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Chicken Manny

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Everything posted by Chicken Manny

  1. I'm trying to figure out the add on ground bus bar. It's over my head. As far as I know all sub panels should have a ground bar and a neutral bar. I've heard of people using service boxes with only a neutral and having to add a ground bar but that has got be be a unusual. That's why you never trust advice from the forum. I'll burn your house down. f
  2. The more I read on the AF breakers the more I liked them. It's amazing how much power you can flow through a 20-30 amp breaker without it throwing. You could weld with the wire as long as you don't pull the amps. Crazy! Plus even if they do trip it will take something like 200-500 cycles. The AF breakers trip in 5-8 cycles. They are now required in all bedrooms but I think I'm going to replace even more than is required. The 0000 is aluminum. I couldn't even find copper that big, although I think I could go one size smaller with copper. I was told it could be special ordered at a very, very high cost and a long wait. The aluminum stuff cost me a few hundred bucks as it was. The stuff is laughably large and a [censored] to pull.
  3. Yes, the 60 at the main will protect the line to the sub panel. As mentioned above it really shouldn't be subject to a full load but as long as it is working you should be fine. Although throwing a main breaker in the middle of party might be a real drag. Just don't turn the guitar amps up to 11. Now the question of code....that might be something different. I had to put a 0000 line from my main to the subpanel. Sometimes the codes make you go way over what you would think. I also had to replace most of my breakers with GF and AF breakers (which is expensive but does add quite a bit of safety).
  4. I'm not an electician but I play one on TV. I would do a load test on all the panel. Just because you have a 30 amp breaker doesn't mean the load would be that high (not counting shorts). A stove may require a 30 amp breaker but only be able to pull 22 amps. As long as the total possible load on the panel is less than 60 amps you are fine. I put in a 200 amp service and if I was really letting everything scream I might be able to get 120 amps flowing. Basically, just because I have 200 amps available doesn't mean I could pull it. With that said, the more breakers the better.
  5. CR is no problem with US passport. Man, you guys have me thinking about a trip over the pond. I don't think I can do it with work right now but it is tempting.
  6. I know, I know. Omni, I'll give you 1200 bucks for that watch on your avitar!
  7. Come on man, I wasn't being that pushy. I just really wanted that watch....
  8. Same here. Very buggy without compatibility mode set. At times I couldn't get it to load any page past the index page.
  9. Very few corporate IT groups like to give access to wifi. It's just too much of a security risk. Plus you have a real 3G network available to you.
  10. I had a chance to hold one for about 10 seconds and the "click" feedback is really cool. Way better than anything else I have seen, or felt. The glass actually clicks down with each press. I can't wait to get one.
  11. My investments took a major hit as I'm sure many of others here have. But overall things are good. Job, life, family are all in order and that's keeps me happy. I don't need to touch my investments for many years to come so I see this as a good time to buy in at rock bottom prices. So far every loss to me is a 'paper loss'. I had no plan to sell anything so I can't say that I really lost anything. For those of you that have suffered real loss and suffer the associated stress I'm deeply sorry. I hope and believe this crisis will be far less impactful than the 30s.
  12. I have to figure out some way to get one of these. Looking at your photos and seeing the photos of the Germany GTG watches has me dreaming about all things vintage. Thanks for the post!
  13. The one thing that comes to mind is being caught intensely staring at another man's wrist. I find it difficult to then provide the correct non-verbal to let him know it was his watch and not his crotch. Sometimes they get it... most of time I get an odd look. Of course I do have a wide stance.
  14. My name is Chicken Manny and....I own gens. It has been 64 days since my last purchase.... We are only as sick as our secrets... One gen is too many and a thousand is not enough... Oh, I feel much better now. Time for a drink.
  15. We're with the Government. We are here to help you.
  16. Having bought dozens of watches from EL, including three 2893 models (verified). I suspect that the supplier pulled one over on EL. I can't imagine him switching them on purpose. Either way, it sucks to find that someone shorted you. BTW- 450 would have been a great price for that watch. Anybody selling another one for that price can feel free to contact me.
  17. Thanks SSSurfer!!! I really appreciate the assistance! I'm always amazed at the knowlege base we have here.
  18. @ sssurfer- I have no idea how you came up with that but thank you for your expertise! Should I assume standard 7750 PAM DW and Font? I'm trying to put together the ultimate 50 for the wifey.
  19. I agree HB. I knew when he got off on murder it would convince him he was above the law. It would only be a matter of time before his next visit in a court room facing a felony. Now I've got to go burn and loot some buildings down in my neighborhood. Fight the Power!!!! Anybody want a big screen or a slightly charred bag of cheetos......cheap?
  20. I say they just take a brick to his head. 13 years coming. What say you?
  21. Hell, I have so many cyclops sitting around here I don't know. I bought some from you a little while back but I thought those were for 44mm. I will send you a PM. I need to drop off a bag o' watches for you anyway. Cheers, CM
  22. I have a PAM 50 (40mm) that I'm looking at fixing up a bit. Do any of you experts know if the cyclops is the same size used on the 44mm autos? Also, I'm sure the DW is the same as other 7750 based models, but maybe I'm missing something? Thanks for your help! CM
  23. This thing is going to make the iPhone it's [censored]. Let's see... Better camera? Check Better screen? Check Better security? Check Removable battery and memory? Check Quad band chip set (US, EU and Japan)? Check Actually allowed on corporate networks? Check Not having to connect to At&t's non existent 3G network? Priceless!!
  24. Bargains Imprisoning me All that I see Absolute savings What a great deal What a great find Look at these jeans Damn I look sexy as HELLLLLLLLL
  25. Man, how did I miss this one? Anybody want to throw a chicken a bone?
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