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new & improved osteopath

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Everything posted by new & improved osteopath

  1. I may be wrong, but I do not believe there is a 38mm version? Anyone else know about this?? -O
  2. Sadly this war probably was about oil (certainly I don't buy the'part of the global war on terror' ascertion.) However, like most of the other things this administration has planned, the war was horribly executed. Many military experts, consultants and the like noted that for the US to truly secure Iraq (and thereby the oil) we would have needed to send over way more troops than we had. But like everything else Bush touches, he has left them short changed. For someone who spends as flagrantly as he does, it is amazing how many programs/operations this guy has initiated remain under-resourced and underfunded. War was a mistake. No two ways about it. This massacre is a sad example of what happens when you go into a country to fight a war without a clear goal or mission statement. Our position in the global hierarchy has been so dreadfully compromised, I shudder to think of the world our kids will be living in when they reach adulthood. -O
  3. Based upon the reviews, I was prepared to not like it, however I was pleasantly surprised. I can generally rely upon Tom Hanks. -O
  4. I really don't believe we are here again. -O
  5. I don't want to know- I am sure the contents of their closet would be both nefarious and disturbing. -O
  6. A good vintage Port- Taylor Fladgate, Dow's. or Noval would all be good choices. -O
  7. iStretch works in a community where everyone and their grandma has a high end watch, and no one, READ NO ONE has questioned the authenticity of his watch. -O
  8. This looks like they may have found thier way again. Can't wait. -O
  9. Phase 6: Significant other notices there are a lot of watches lying around the house. Phase 7: Then throws you and the watches out on your ass. -O
  10. Dude, let's face it- a PAM that does not come from Panerai is not a PAM... (POP!) I personally like the sentiment of constucting a special watch for someone physically challenged. -O
  11. Here is a twisted way to get around this: Get one of the canal street Panerai, with cheap asian movement- these are smaller movements and have a plastic spacer ring. Take out the ring, put it into better pam rep, and you should be able to fit quartz movement. Just a thought. -O
  12. That's right. On the 2 Ive seen, oil fixed it up right quick. -O
  13. Sometimes when you advance the date several days with the quickset, the outer set button will pop out but the plunger underneath sticks. If it stays in the depressed position, it will interfere with the date setting either through button or the crown. Usually, this is just a matter of the movement being properly oiled- which unfortunatley, most of the 7753s have not been. I hope yours is a similarly simple fix. -O
  14. Quite frankly, from a cosmetic standpoint, the subdial hands were not really an issue. I am sure the replacements have better lume, but they were of a much higher quality than the minute and hour hands as it came. Looks great! Enjoy. -O
  15. Well I guess so much for the thread dying peacfully.... I was going to post an 'Alls well that ends welll' post, but I got here too late. Oy Vey. -O
  16. Well it is protection, as in 'pay us protection money'. -O
  17. Ditto. As for malpractice insurance- you want to know about a scam, Ill tell you about a scam- 25 percent of my income and no malpractice suits. It just keeps getting worse and no one gives a rats ass. That is why I am setting up in Miami. Welcome Gran. -O
  18. WHat is interesting here, is that this simple, brief explanation seems to make sense given my cursory understanding of the situation. I was not involved directly, but certainly sseveral of my friends were. If Blade really evaporated like that, and there is no reason not to think he had, Gran could not be directly hel culpable for the RWG watch fiasco. What I am not cleat about were the edited/deleted threads- were these purperated by Gran, or perhaps someone else?? Not enough information. I stand by the advice I rendered in the Eliot/TC situation. Let the past be the past, and let the present dictate your path. None of us are likely to ever have a real understanding of what transpired at RWG I, so are we going to hang on to things and thoughts with [censored] us off, or move on? I elect to move on. I value this community, and would personally like to see Gran vindicate himself through is positive participation in this new, and improved community. BTW, after my Malpractice payment goes out May 1, I will become a contributor to this forum. That's how much I am liking it! All my best, -O
  19. I like this- Panerai watch, Rolex panties...I guess Panerai knickers would be too large to make for good photographs. -O
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