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Everything posted by ubiquitous

  1. 44mm is doable for a girl... Mrs. Ubi has been known to borrow my Panerai every now and then...
  2. 5514... Which has been my pretty steady daily wearer for a while now...
  3. Crown height on a pair of Phong cases with gen movements inside... 1665 w/ 1570: 5514 w/ 1520:
  4. Thanks for the very kind words, gang Well... Sad to say but the 6265 has moved on and the new owner is taking it a step further with some new parts I hope to see some pics of the updated piece, as I am certain it will be a knock out!
  5. I probably have a few as well... Would be no charge to send a few if in the U.S.
  6. I do indeed. I'd love to have a 29 or 63... But could make do with an 88 or 89 as well. Movement shouldn't be too difficult to do for the 29/63- I suppose they could base something on the Seagull 2892 clone? Or worse case, default to the 2836 with 24 hour wheel as they've done in the past... SOPROD module would be for the 27/28 PR models...
  7. Since we've seen some fantastic new reps from the Noob and H Factories this year, I am wondering if there's any possibility for any of the GMTs (29/63/88/89) maybe?
  8. Chronographs are okay, I guess... A few past and present...
  9. E- Hmmmm... Not entirely sure what specs/differences you are looking for, but the 5514 and 1665 are two completely different animals. The 5514 is quite a bit thinner in profile and the dial aperture is also a bit smaller; the 5512/5513/5514/5517 have a dial diameter of 26mm and the 1665/1680 have a dial diameter of 26.5mm. So, on the 1665, you see more dial, per se. I don't have my 1665 at the moment as I sent it over to a friend of mine here to check out and test drive. Once I get it back (as well as my calipers which I have out on loan to another friend of mine), I can measure and provide actual dimensions if that's what you need...
  10. Hope everyone's week is going well! 5514 for me this Thurs... Cheers! //ubi
  11. If you are in the U.S. I can look and see what I have for parts to donate to the cause. I should have some movement tabs and screws you can have; Might have a gen crown and tube as well (I need to look).
  12. Yeah, if you search hard enough and are patient, a 16523 can be had in the $6500 US range. That's not a huge jump from £3500 at current exchange rates
  13. For a 16523 Two Tone, you may be better off just buying a pre-owned gen. Pricing is usually not much more than what it would cost to build.
  14. "It turned out OK" he says.... Pffffft. Diz, it turned out GREAT! Awesome piece!
  15. Dear Valty, This is the kind of crazy we like! Crazy in the best possible way!
  16. Nice refresh! J has been a big help to many here on the forum. We're very fortunate to have a man of his talents and generosity gracing our pages!
  17. What Daytona are you wanting to build? 6263? 16520?
  18. Thanks, guys! Did I mention how much I hate doing CGs? I do them when I have to... But only when I have to.
  19. Nanuq- I think we were just sent the wrong pairing for your watch- We got a 24-530 when we needed the 24-600.
  20. Old school teachings by Ricardo... http://www.network54.com/Forum/207593/message/1207927354/OTF...some+more+useless+information
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