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Received my First Genuine 16570 Exp.II


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I would like to post this in GD to share receiving my first genuine and the feelings I have with this timepiece and my reps.

Well, my first genuine Rolex Timepiece arrived by UPS today. Of course I was thrilled (to say the least) and couldn't wait to open the parcel and spend the day savouring the watch..


It is everything I visioned it to be ~ The movement feels precision ed !! the dial is perfect .. everything is without flaw.. the weight.. the bracelet.. awesome,.. it's everything I dreamed of in my first Rolex,.. vintage (circa 200-2002) with lug holes more raised markers..



Pics were a breeze to take no flaws.. :p



So what's missing ???????????????????

As I sat in my lounger and brought out a Cohiba sig VI (aged).. to celebrate my acquisition.. I was wondering if I really wanted to post the macro's :huh:

I put the cigar back in my humidor.. and sat for a while .. then SNAP ... it hit me.. why I was feeling kinda "empty".. now don't get me wrong.. this 16570 is great !! and it was literally a steal.. a "God Shot" if you believe in that :)

But I bought it .. received it...but,... that's all she wrote..!!!!

The difference you ask .. ?? I did it without the members sharing in the timepiece.. as far as ... discussing if it will be correct.. everyone anticipating the release..sharing time to shoot macro's so members can decide to get it or not.. the excitement of the forum waiting for theirs to arrive.. the joy of posting pics ...everyone one at a time.. the "congrats!!" by all of us to the most recent arrival..

This is what was missing BIG TIME !! .. it feels kinda empty.. kinda like :rolleyes: ..... mental masurbation

When I wear the "Yellow "Submarine" that was named by "Cool fire" .. I remember the day that he Christened the watch..

I have a snowflake Tudor with Ziggy.. who is going beyond what he should do to make my dream come true.. the movement came from Ubi... I was directed to the dial and hands by UBI ... and the crystal by UBI.... the case came from Chris ....

I was going to have the dial relumed by Ziggy.. whom advised that the genuine dial had such a beautiful patina that I should consider leaving it as is.. knowing that by reluming it would be to his benefit.. but advised me as only a true perfectionist and caring member would.. I think I will actually treasure the Tudor snowflake much more ...

the difference is in waiting for a piece returning from Ziggy ... which, parts had to be sourced.. following members, whose inspiration.. Tribal.. Jojo.. Freddy.. DL .. Stephane .. and of course the MAN.. UBI... and laz.. and so many others whom I'll feel bad for not mentioning.. oh .. Robbie .. cannot forget the bruddah !!.. and Omni our Own from Hawaii .. Elder Statesman.. for his guidance.. Bazz for his tips on Photo's.. Phoband .. our gremlin... :p and of course.. TMG.. cannot forget you ma brotha

IN other words.. what was missing was the members who make this forum what it is.. giving.. sharing knowledge..

Now I really realize why I love this forum (not like I didn't) but it just reinforces the "feelings" of pure "togetherness".. we fight like Brothers at times.. some more than others :D

I Love this place and it's members.. I'll keep the genuine..(I'm not stuck on dumb) .. but it took getting what I thought I always wanted to make me realize it's been here all along !!!!! I didn't have to look anywhere else... B)



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Wow...very well stated and I think you capture the essence of the forum in a nutshell... gens are beautiful and are a joy to own if for nothing but the equity and prestige one has in a gen piece... rep pieces have a different kind of equity...the investment of time, money, stress, shipping that watch to all corners of the civilized world....it's amazing what goes into some of the simplest mods...let alone a watch like that Tudor! Congratulations and good luck :victory: :victory:

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Shundi .. you are one of the members that make this place great.. TMG.. sorry I added you ... had a brain fart ma man.. you have been ultra !!

siest .. samurai ... SD4000 .. all of the members .. man I got coda problems.. I'll beat maself up for not naming everyone.. ahhh.. the mods all !!.. see.. told ya.. :lol:

This exp. needs a relume.. seriously .. ziggy would make a genuine.. look.. well, more genuine.. :thumbsupsmileyanim:

I'm wondering if it's my flu that is making me dilerious .. it is NOT...it's fo real this place ROCKS !!.. or rather it's the people that make it so...

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No worries. We can still share in it with you brah. No different really - other than you missing the process of sending it to Canada. But please do post photos of it and talk about the details. We love it. Even the raised indices and their exclusion to a few manufacture years is a matter of interest. Rep or gen, I think I speak for all in that we all like to share in the joy of others when they get something new.

Shoots, I have all gens in my collection now and I spend most of my time in the Other Brands forum studying and trying to help with education on UN and the first rep that I have no intention of getting myself. Likewise, many members who have no interest in getting gens always rally behind me when I get somthing new. So take it from me, don't let the difference of this first experience fool you. We are "sharing" in it with you and whether it is rep of gen makes no difference to us.

If you belonged to a Corvette club and decided to get a Porsche because you always wanted one, I would hope that if the Corvette club members were worth a rip they could still be happy for their brother if he got any new car that he was excited about and shared it with them - even if it wasn't a Vette. Food for thought. But the modding? Can't help you there. For me it is freedom as I never enjoyed that process, but I can understand where that would leave a hole with you given that you love it so much. Anyway, enjoy it my brother. Looks great!

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Don't get me wrong .. I'm sure I'll enjoy it.. just different ... I see why the experienced members build thier own vintage watches.. I mean .. for me it is the hunt .. the journey not the destination.. but this really capped it :)

I'll put it in the box.. and put on my 1665 ziggy modded GW.. ahhhh.. now that feels better... B)

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Don't get me wrong .. I'm sure I'll enjoy it.. just different ... I see why the experienced members build thier own vintage watches.. I mean .. for me it is the hunt .. the journey not the destination.. but this really capped it :)

You couldn't have said it any better than the above, bro... :good:

It is precisely those milestones which all of us reach when we embark on such precious projects. Laymen will never, ever understand us! :p

Wear this beauty in greatest health! :1a:

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Congrats, I have been looking at this exact watch myself as there are some deals to be had right now with the economy as it is.

Wear it well brother, gen or rep!

Very well said!

And Lani, don't worry about naming particular members :) (at least, not me!)... If we were interested in "credit" for something as it were (and, hell, all I've done for the last 1.75 years is drool at watches!) and not just the simple joy of timepieces this place wouldn't be what it is :)

Take care,


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Interesting Post Lani my man,

why i say this is i kinda felt same when i received my gen. white explorer... i was over the moon at first specially because it was bought from a fellow member and because it traveled through members hands all cross Atlantic to finally land on my wrist :) yet again something was off ... no part collecting, no pm s for advices no booking time on tribal s work bench ;)

As U said don't take it wrong i love the watch... actually i prefer it to my Sea Dweller! still we all get so used to a certain "procedure" with our watches that buying a gen just kinda takes us of track... ;)

Still "gen is a gen" and since we closely examined all kinda watches and makes still there are differences that will never be cough up by the makers... the attention to details and overall fit and finish is just milestones away... IMHO!

Now lite that baby up and enjoy... u acquired a nice piece... wear it in good health.

Ure pal LAZ

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Oh Lani.

Well I wouldn't have said it better.

Getting gens is great but yes you feel "empty" :huh:

Sharing mods or acquisitions with the RWG community and it's spirit is far more exiting, kind of "familly" discussion.

You say it so well that this hobby of our is not only related to watches!

That is why I buy my gens from the same guy who I can share a couple of hour with and talk about our passion, then go away with a new baby.

It's like creating a small community again, at least a strong relationship which allow me to trade back a watch, share knowledge...

Anyway, I whish you all the best with your Explorer II :thumbsupsmileyanim:



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Couldn't agree more.

What is funny is that you intuitively knew this all along. You like many others (myself included) have already spent a multiple of the cost of any gen(s) we would likely buy on frankens and modded reps. Now with prices on gens so low it is tough to turn away from gen. In truth you did the right thing. It is tough to rationalize putting any substantial amount of new money into anything but gens. So try this recipe - sell some of your older frankens (which aren't getting a lot of wrist time) to fund new ones and take any new money you have and put into gens. With smart buying and patience some of those gens will likely turn in to appreciating assets. :)

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Congrats my friend she is awesome.

I know exactly how you feel about this place. While at Disney we had a great dinner at Ohana. I had my Inge on that night and halfway thru dinner, the gentleman sitting next to us commented on her. He was wearing a black face daytona, his wife was wearing a jeweled datejust and his teenage sons were wearing a gmt IIc and a seasweller. He talked my ear off for a good 5 minutes about his red submariner and his Paul Newman and his pateks and his blah blah blah blah blah. .... I nearly had to tell him to shut it. At no time did he tell me anything interesting about any of his pieces other than how he really got a got deal ok this one or that one. It was really sad to me. After the server brought him more food he turned and started stuffing his face again and I turns back to my family and smiled. My wife looked at me and smiled and said , you look happy sweetie, you must have had fun finally talking. to someone about watches. I just smiled. I was happy yes, but not because of the conversation I just had, I was happy for all the amazing conversations I've had here with you true watch lovers. Thank you lani for your great thread.

Best regards


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A very interesting post, and one that seems to reflect my own personal view on this hobby.

While gen is gen and nothing beats gen, it's somewhat of a hollow experience. You pay your money and in return, you're handed a watch that should, and is most times perfect. And that's it. Done. Fini. Nothing more to do than to simply wear it. The fun in this hobby for me is the research, the hunt for parts, the excitement, time and dedication invested while putting everything together and the anticipation of hearing the tic-tic-tic of the escapement for the first time in the case. For me... I tend to enjoy taking my time in building a project, and that time allows me to become very familiar with the watch I'm building. In the end... I have a watch that means more to me, even though it's provenance and value are limited only to the parts I've used. But it's not about the money. If it were, I'd just buy gen :)

I hope I didn't steer you down the wrong path with my suggestion...

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Great post and thread...........Zen and the Art of Replica.

Send the watch to RG for a full 'return to service' treatment, and have him address any concerns he may find with the movement (it's a Rolex, there will be something that needs attention), and consider it a fresh start..............

You know RG he'll take a few snaps of that awesome 3185/3186, bring up some tech points of interest, give it a big thumbs up and send it off...........

In the meantime, strap that cat on and climb up Nuuanu Pali, you know; go Exploring and take a wrist shot......................the kids here will go nuts for you. Although, yes, this is a 'replica' site, I cannot think there is a single member here not jumping up and down inside you sourced this watch, than they would be if you sourced a Ubi Frankentona..................it's just a different flavor of the same Karma.

Congrats and enjoy!

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Couldn't agree more.

What is funny is that you intuitively knew this all along...So try this recipe - sell some of your older frankens (which aren't getting a lot of wrist time) to fund new ones and take any new money you have and put into gens. With smart buying and patience some of those gens will likely turn in to appreciating assets. :)

Well said. I don't think the issue with Lani however, is the economics of it all. I think it's coming from his history in training and body building of the satisfaction of results coming from intense burn and work.

The thrill Lani expressed when putting together his 1655 project with The Zigmeister even before the watch was assembled was something that would be very difficult to capture when purchasing a gen. The anticipation...the tension of wondering if the project will work...the hunt...adjustments forced from set backs and bumps on the road...all that adds to an overall experience attached to the piece that is so much more colourful than buying a gen...and all wonderfully captured in his posts and pics.

Lani...when opportunity presents itself as it had you, I think the purchase of the gen adds so much to the collection as gens are the ultimage references for what reps aspire to be...or are inspired from. Gens are the origin of great design and mechanical genius and when you really have an appreciation for watches and design which you obviously do, I know you can appreciate having a piece of original inspiration.

You can take pride in knowing that you still did have a bit of a hunt finding the deal...and a bit of excitement of the unknown wondering if your bid would score...but it is so much easier than putting together a Franken or a Ziggied Masterpiece because you didn't have as much struggle to get to where you're at.

Pieces like your Exp II capture something that truly is the holy grail in the rep world...a watch with a movement that does not have a rep equivalent.

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With respect to Rudyard Kipling...

The Rolex

"You must choose between me and your watch" -Rudyard Kipling

Open the old cigar-box, get me a Cuba stout,

For things are running crossways, and Rolex and I are out.

We quarreled about the crown guards.....we fought o'er a good cheroot,

And I know she is exacting and she says I am a brute.

Open the old cigar-box.....let me consider a space;

In the soft blue veil of the vapour hiding my Explorer's face.

My Rolex is pretty to look at, steel is a loving lass.

But the prettiest cheeks must wrinkle, the truest of loves must pass.

There's peace in a Laranaga, there’s calm in a Henry Clay,

But the best cigar in an hour is finished and thrown away.......

Thrown away for another as perfect and ripe and brown ...

But I could not throw away my Rolex for fear o' the talk o' the town!

The Explorer, my watch of beauty.... gray and sharp edged and old.....

With never another Rolex to purchase for love or gold!

And the light of Days that have Been the dark of the Days that Are,

And Love's torch stinking and stale, like the butt of a dead cigar.......

The butt of a dead cigar you are bound to keep in your pocket......

With never a new one to light tho' it's charred and black to the socket.

Open the old cigar-box......let me consider awhile....

Here is a mild Manila......there is the Rolex guile.

Which is the better portion..... a watch to make your heart sing,

Or a harem of dusky beauties fifty tied in a string?

Counselors cunning and silent....comforters true and tried,

And never a one of the fifty to sneer at a movement that died.

Thought in the early morning, solace in time of woes,

Peace in the hush of the twilight, balm ere my eyelids close.

This will the fifty give me, asking naught in return,

With only a Suttee's passion.......to do their duty and burn.

This will the fifty give me, When they are spent and dead,

Five times other fifties shall be my servants instead.

The furrows of far-off Java, the isles of the Spanish Maine,

When they hear my harem is empty, will send me my brides again.

I will take no heed to their raiment, nor food for their mouths withal,

So long as the gulls are nesting, so long the showers fall.

I will scent 'em with best Vanilla, with tea will I temper their hides,

And the Moor and the Mormon shall envy who read of the tale of my brides.

For Rolex has written a letter that gives me my choice between

The wee little whimpering watch and the great god Nick o' Teen.

And I have been servant of watches for barely a twenty - month clear,

But I have been Priest of Partagas a matter of seven year;

And the gloom of my bachelor days is flecked with the cheery light

Of stumps that I burned to Friendship and Pleasure and Work and Fight.

And I turn my eyes to the future that Rolex and I must prove,

But the only light on the marshes is the Will o' the Wisp of Love.

Will it see me safe through my journey or leave me bogged in the mire?

Since a puff of tobacco can cloud it, shall I follow the fitful fire?

Open the old cigar-box .....let me consider anew..... Old friends,

and what is a Rolex that I should abandon you?

A million surplus watches are willing 'o bear the yoke;

And a Rolex is only a Rolex, but a good cigar is a Smoke.

Light me another Cuba..... I hold to my first-sworn vows,

If Rolex will have no rival, I'll have no Rolex in my house!

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Great post and thread...........Zen and the Art of Replica.

Send the watch to RG for a full 'return to service' treatment, and have him address any concerns he may find with the movement (it's a Rolex, there will be something that needs attention), and consider it a fresh start..............

You know RG he'll take a few snaps of that awesome 3185/3186, bring up some tech points of interest, give it a big thumbs up and send it off...........

In the meantime, strap that cat on and climb up Nuuanu Pali, you know; go Exploring and take a wrist shot......................the kids here will go nuts for you. Although, yes, this is a 'replica' site, I cannot think there is a single member here not jumping up and down inside you sourced this watch, than they would be if you sourced a Ubi Frankentona..................it's just a different flavor of the same Karma.

Congrats and enjoy!

Yes, great idea for Lani. Send it to Rob for service and get him to take some pics for you of the process as well. That will be quite rewarding for you I'm sure.

I know whenever I send a genuine watch for a REAL service and spa treatment with a great watchmaker the experience is very rewarding. I remember the last time I sent my original Sub (gave it to a family member as an heirloom gift) which had become old and tattered and it was like getting a new watch back. Insert replaced, bracelet rebrushed, polished surfaces redone, fresh movement parts that were badly worn (forget what now), crown and tube, etc...

I find it actually fun to spend that money and experience that part of mechanical watch ownership. Many would think that it would kind of hurt throwing hundreds at something like that in that it wouldn't really seem like anything was done, but it isn't the case really. Try and enjoy that process every five years starting now. It is a big part of gen ownership and a right of passage...

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First off... Congrats on the Explorer II. It a beauty and will no doubt give you years of enjoyment.

I understand your feeling and agree with all the observations made by the other members. A Gen will be a Gen. Can't compare it to a rep. But the beauty of this rep hobby and the satisfaction you derive is one of a kind. With Gens, its all about how much money you have and how much money u willing to spend. Reps on the other hand is about the hunt... hunt for parts, looking out for modders, the thrill of coming back home to a package and of coz the community of watch fanatics that never seem to need sleep (somebody is always online...).

There will always be something that u can takeaway from a conversation with a rep collector. With most gen collectors, its always about their next purchase. It gets tiring sometimes...

So dont worry too much about it.... its just normal.

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R, congrats on the new beauty!

It has been summed up well here already, but I'm in agreement -our frankens are more special and unique with the trill of the hunt and the time involved in getting the details right, than clicking a few buttons or going to a store and handing them a credit card.

Regardless, I'm sure you'll enjoy it and also the inherent value it will hold. Our frankens at the end of the day only hold value to us.... Heck, we've got to have something to keep us busy!!! ;)

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