If you say so..but I feel you use a much to broad of a brush stroke. Not everone fits under the same catagory. Also..what may work for some may not work for another.
I always get a kick out of how some will just offer. "shave your head and be awesome like me" Will If that works for you...fine. But some like to give all they got before throwing In the towel...and yes...that Includes putting "rubbish" on there head If need be.
"The most Insecure women I know are often the most classically beautiful >--fact" OK...but are they losing there hair?..can you see there scalp due to thinning hair? That might make a difference on the whole "classically beautiful thing"
How about this...do what works for you...and let others do what works for them...yes..this Includes rubbish on the head.
Losing ones hair at a young age can be traumatizing to say the least. I feel for these young guys...I really do. No It's not the end of the world..but a mans hair can be very Important to there self Image/confidence. They dont feel that a girl really wants to run there fingers through there personality.
As far as spoting rubbish on ones head I use Toppik hair fibers http://www.toppik.com/?gclid=CM61ns_1yq0CFcZM4AodMC1UiQ I dont use much because I have just a little thinning on my crown. I have actually told people I was using It...and still they could not tell. The fibers are made from keratin (what are hair Is made from)...that binds to the hair In the most natural way.
I would hope that people would talk about there own personal experences Instead of passing judgment on others for there efforts. If shaving your head and being a awesome bad ass works for you.. fine. But whats wrong with trying some proven products and still being awesome... I mean...you can be awesome and have hair too...right?
At least a person knows that they tried to do what they could. I say thats better than looking In the mirror years later and wondering...what if?
I have spent quite a bit of time on some of the hair loss forums...I was hoping to find a way to slow down my hair loss. I know I cant stop It all together. So after doing some research I decided to take some supplements and started using shampoos that have proven to thicken ones hair while keeping the scalp healthy. The less DHT on the scalp...the better. The two shampoos that have helped my hair/scalp look/feel better/thicker are http://www.regenepure.com/ and http://www.avalonorg...m/?id=88&pid=23
Best of luck to those fighting the hair loss battle.