially , sorry if that bursts you little bubble .

QUOTE: I guess my hopes aren't high but I ask you: What humility do you bring to the world? Are you the best at what you do? I am, and not just because I say so - as judged by my peers. I have won awards for my achievments. Have you? What have you created and given life to from nothing? Have you ever done work you are truly proud of and humbled by? I doubt it.

You're terrible at reading people , that's a fact proven . I don't think i'm the best at what i do , i know i'm good at what i do though .

I did win some awards in the past , being best student was one of them .. again sorry to disappoint you .

What have i created ? On the personal front : a nice family with 4 sons , if i 'm bragging it's about them , i just can't help it .

QUOTE : That you can prejudge a man by reading a paragraph just further proves to me that you have not an ounce of what it takes to be successful at anything. It is impossible to be good at anything if you are judgemental. I guarantee that you have some low or mid level career with no real talent and you will always be at the station in life you are at now. And that goes for many, many that have posted in this thread. Find all the successful people in our membership and you won't find one that tries to encapsulate a man or a situation or a life by reading a sentence or two. And there are many successful people here trust me. Barons of industries, talented artists, small business owners, and yes, even smart assed pr*ck hedge fund guys like me. So you see it is that and not my car which separates us - and you thought I was just some d*ck with a smart mouth. :p

It' your personality that separates us , not your wealth ( you must come from some poor background to act this way about your money ) .

As it happens i'm just that : a small businessowner , in fact i own two , sold a third 2 years ago to have more familylife . It's never been about the money .

QUOTE : I would never hire a guy like you in a million years.

Hilarious , dream on , buddy . I'd rather stay my own boss , imagine working for you :i think i would prefer complete poverty .

QUOTE :Kind of like the exhaust that comes out of my Porsche that you like to quote so much. Which is fine by me of course but I would do what I do for free. Would you? Could you?

For free , no ; i have a family to support but i love my work to bits and that's been the case for allmost 20 years .

Get it in your thick skull : you're the frustrated boy , not me .

PS 1 no doubt you got it in your head you're the smartest in the class .

This could well be the case , allthough , i must point out to you that english is only my third language . If it was my native one, i could easily rip your kind apart . In fact i think i just did .

PS 2 You must think i dislike you , but i really don't . I just want to help you to become human (again ? ) . Consider it being my good deed for christmas .

All for free .

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