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Everything posted by Everythingape

  1. ..and after 14 hours the efficient norwegian coastguard (or 'the enemy' as we like to call them) picks you up... Or lets you run off with half of their crew if you're russian.
  2. Thanks, Pugwash. I have seen those Ewa Marine bags, but I dunno.. I've read both good and bad reviews, and they're said not to be any good below 3 meters.
  3. Because we already saw them http://www.rwg.cc/members/index.php?showtopic=13581&hl And there's a thread with pics somewhere. But good things stand up to repetition.
  4. Well, this is exactly what TTK means when he's talking about degradation of women! You all see them as decorations to hang a watch on. I'm setting you guys straight and turning this thread around! We want STRONG women as female ideals for our daughters. I give you Mrs Brass Balls herself; Janet Reno, sporting an IWC because she likes to be ON time! All the other women here are procrastinators and I am sure they are VERY late for appointments. And Linder told me IWC's are for girls!
  5. I'm not in Oslo too often, and since I have december off I am certainly at sea in January..
  6. Probably some mutated lifeform from all the toxic [censored] they dug out of the operahouse site. ..which they decided to move a few hundred meters out in the fjord and dump again.. BTW, Rudolf Svensen takes amazing UW photos! And Pugwash, I see you reading this, do you know if there are real underwater housings for the FZ20/FZ30?
  7. Yeah, you joined two days ago! And I wont bother about what you have done in the other forums, but this just seems silly... How fast did he reply in the other transactions? And why don't you trust him after having dealt with him so successfully in the past? You even RECOMMENDED him to your friends! It's a bit quick to cry wolf.. And the whole dealer promotion/slandering seems a bit weird these days, like something does not add up..
  8. It's pretty loud too, so people should be able to hear that bastard ticking AND tocking without the seconds had running.. I had a real issue with ticking watches before I bought the 28,800 movements.. Now I think it's a soothing sound, and it reminds me to watch 60 minutes.
  9. I've always called those "The dive timer", By-Tor. I don't know if that's the right term though. It's a 14 minute countdown on diver's watches I've seen. Here it's simply a regatta countdown function I suppose.
  10. Thanks! She's my treasure, my greatest joy in life. Awww, those are cute little girls, Nanuq And check out Sophia's little norwegian zipper!
  11. Hey, anyone would be scared of an Asian 7750 after they've read about it here on the forum! Before you can set the date on it you have to: wait for the tide to come in, make sure you've flushed your toilet, that you didn't leave your iron on and lastly hold the watch absolutely level in your hand. Then you have to set the date within 4 seconds or the watch will explode in your face. No really, I agree with the dealers on this, I'm also amazed by the people having difficulty with their date changing at noon and not midnight. 'Awww, you bought a watch for the OTHER hemisphere, mate!" BTW, I thought most/all chronos have the stationary seconds hand.. And no jokes about my attempt to slow my lemania down, please
  12. Welcome in Jonas. I've always thought most norwegians I've met online are assholes or geeks, after joining this forum I know it's true. Just kidding of course. As I am sure you have noticed, this is a great and friendly community, no question is too dumb, no answer repeated too many times.. I'm sometimes amazed by the patience the management shows. This is rep google!
  13. Thanks Nanuq, I appreciate it. My family has been spared things like this.. That makes this worse to cope with. But we'll get through it, and focus on the good still left. We've been to the site of the accident and lit 18 torches tonight, and put down some flowers, and some of his friends left little notes.. It's hard to let go.
  14. Thanks chubbchubb, we're concentrating on the good memories tonight, remembering him like I'm sure he'd want us to.
  15. This afternoon we got the sad message of a young life ended too soon.. They disconnected him from life support after finding too much damage to his brain.. My family will be poorer without him, a good kid, always smiling and helpful.. R.I.P Daniel, gone, but we'll never forget you.
  16. I am pretty sure my next PAnerai will be a PVD of sorts.. I need it for my commando raids. Hot Bed Commando!
  17. Aye, Cornerstone.. Same waves pounding it. And I am waiting for my little girl to get old enough to drag her around everywhere, with my luck she'll probably be a citygirl like her mom..
  18. Inspired by nanuq's winter warning.. My summer was short this year, as I was at sea most of it. I snapped a few pics at a family gathering in August, and looking at them now, I have decided we had a great summer this year. These photos are from one of the most weather ridden parts of Norway. (Stadthavet for the Norsks among us) It's is rarely this calm. I'll try to get out there and snap a few pics in a storm. The white house is where my father grew up, and the view off the cliffs is where the neighbours docked their boats, beats me how they did it in anything else than a dead calm. It's a 1,5 hour hike in summer, with no roads, just a sheeps path with a 5-25 meter drop into the sea on one side. This was their school road half of the year. My father told great stories about how they braved it in all sorts of weather, he once carried his little sister in 3 feet of snow. The little boathouse in the cove has been rebuilt 5 times the last 100 years, as it tends to disappear in storms. Crooked horizons on them, but wth.. Feel very free to post some pics of and tell a little story.
  19. Looks like a lot of us earn decent money... We should start a charity raffle! -cough- Anyway, since I mostly sit in a chair, surfing the net looking at watches and chatting when I am at sea, I don't really need special clothing.. But I do don the coveralls now and then when th eengines need a bit of care. Other than that it's workwear pants with a lot of pockets, and Helly Hansen shirts/underwear shirts.. Thermosuits on deck for winter. And steel toe shoes.
  20. Great post Pugwash! I still believe there should be a mandatory readings section for new guys. And good to see I have done a few right choices in my time here.. Apart from my Rolex aversion, (almost overcome by TTK's LV) I have the watches I wanted now.. I'd like to nominate the PAM 192 as a good buy.. If you can still find them. A beautiful watch, my photo does not show it enough. It's not the most accurate rep around, but not many people have seen a real one. It's a bit different chrono Panerai with shiny blue hands, and a tachymetre scale on the rehaut.
  21. Yup, we're expecting our first lowland snowflakes now, in northern norway they have 10-15cm of snow already.. I have brand spanking new studded tyres for my Cherokee, so I am hoping for a white december.
  22. Don't knock it till you tried it, Phoband.. Sometimes a simple life is much more gratifying than what most of us have now. I have a dream of growing/hunting/fishing my own meals in the future.. I don't really know why, it's just the survivalist in me I guess.. We get lazy from having everything put in front of us. I love to get away from the city, and just hang out in the mountains alone for a couple of days. I do bring a few potatoes, some chocolate and a bag of potato chips. Other than that, I eat what I catch and find. I can see how this is a strange thought for some people though, but it makes coming home a lot nicer. There's a chance the cubans are happier for it, not the lack of health care of course, but the simple life with a few less 'worries'..
  23. That's magnanimity for you! You are too nice, Andrew.
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