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Everything posted by Demsey

  1. Whoa. The port side only lug holes get me goin'. Ow, my head.
  2. Hey, wait a minute................... I'll have to visit this thread in the morning, but I have something floating around my head with regard; there are watch manufacturers that set trends, then there are watch trends that are set by us, through zeitgeist and may trigger a market. Ummmm, Rolex may hold a meeting of maketing heads of departments after reviewing fashion trends and set a guideline; "Right, spare is in; thin lapels, rail stripes, thin ties, 'Windsor' is out for 1952. The DateJust will be 34mm.........." And the public goes; "Ohhhhh, yeah, Rolex, I'm on that, I'm into 34mm, in yellow gold please". Then there are watches that are pushed into the trend beyond their design parameters; IWC, and Panerai, as 'lanikai' alluded. They are 'tool' watches, 'large' because it's not particularly easy to see a watch dial under 5 fathoms or in a cockpit at night. I have no love for Panerai as a daily watch. Especially as a fashion accessory. Sorry, I never bought into it. To my eye they look dumb. On the street. Like a guy walking through the mall with a welder's mask on because he saw the lead guitarist for Ramstein wear one onstage when he lit the flame thrower. That is not to say I have no love for a welder's mask, or a 187. I'd just reach for them in a dive bag or the welder's shop. ps I never wear the PO chrono around. It really does look dumb. In the mall. Cool replica tho'.............did I mention I was purdy buzzed? pss @ BT, I see you are sporting a wedding band. I merely thought you were 'engaged' ? Did I miss a thread? Congrats!
  3. Oh man, I'm purdy buzzed right now. If this thread hangs for another half hour with no serious attention I'm going to bust a comment about watch size being directly proportional to penis size. See what I'm sayin'?
  4. How about 5,000 gbp? Would 5,000 gbp 'convince' you?
  5. I want to change my mind. Can I change my mind? Is there a sub-part to a rule regarding; "Changing your mind...." ?
  6. Like everything else; "If I could, I would, but I can't, so it's for idiots."
  7. How about acupuncture? I would concede it's merely a 'band-aid' but it might turn around the ebb and flow. Psychologically. A lot of physical pain is caused by psychological triggers. 'Depression' hurts. Like a muther [censored]. Considering the case scenerio(s) in this thread alone, aside the half dozen others with regard you've posted in the past year Pho, I'd say your rope is at it's last inch. Not being facetious, but, as always; glib (I really don't know any of you), get your head shrunk. Everyone really should. Or has. Good luck dude.
  8. No, I just can't bring myself to do it. I'm going to 'Off Topic' and tease someone there. Hopefully P4 has a new topic. For whatever it's worth Kurt; I agree with you. 100%. Regardless what anyone (Freddy) may post. K, be cool.
  9. It means; rust colored right? I have an opinion on the matter, but will defer to jfreeman's opine. I mean, if Chuck Yeager told you to "dive!" your airplane, what would you do?
  10. Was this watch modified with regard to the autowind system? I.E. Rotor and associated parts removed.................what did Spin have to say on the matter?
  11. I Googled this in '03, trying to see if I were scammed by Spam, and could not believe they made a GMT II replica. I Thought about the RWG homepage and that pic for months but figured they were another 'scam review site' and the pic was of a genuine lol, look at that date mag! In '04 I joined the forum, met 'Omni' in short order, 'Eddie Lee' soon after and the rest were history........... Not my best, nor my first, but my fav;
  12. Nice! Now you can "Ride into the Danger Zone.............."
  13. Note to self; The Tampa Bay GTG is out. Great post Bob. Maybe I could have been a Scout leader. That list? Just sounds like the 'Demsey' 's on vacation. Besides, I have the official "Boy Scout Mascot" as a signature.
  14. That's a lot. I think jf had that many @ RWG original recipe by the time it went, but a lot of his were snaps of cooter in the 'Bin'. I have to admit Ken, all your posts are relevant. On the public forum. You must post all your cooter shots on the Mod's forum. 10K's worth. Where your wife can't bust you. Smart. Cheers!
  15. 1) A bump for this thread as it is the most 'new' thing to wrist watches in a while on RWG. A real nugget, and 2)since 'Avitt' opened up pandora's box with regard, some intel on the Marathon auto in the OP: Marathon Homepage <direct link to watch descriptions> <one sales site, CountyComm, sanctioned by Marathon> <direct link watches, CountyComm> <second sales site, GSA Advantage, sanctioned by Marathon> notes: By first impressions these seem to be quality pieces done to Mil spec with bracelet/strap options. I had never known them before. The CSAR chronograph (pilot's)<link> I am keen on is replete with 7750 Valjoux, but pricey ( A LOT less as advertised on GSA Advantage than CountyComm however), but worth the money considering. The SAR in 'Avitt' 's post are not described on the Marathon homepage, and sold out on the sites listed. At 25j, and an over $500 premium, ETA mvmnt would be a good guess on the SAR? They also offer a good variety of Quartz and other Auto divers'/adventures' at very low prices with fibre/resin case. 17j motors in the autos, so, what? Seagull, Miyota? K, great stuff 'Avitt', Marathon could use you and your expertise. The CSAR in DLC? Whoa.
  16. Have you checked Dave's garage? He likes to drink a bit and drive too fast. I'm just sayin'.
  17. That's awesome! But I think I'd keep a boot flask of single malt in there. Guns in desk drawers? All the safety of a magnetic conceal closure system (lol 'system')? Shiver.
  18. I agree. If a watch had been serviced by one of the members here who are famous for that type of service, and 'lume' jobs, AR etc., it would go a good measure to make the watch that much more desireable, but I wouldn't pay an added premium up to 100% of 'work' done on top of the depreciation of the stock. Perhaps a small mark up for those extras, but 'replica' watches per se`? Like Jaguar, you should expect to be completely beat up on resale. Sometimes I see mark ups on 'trades' as if the seller is expecting to break even, or on occaision make money on having made the decision to have 'mods' done. Please. It's like American muscle cars. You buy a beater '65 Mustang convertible for 4K, put 15K into it and at the end of the day you have a 8K car. You do it because it's the car you want, and money, and 'investment' is not an issue. I don't understand a lot of the deals here either. We joke around, but I do think there are a lot of compusives with addictive personalities around here. Meh, could be worse for them. A word to the wise; NEVER make money on a replica watch, unless your name is Joshua, or Andrew, or et al. If you are 'Billy' from Indiana? It doesn't matter what Mojo the sevants performed on your piece. Sell for a loss. You never really know 'who's buying'. I would never sell a replica watch. A three year old Joshua Classic Sub? You'd be ripping a member's head off asking for $20. They make nice gifts to the periphery. And noobs. Tho'.
  19. Well, as ambitious or insane as it sounds, believe me, some one, some where is doing the math. I'm not so sure this car would be a good candidate, the 'finish' should never be 4X MSRP. But yes, where to start.............a good question until T'J quoted this: So mabe we could 'start' and 'end' here? The plenum and rocker covers in gloss, the alternator and headers flat black. I would be King at the club! The orders would flood in........... <edit> I'll 'third' the Marathon watch. I'm looking into that! Fer sure.
  20. 125th Anniversary Superocean Heritage Chronograph bi-compax layout Franken. That awta keep you busy for a while.
  21. Jeez, that Milgauss. I want my car done up in DLC, how much?
  22. Congratulations, she is beautiful. This statement makes me want to drink poison.
  23. I'm in the same boat, or, on the same 'stick'. The last time I sat on a couch and pushed a 'B' button it was 1979 and the console was Intellivision from Mattel. One generation, but a giant leap from 'Pong'. I played 'Pitfall' with my little brother for twenty minutes, deemed it 'dumb', then went back upstairs to work on The Rover on my Gibson. Whatever. I have an opinion as a 'father' of a 9 and 15 year old as to "video games" (they do not own one, will ever, under my roof) but I will demure as there are a lot of intelligent and accomplished members here, whom I formed a good opinion of long before they tipped their hand as to being 'gamers'. I will just chalk it up to a generation gap. I also think the Who are wicked awesome. So. The cycle will come complete soon enough though. Not too long ago a friend living in Orlando, who wants to break into stand-up went into a shtick he is developing, paraphrased; Kids and their video games. Little round couch potato zombies that think it is OK to blow a friend's head off because there is always the 'reset' button. Life is really like that. They think. But there is an argument that the Wii game is different. It involves actual physical endeavor. Kids actually sweat playing the Tennis game. There is a baseball cartridge that will actually let you 'strike out'. You may actually feel some human emotion there. Just in for Christmas; I hear that Nintendo is offering peripherals such as artificial climate and grass stains. Somewhere along the line a child is going to errantly go outside enroute to the refridgerator, pick up a ball and bat and discover; "Holy [censored], this is sooooooo lifelike. Awesome."
  24. Yeah Tt, that's a hard sell. The deal maker is in the "Besides, if you pay up, when a dealer or member makes you mad, you can post: "That [censored]". Then; boom, Platinum. No, I keeeed! I keeeed! The kata of the love chain is long and strong. It will be legendary in the annals of the ether-net. I've peaked with regard when I got this in the mail six years ago, yeah, it's a gen; Aside my wife, no one person I know in the virtual or non-virtual has given me such a precious gift that said; "I love you man." For no reason other than; "I just wanted to". And I have yet to even look him in the eye, shake his hand, give him a man hug, then proceed to fall down drunk together in a fit of laughter. You have to save the best for last. I also want to party with my avatar and her on again, off again, BBFF. That will be second to last. It's on the way to Maui actually. So.
  25. Sony fired you. Didn't they? No, I'm just bullshitting. I agree with everything you have to say with regard to 'attrition' of Sony products. I have NO understanding or interest in 'game consoles' (I just typed some crap about having children with regard, blah, blah, blah, that's another thread, 'deleted'), but I have had many wonderful Sony electronic products, out of the box, that only let me down in short order. The 'Trinitron CRT' tops the list. I have heaved more than four into dumpsters. I do however have a Panasonic VHS and a JVC television that have outlived two dogs back to back and all the VHS tapes it recorded and monitored in 1986 and since. My Sony RDR VX500 VHS/DVD that my wife paid out her hard earned money for four years ago? The f*cker has been telling me; "DVD cannot be played or recorded" for two of them. I haven't the heart to tell her what a POS it is. Wow. My signature is hot. 'Hike' wants it. Oh yeah.
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