Well I am a huge Canon fan as well. The cameras you have listed above are GOOD "Point and Shoot" and they all have both a Macro mode and a Digital Macro mode.
Until I get a new DSLR, I have been using an older version of the cameras you are looking at. These photos were taken with a Canon SD630. http://www.rwg.cc/members/Black-and-Red-Br...g-B-t93889.html
This is as good as it gets, and it takes a lot of setup. The other problem is when the camera gets close enough to take a good macro shot, it casts a shadow or reflection of the camera in the crystal.
So, if you can live with this quality (probably better, since the SD630 is older) your original choices are not too bad.
I agree though for watch photography a DSLR or Canon G series at the minimum.