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Everything posted by JoJo35

  1. Ok, check this out, here's another idea: Maybe you could build up the top side of the bezel so that when the insert is in there, it would clear the lip. This would of course create another problem, the fact that the insert would be riding too high. Perhaps you could gently sand the top of the plastic insert and re polish to give the faux impression that the insert was "inserted" correctly into the bezel. Of course the insert would have to be glued to the bezel. hmm... stupid idea?
  2. Oops, sorry. I meant "inside diameter"
  3. PS: I think trying to channel a lip into the underside of the insert would be out, because after all, the plastic insert is reverse painted
  4. I think I would attempt to grind the crystal ring lower so it matches the height of the bezel. How much would be left of it? Do you think it would snap when you pressed it over the crystal? It appears the added metal has no purpose other than to hold the crystal tighter. I think if you did grind it down to the point where it would compromise the strength of it, you could always enlarge the ID so it would slip over a crystal without too much stress. Hypo glue around the bottom of the ring & edge of the crystal would certainly help to strengthen things up.
  5. Wow, home run Freddy!!! I can't wait to see the finished project. I'm sure you must be getting excited knowing how nice this one's gonna turn out! Cheers, JJ
  6. It's a Canon A620. A big step up from my old 2mp S200. I still have to get used to it, and finish reading through the book. One of the reasons I bought it is because the large sensor and optimal (IMO) 7mp. I've already got the 58mm teleconverter, a circular B&H polarized filter, and a macro lens on the way, so I should have lots of fun doing some shooting.
  7. Don't worry, she's coming
  8. Playing around with my new digital point-and-shoot, and figured what better subject than a pair of Bonds! ...Dr. No, meet Mr. Goldfinger
  9. Some interesting replies here since the last time I checked this thread. Lots wrong with this watch, but I will not elaborate since I already suggested the correct thing to do. However... The case alone is easily worth 1k E Buy it, strip all the other parts and keep them, then sell me the case for 1K and I'll put together a correct watch and still make money when I decide to sell it.
  10. As Shundi said, welcome!!! Here some classic advice for voting:
  11. Wow is right! Simply awesome... ...and you know what I like
  12. Great weekend??? We're here trying to deal with Hanna Montana (nice pics by the way)
  13. Sure.... you could have taken along your franken... ...but you were too busy sight seeing and wearing your "new" watch
  14. Freddy, The top picture is after all, more correct, as it has the bevel beneath the coin-edge
  15. I agree this is a gesture designed to make a point. A point which shows that people do care about the environment in which we live in, and who are also not afraid to take the corrective action needed. For those who may care about doing something a little longer lasting, and which will have a definite impact that can be almost immediately seen, check out this site: http://www.cleanmpg.com/forums/ After reading through some of the tips there, I was able to go from getting an average of 22mpg on the highway to almost 30mpg. The savings in fuel during that one trip was near $10. Multiply that by the lifetime of the vehicle, and the savings in fuel costs is significant.
  16. Two solutions to your problem: #1: Quick and easy, just bring it to an RSC and get a documented response. #2: Stick around here, VRF, TZ, and host of other sites to build your knowledge for the next couple years. That way you'll be able to make some better and more educated choices, and even then, you would still need to bring the watch to RSC for verification.
  17. Thanks for the link Ubi. This is a necessary part combo for anyone who's serious about building a good 16610. I'd buy it if I didn't already have one
  18. WOW!!! Congrats! Both are spectacular. Would you mind telling us what has been done? Cheers, JJ
  19. This thread has been up a while Time for some recent pics... Originally a wrist shot, but vintage nonetheless
  20. How could I forget? PS: On our walk along the esplanade up toward South Street, we found a guy with a briefcase selling watches. OMG, those were worse than the ones we saw on Canal St!
  21. Today was unofficially the end of summer here is the US, and I hope everyone had a safe and happy one. Although summer's over, I look forward to the cooler weather and the upcoming holidays during the winter. As a last summer day outing, my gf and I decided to take a train ride into the city to walk through Battery Park and to take a visit up to South Street Seaport to check out the waterfall under the Brooklyn Bridge. While snapping away some pictures today, I took the opportunity to take a couple of wristshots of my beautiful 5512. I'd love to see some end of summer wristshots (or beginning of summer, if you're down under!) Here's a shot from where we sat for lunch at the seaport: And of course one with Roebling's masterpiece in the background:
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