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Everything posted by tomhorn

  1. I tried that site ... good that it worked for you, but my experience there was horrible. Every 'match' they came up with for me (and I was in a major metropolitan area) was unattractive, would not have been able to be taken out in my social circles, was mentally 'broken' by past relationships, and/or had a personality totally incompatible with mine. I gave up when my last date looked nothing like her pictures, had undergone gastric bypass to lose nearly 200lbs and lived with her parents (in her mid 30's) in a trailer park. None of which was disclosed to me prior to me arriving (and I had to travel to another city) to pick her up (naturally) ... In my case their algorithms completely failed.
  2. I received an order a few days ago from him. Came faster than he said it would.
  3. I was lucky enough to get one of his 5514 cases. Wish the 5513 case had come to fruition. If it was even close to as good as the 5514, it would have been a steal at that price.
  4. These are the aftermarket version most recommended by those building 1016 Explorers. http://www.ebay.com/itm/280268065798?ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1438.l2649
  5. There isn't an ETA movement with center seconds and a power reserve in the right spot. Depending on stem height, you might be able to use a 2824, or 2836 with a modified datewheel overlay and some sort of mod to affix the PR hand. Am guessing you'd also need a custom movement ring. Have you had someone service the movement? You might find you like it better once it's clean and lubricated properly.
  6. Helenarou sells generic parts and whole watches. http://www.ebay.com/sch/Jewelry-Watches-/281/i.html?_catref=1&_fln=1&_ipg=&_ssn=rouhelena&_trksid=p3911.c0.m282
  7. Reminds me of Kemmner's pieces on eBay (or something put togther using his parts which he also sells). The 'customized' work done puts them in the same arena as Tourby's pieces, but they are way overpriced compared to the parts prices of what goes into them. Kemmner - $472.64 http://www.ebay.com/itm/Kemmner-Flieger-Typ-A-matt-mit-Unitas-6498-1-swiss-/300990858622?pt=DE_Kleidung_Schmuck_Accessoires_Uhren_Armbanduhren&hash=item461474057e Aero 45 - $1,045.00 http://www.archerwatches.ca/aero45.html Granted the movement is finished better, but over double the price?
  8. Personally, I would just go to eBay or any watch part supplier and buy one of their assortment packages. Normally $5-10 and you'll be likely to find what you need. If you know the exact size, you can order individuals off of eBay as well. Otherwise, you can try Concepta to see if he could get a gen for you.
  9. That's not even remotely close to what I posted in the private PM group, and you're getting on MOAB and others for 'BS'? This is what I actually posted. "Requested that [meaning ship the movement back] on September 11th. Radio silence since then. Follow up emails on 9/24 and 10/10 have gone unanswered." Not only have I not sent two emails in the last week, I have received no notice that my movement would be shipped out early next week. I've had no communication from MD at all. I'm being patient with MD because I want him to finish everyone else's work. The movement isn't that big a deal compared to finishing projects for others. I am not worried about getting my movement back and am not in that big a hurry. I have communicated that to MD, and that's why I've just sent a couple of periodic inquiries instead of bugging him constantly about it. I believe MD is a stand up guy and will get my movement to me when he can. Simple as that. All of the other BS in this thread beyond people updating on their project status really needs to be over IMO. This thread has gone way off the rails with people's speculations, mis-information and personal attacks.
  10. You can also go to BK or TC. I used BK's in mine. Not technically correct because it's a 16014 (should be open 6/9's), but it looks great.
  11. I believe Omega had some gens for sale in a thread fairly recently.
  12. There's one version of the watch, and the movement is problematic (being kind). If you're on a budget, you either need to buy one and take your chances (or better yet, send it to Domi), or find one that's already had his mod done. The rep is fairly accurate out of the box. If you don't want to go franken, then aftermarket AR and the Domi mod are the standard upgrades.
  13. If you must own one, I'd keep an eye on the Sales section for one that has Domi's added jewel mod, or for a franken that has been built with the gen movement. The standard rep movement is a crapshoot. You might get one that works OK for awhile, or it might die soon. Either way it will eventually die.
  14. If only I could find one in my budget ....
  15. I'm just trying to find something worthy of your case ...
  16. I've been reading half of Saturday and still can't find a good answer to this question myself. Closest I can come from my searching would be using a MBW with a gen clasp. Will a better answer come tomorrow?
  17. You'd be better off finding a Yuki 3135, with gen dial and hands (in more ways than one). Cost certainly, and it would look better than having a gen movement with rep dial and hands.
  18. I have used Vac, PBdad and Rex450 (over on RG) on various projects with success. All are US based.
  19. http://www.network54.com/Forum/353393/thread/1283461862/last-1283461862/FS-++++++Rainer%27s+XXL+WATCH+BOXES+++-+++new+models+available
  20. Never said they weren't a decent watch at a good pricepoint, just that this model (and many others from the brands that are sold at ShopNBC) have strong design cues from the larger (more expensive) factories. Using the same quartz movements means nothing more than the large brands with their big marketing budgets (over) charge more. Prime example is the B&R 03-88. The rep is essentially the same watch for $600 vs $3000 for the gen, and the guts are the same. BTW, my mistake on the owner. It's actually Swiss Watch International that owns the brand (Lucian Picard is their other major brand).
  21. Who is your carrier? Most carriers will give you the unlock code for free (assuming you are a customer of course). Other than that, I would never pay. For most phones it's not that difficult to do yourself. Newer phones I just use XDA Developers. Older phones are more difficult, but still doable with the right software.
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