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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/27/2016 in all areas

  1. I will try to explain our position on above matter. High end builds are a touchy thing and I have done my due diligence. Having spoken to most of our Rolex modders I have found there are parts Rolex will sell unrestricted and those they do not, restricted. (some of you may know this but others may not so ....) Some have sources for them low and others have paid more this is due to access , if you can get from Rolex direct or have a supplier who does sell to you with a reasonable markup you get them on the cheap others have much paid more. I also have been on the phone with some heavy builders and they have paid prices on the high and low but in truth could not recall what the hell they paid on everything , I find that reasonable if you have 5 or 6 you've done as in this case. (I would not know beyond a doubt) I know I know write it down but some are not as organized as others so crap happens. This being said our habit of asking for breakdowns is a good thing but let's also look at the what the watch is worth overall not cherry pick a part or two you may be able to get cheaper. (did they who knows) Now it has been postulated that some always price on the high side and list their parts on the high end of what they cost in this we have decided to let the market do the work. Look you got no business buying a build for 2 to 5 k if you do not know your stuff and if you do not you ask around and research, your job as buyer not ours as mods. Now if a guy posted a TC with a gen insert and crystal for 2 k we would crush it but with laundry list of parts: phong this yuki that gen this that we can not get into it to many maybe's involved to make a definitive call. Now feel free to post in a thread if you think a bit high on something but let's not start a row you will never know what they paid and neither will we on parts, so keep it short and sweet. To expand further I have always felt that just sourcing all these parts and getting them put together right has a value all it's own, how many times have I seen guys post I bought this for 3-5 hundred but doesn't fit, how do you price that in. (we don't ) So look at the break down but also look at the watch in total in regard to price and more importantly is it worth that to you.
    1 point
  2. Sure it is, just add a case and movement at the same time :-)
    1 point
  3. Yeah the tempt for these two tones is really hard. I've been a die hard two tone guy not too long ago myself.. I bought several 5 digit Bluesies followed with the ceramic flat blue Bluesy which made me sell all two tone watches I have because I hated the SubC TT.. I'm now back to Steel and precious metal pieces.
    1 point
  4. GEN dont think youll find a perfect rep one. mine isnt perfect either but better than the one you posted.
    1 point
  5. I would fight a tiger with a helmet on my head made out of raw meat for that white GMT.
    1 point
  6. Not sure about the parts, but if you look hard enough with enough £, it's always possible. About assembling, I'm sure mickey (STEEL) would handle it, he's based in Finland and always does great work.
    1 point
  7. No tutorial for reattaching a detached dial part that I am aware of. You can usually reattach using superglue or similar adhesive, but I would practice gluing small metal bits onto a practice plate before attempting it on your dial because it is VERY easy to get glue on the dial face. I have to say that the rep in the link is not very good, so you may be better off just replacing the watch with 1 from Trusty or Josh. To avoid throwing good money after bad, before hitting another BUY button, I would recommend that you do some research on whichever gen Daytona model you want & you might also check out By-Tor's Daytona reviews that should be available via the search function here on RWG. & if you get glue on the dial, you are screwed - there is no way to fix it (without damaging the dial paint) other than replacing or repainting the dial.
    1 point
  8. Thanks. Is there any tutorial available on how to do this?
    1 point
  9. 1 point
  10. Great! Great! Great! Thank you Rolojack! This is what keeps us in this game! Amazing inspiration! Sent from Hell
    1 point
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