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Everything posted by Katerchen

  1. lol GOOD one! Cheers to all of ya!! George
  2. Thank you for kind words @TJ - i will tell Carol your compliments! However a feeling arouse when i saw the picture of you and your wife... I cant describe that very good but i would say YOU ARE a "matched" couple if you know what i mean this may just be a feeling from my side but many times i had this feeling when getting to know friends and other couples it turned out to be "right". There might never be 100% certitude if a couple stays together or not - it is just that most of the times when a couple stays together for a very long time or for entire life, most of these people do have something "familiar" in their appearance... I mean that having "something in common" in appearance or even looking "related" as from the same family can often be an advantage - the chance of beeing long and luckily together seems to be higher then! All the best to both of you And yes, if you consider that beautiful painting of "Lilith" it might be worth to give it a try. George
  3. @TJ Damnit!! You got me... redhear is somehow my weakness We are planning on children too... Heres a pic of my wife: Sorry i forgot - so i assume ONE of you two is also redhaired? Cause if not having redhaired children will be a hard task!! I dont know so much about redhaired men but redhaired women can often be such wonderful and caring, joy giving characters! I love them ALL Hmm... same goes with some ebony/latin women or asian but i dont wanna discuss deeper here Now if she is really a redhead - give her a hug from me I FORGOT: Pictures (if allowed) are highly appreciated if you wanna post. Cheers! George
  4. CONGRATS from me too and thanks on letting us know such a promising story Best wishes and all of luck to you and your family!! Health and luck also to the twins! George
  5. @nanuq NO codpieces either victorian for me... My father beeing of peloponnian origin (from Kalamata) always used to say: What doesn't kill you, can only make you stronger! You can have my inherited collection of greek fustanellas! The history of this clothing goes way back b.c. - you might even forget about the scottish kilt too, knowing that references in greek going back to 5th century b.c. They found a sculpture in the cave of Archemedos near Athens. Archemedos living in Athens derived and came from a spartan colony called Thera. And whatever they did under their fustanella, you bet greeks hadnt invented "the lube" - so this clothing is for "the hard guys only"! However ill keep you guys updated when i hooked up and finished with that persian Lilian "assisted by the devil" lol Lilian which derives from the sumerian/babylonian evil demoness Lilith & Zubah which is a variant of Azuba which derived from Hebrew and the meaning is "assisted". You bet, ill poke the devil out of her in the end she will look like: Stay strong friends! George
  6. BEAUTIFUL guys!! Keep em coming... @KB and @CORGI (first shot) Is THAT you??? George
  7. In other words: You dont want to spill more background knowledge to the public - you assume Avitt/Tony wouldnt want that either & whatever would be said public about this process of banning and reasons that led to it - this wouldnt let the person of Avitt/Tony "look any better". Did i understand you right? ------------------------------------------------------ However, anytime a senior member chooses to leave or gets banned... makes me feel sorry somehow. Anyway, this is Life - we cant change some things and return all the decisions we make. Thats it - Regards George
  8. SELAM!! @Deniz my friend, may i order a "D
  9. Did i miss something?? Just sent a mail today!! Will post the outcome George
  10. Stephane banned? i dont think so... Thanks @team for infos on Avitt - was wondering too, but if it was his decision in the end... Cheers! George
  11. Guys... Date got canceled today! Been there but he wasnt prepared at all and had no time... we agreed that we would phone again to meet up during next 10-14 days! NO pointer or evidence so far at all that he somehow "changed" his mind - thats why i guess the deall is still interesting for him to part with some dials n parts Ill keep you updated! B/R George
  12. lol you guys are funny... Well, anybody else has the habit leaving his watch on the desk/table while working/sitting?? George Cant believe i am the only one
  13. Damnit!!! I knew you would again allude one of your dirty little... ahhh well, i get your point Plaifender but anyway me guess not anybody wants to know, that you use to take off your watch whilst playing with your "balls" Something else comes to my mind: WHO ELSE has also "the bad attitude" (and no i dont mean the balls) taking off your watch almost immediately when sitting at a desk (office) or table so that he can stare even more often at the watch without "wrist bending"?? I had/have this habit almost as long as i can think... even before getting watch/design-addicted, for ex. in school. I almost lost 2 watches these way... fortunately the person that "found" the watch was kind enough to remind me that i left it lying on the table. Having business dates also outside my office brought me one incident where i left a watch at the customers home thanks to him, he ringed me up so i could retrieve it I often do take off my watch when dates become approx > 1hour and when dates take more than 2 hours i also take off my entire clothing... but thats common with greeks and all my friends already are used to that. I just want to know if i am the "only one" with that watch-strip-off-habit because i find that VERY strange!? Whatever... George P.S. btw if someone is really taking the time to answer my question, could you please be so kind and also tell me, if you ever had the experience of finding some girls stuff (i mean a bra!!)under your front passengers seat while cleaning your car with NO idea how and when it was placed there?? And if this also happened to you, would you pls be so kind and PM me also the reaction of your wife cause it wasnt her bra?
  14. Great idea W! Just for the sake of beauty ---> swap and bring contrast to your life! Just my 2 cents. George
  15. This reminds me of my wife Sometimes its better to get "off" rather than riding a dead horse for hours... George
  16. Beautiful pics!! @photographers and +1 @ken - nice idea to have this thread filled up with shots from all over the planet just a question: would "architecture" in general also be a criterion for exclusion?? I guess many of us do also live in or near of big cities... Cheers George
  17. Thanks for the feedback Bro! And good to hear from you again... all in all you seem to give a good account of yourself Needless to say: DONT FORGET the important parts while moving ---> And yes friend, i found a picture of YOU!!! Cheers! George
  18. WOW!! :thumbsupsmileyanim: Congrats Paul on your dial-cloning project! I somehow knew you would come through with something am no big PAM fan, but the quality of this run is amazing!! Best regards George
  19. Hi gang! Update Will meet my contact and take some shots of the majority of parts he is willing to part with next week. As far as i understood it will be mainly NOS and mainly AP dials and tachy scales. Be aware to take a look at the pictures i will post, because parts from AP have become very restricted so i dont know if he will be able to order some spares anytime soon in the future! Anyway i will take this opportunity and shot pictures of ANY parts he is willing to sell - i just cant tell you now what else it can be. I guess this will be "one time opportunity" for you guys - i cant place a repeat order. As for the people that asked me for a second set of hands for AP ROO model, i can only try and ask again - last answer on this was "NO" sorry... First come, first serve! I hope that we can bring some nice frankens on the way The best to you! George
  20. Just saw this today... CONGRATS on that beautiful built n gorgeous shots You just build "a classic" - i always liked the smaller 42 PO more than the bigger brother. Wore the 45 at an AD 1 time, wanted to convince me to buy no way - too chunky for me. Wear that piece well! With crown mod and AR this would be indistinguishable! George
  21. AWESOME Tutorial and coolest watch "out of the block"! Just saw it today Now this is the stuff i would love to see everyday here Keep up the good work! George
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