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Posts posted by jonthebhoy

  1. Bye Bye Liverpool, and Celtic in the next round.

    Sorry guys but it's plane tickets not next round tickets you'll be needing.


    There speaks a Hearts supporter - all wishful thinking. Dream the dream of Champions league my son for it shall remain nothing other than so for thee. (jtb Chapt. 26 Verse 67 - from the Book of Gie Yersel a Slap)

    I have to agree with doc that we (The 'Tic and the 'Pool) got the rough end of the draw, however it's all about fight now and who has the stomach for it. Barca are missing HL - their true match winner (Still can't believe he's gone to Fergusons lot) so I give Liverpool a little chance. Mark "toothy" tight and they're not the same. A rake of the studs down Deco's calf and he's a goner as well.

    If AC don't improve then we have a great chance of going through as I don't think they are anything special at the moment. They will [censored] their knickers at Parkhead.

    As for the rest of the British teams - I couldn't care less.

    Hail Hail


  2. Well done the convicts! :thumbsupsmileyanim:

    Mind you a blind man and his dog could have saw that one coming.

    The most ill prepared unfit bunch of excuses for sportsmen.........and they won!

    Only kidding lads! :lol:

    I was of course referring to the poms who should have stayed at home.

    I can see Freddie hitting the beer now.........perhaps he'll play better.


  3. This is not my favourite but a favourite - not because it's a particularly clever, popular or collectable rep but simply because it was sold (nae given) to me by one of my favourite forum people of all time, namely Dave Gates (dlgates) and it will remain in my collection for that fact alone.

    Dave is still very much missed.

    The Movado Museum:



  4. Clearing out my hard drive last night and found this old sketch by the great man.

    Sadly missed:

    The Story of Rindercella

    Once apon a time, in a coreign fountry, there lived a very geautiful birl; her name was Rindercella. Now, Rindercella lived with her mugly other and her two sad bisters. And in this same coreign fountry, there was a very prandsom hince.

    And this prandsom hince was going to have a bancy fall. And he'd invited people from riles amound, especially the pich reople. Rindercella's mugly other and her two sad blisters went out to buy some drancy fesses to wear to this bancy fall, but Rindercella could not go because all she had to wear were some old rirty dags. Finally, the night of the bancy fall arrived and Rindercella couldn't go. So she just cat down and scried. She was a kitten there a scrien, when all at once there appeard before her, her gairy fodmother. And he touched her with his wagic mand ... and there appeared before her, a cig boach and hix white sorces to take her to the bancy fall. But now she said to Rindercella, "Rindercella, you must be home before nidmight, or I'll purn you into a tumpkin!"

    When Rindercella arrived at the bancy fall, the prandsom hince met her at the door because he had been watchin' behind a woden hindow. And Rindercella and the prandsom hince nanced all dight until nidmight...and they lell in fove. And finally, the mid clock strucknight. And Rindercella staced down the rairs, and just as she beached the rottom, she slopped her dripper!

    The next day, the prandsom hince went all over the coreign fountry looking for the geautiful birl who had slopped her dripper. Finally he came to Rindercella's house. He tried it on Rendercella's mugly other ... and it fidn't dit. Then he tried it on her two sigly usters ... and it fidn't dit. Then he tried it on Rindercella ... and it fid dit. It was exactly the sight rize!

    So they were married and lived heverly ever hapwards. Now, the storal of the mory is this: If you ever go to a bancy fall and want to have a pransom hince loll in fove with you, don't forget to slop your dripper!


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