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Everything posted by jonthebhoy

  1. Okay then. We are not worthy to have one such as yourself live and breathe among us. JTB
  2. If this was truly genuine and I was selling then my reserve price would have been a lot higher than what that clown sold it for, therefore I'd confidently say NOT genuine. Added to that - the fact he wouldn't let a potential buyer pay cash and pick up seems suspicious. I would also like to know how pro_expert_dan thinks he knows it to be genuine, based on the limited information and pictures available. JTB
  3. I didn't hear nuttin from him either. That's 6 years and 4 months I've been waitin on my noobmariner. He's a swine. My patience is runnin out. Wait a minute..............I didn't order one from him................what a klutz I am. I'm getting my Winfield Y's all in a fankle over a watch I never ordered!!! I need locking up. All my friends tell me that. Neil..........put one aside for me and when done tell me what to pp you. Man I'm losing it big time. JTB (goes off for a lie doon)
  4. I walk out my door, then walk about 300 yards and see this: Magnificent Ben Lomond. JTB
  5. My neurosis dives even deeper. If I want to wear one of my reps for a few days, like at the moment I've got reattached to my SMP (one of the original correct ones), then I'll pick the clothes to suit (sic) the watch. So it's white shirts and nice ties with charcoal troos. Yep I am one sad bastard! JTB
  6. It always seems to get back around to sex. Andrew wants to "screw him up" and Puggy suggests that Paul is a "[censored]-gobbler". You guys not getting any these days? JTB
  7. Sacre bleu..............the old dear is in for a rebore and you dare to suggest in her absence that she ought to be done away with. Now where did I put that popcorn? JTB
  8. In fact here's a picture taken backstage at the Aussie version of Live Aid: JTB
  9. Excellent post as always Puggy. Could disagree with any of your picks. JTB
  10. I'm not worthy, I'm not worthy! I didn't get my abbreviations degree..........I had a headache that year. JTB
  11. Yep...........this electricity thing takes a bit of gettin used to but I'm sure you outback guys will work it out eventually. JTB
  12. HE HAS SPOKEN - HE HAS SPOKEN - THE GREAT AND ELUSIVE ONE HAS DEIGNED US WITH SOME LETTERS OF WISDOM................ALAS.................I'm having difficulty with the second part of thy message oh masterful one! JTB
  13. You don't contact TTK - he contacts you! JTB
  14. Can't say I'm sorry to see it go. It started to get a bit dusty and somehow it just didn't fit in to our new and vastly improved forum. The bin is dead - long live the waste disposal unit. (Now there's an idea! ) JTB
  15. Welcome Mobile. Interesting choice of name. Any particular reason? JTB
  16. "We make a living by what we get, we make a life by what we give." - -- Winston Churchill
  17. ..........and your use of the vernacular my friend has just got you a warning! JTB
  18. Your post my friend was second only to slay's as the biggest piece of crap I've read in a long time..........and two in the one day as well. We've got a right bunch today! For the record..........mandrex is a sleeping pill............take some............you'll feel much better in the next life. GOD BLESS HUMANITY JTB
  19. You're what I call a suicide bummer. The only saving grace about what you have to say, for what it's worth.....i.e f'all.......is that you are over there and I'm here which is lucky for you. Take a mandrex and get to bed. JTB
  20. The only "Moon" I ever cared for is dead and he was the greatest rock drummer in the world with the greatest rock band in the world. Sorry if I've offended any soap fans. JTB
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